In einem Live-Interview, das – laut Musk – die Aufmerksamkeit von einer Milliarde Zuhörer auf sich zog (am Ende des Interviews waren ca. 80 Millionen online), diskutierten Elon Musk und Donald Trump über den Zustand Amerikas und berührten dabei Themen von Zensur über Grenzsicherheit, die Nordstream-Sprengung und politische Rechtspflege bis hin zum versuchten Attentat auf Trump.
Die USA am Scheideweg
Das Interview wurde aus dem Trump-Lager als „Interview des Jahrhundrts“ bezeichnet.
Aus deutscher Sicht war interessant, dass Trump zugab, daß die USA aus Geldgier darauf bestanden, Deutschland an Stelle Russlands selbst mit Energie zu versorgen, weswegen Deutschland Nordstream stillzulegen habe.
Doch es begann damit, dass Elon Musk auf einen massiven DDoS-Angriff hinwies, der die Live-Übertragung störte und sie weit über die geplante Ausstrahlung um 20 Uhr hinaus verzögerte.
Musk sagte, dies sei ein klares Zeichen für den starken Widerstand dagegen, Präsident Trumps Stimme zu Gehör zu bringen.
„Dieser massive [DDOS-]Angriff zeigt, dass es viel Widerstand dagegen gibt, dass die Leute einfach nur hören, was Präsident Trump zu sagen hat.“
Die EU missachtet ihre eigenen Regeln:
Im Vorfeld des Interviews kam es außerdem zu einer bizarren Szene aus der EU. Ausgerechnet die EU, die permanent argumentiert, man müsse Wahlkämpfe vor Einflüssen von außen schützen mischte sich in den Wahlkampf der USA ein, indem die EU – einseitig bei Trump und Musk und nicht bei dem offenkundig längst geistig weggetretenen Biden und der Kommunistin Harris – im Vorfeld(!) des Interviews den Verdacht verbreitete, dass die beiden „Desinformtion“ verbreiten könnten.
Zu diesem Zweck instrumentalisierte der Mann aus Frankreich in einem Droh-Schreiben das rassistische Abschlachten dreier kleiner weißer Mädchen in England durch einen Nichtweißen in Southampton.
Damit bläst sich ein Franzose – im diametralen Gegensatz zu den selbst aufgestellten Regeln – dazu auf, darüber zu bestimmen, welche Tatsachen man in der EU hören darf und welche nicht und verbreitet in diesem Zusammenhang bereitsim Vorfeld Angst und Schrecken
Doch dieser, an Größenwahn erinnernde Schritt war inerhalb der Kommission gar nicht abgestimmt, war also ein Alleingang des Franzosen.
„Ich denke, es ist offensichtlich, dass Sie an die freie Meinungsäußerung glauben und sich dafür einsetzen.“
„Weil Sie während Ihrer ersten Amtszeit als Präsident jeden Tag unerbittlich angegriffen wurden, oft sehr unfair mit falschen Angriffen. Und Sie haben nicht versucht, die Medien zum Schweigen zu bringen. Sie haben nicht versucht, ihre Meinungsfreiheit einzuschränken. Und ich denke, das sagt viel aus.“
Dieses virale Gespräch, das in nur vier Stunden über unmittelbare 79 Millionen Aufrufe verzeichnete, kann auf Donald Trumps Seite als Wiederholung angehört werden.
Das Interview
Das Interview findet man hier auf Twitter und hier auf Youtube:
Das Transkript
it’s taking them a while to realize that we don’t do that in this country but in their own country if they stood on a
street and had a fight with a police officer they would be shot there’s no political correctness and it’s such a
sad it’s such a sad thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime by away because we don’t do anything about it
yeah we we just cannot have a situation where our police officers beaten up on camera uh by you know gang of illegal
immigrants and then nothing happens to to to the guys that beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re let out this is
unacceptable we’re gonna change it and we’re gonna get them out of the country you know when I first got involved they
said you couldn’t get them back to these countries you couldn’t take them back in the case of uh Guatemala Honduras El
Salvador some others you couldn’t get him back and I said really oh you can’t get it back because under uh Obama he
couldn’t get him back they‘ put up they’d fly them in and they‘ put planes on the runways in these countries so you couldn’t land the plane they’d bring
them back and the general told me the generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back the countries won’t accept
MS13 gang members they won’t accept them and I said really how much do we pay these various countries in terms of
economic aid which is also somewhat ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said good tell them they’re in
default they’re delinquent we’re not going to do we’re not paying them anymore because they won’t
and you know what happened they all called me every one of them they said we would be honored to take them back sir
we would be honored it was so easy but it’s one of those things and we got it back we took in so many you know MS13 is
probably the worst gangs in the world they’re the most vicious violent we took them out of here by the thousands and
got them out of here and their countries took them back and because I said you’re not getting any more economic aid and
once I said that they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama wouldn’t take them back for anybody and
now we have a problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take them back anymore with the Biden because
they don’t respect him yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s got to be done we we just
can’t can’t have uh whether they’re citizens or not citizens we can’t have because they
weren’t Pro prosecut citizens either not not just not just legals so uh that if
it’s you can’t have violent you repeat violent offenders that are not that that
that don’t get um incarcerated that’s right because they will they will obviously by definition continue to uh
to to uh you know hurt people and and and I I think where part of this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I
do sort of consider myself liberal in some ways I mean I it’s just that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to have empathy for
people I totally agree with that you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the victims of the
criminals and if you if you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s actually shallow empathy it’s not real
you’re not thinking you’re not you’re you have one layer deep uh empathy you got to say like what if you don’t
incarcerate this person who are they going to uh hurt where they might kill
someone they might rap rape someone if if you don’t incarcerate them you have to have empathy for the victims and
there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and and too much empathy for the criminals it
doesn’t make sense I that’s right you want to have deep empathy for society as a whole not shallow empathy for for
criminals and we have to give our police officers the dignity and the respect that they deserve and we have to let
them do their job that they can do a great job but we have to let them do their job and if we don’t do that we you
know it’s it’s going to all it’s going to all disappear there’s never been a society like this where you’re allowed
to do anything you want and nothing happens and I’m talking about violent crime and it’s going to get more violent
because these are really really violent people and we’re going to get them out of our country and we’re going to get
them back to where because they were sent here by the presidents and by the various people that run those countries
and I know every one of those guys and they’re smart people and they’re StreetWise people and they really think
that the USA is stupid they think we’re run by stupid people and they happen to be right but when I was there we had no
problem we got them out we took out thousands of ms3 gang members we brought them back and now again they it’s the
same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big increase in a they they raised it up to billions of
dollars and they get nothing for it so you know it’s it’s uh I hope everybody’s
gonna vote for Trump and we’re gonna get this country straight and I didn’t need this I’m like you I didn’t need this I
had a very nice life I didn’t need to to go through court systems and go through all the other stuff and run at the same
time I have to run I have to go through fake trials with in some cases corrupt
judges totally corrupt judges I didn’t e it I had a nice life I have great locations I have beautiful oceans that I
have places you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do
if I had to do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over
again I would have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re going
to save this country this country is going down and these people are bad people that
were running against and they’re Liars they make statements they they they do things that are so bad they they say
they’re going to make a strong border they say they’ve been great on the border and they’ve been the worst in history they say they’re G stop fact
speak for themselves Inc speak for themselves like it’s got G the point where where people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of C
because they know nothing that’s going to happen um you know that’s what I hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just uh you
know my values I’m just saying to to people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve got to have safe
cities we got to have secure borders we got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got to have de you know
deregulation and um so we can have a prosperous future and then we want to have some exciting you know sort of
moonshot projects that that people get get fired up about and um you know that’s that’s the future I’m looking for
and um you know I’m Pro environment um but but I’m I’m not against uh you know
I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because they’re they’re keeping civilization going right now and uh but I do think we
want to move you know you know a reasonable speed towards uh a sustainable energy economy those those
are my values and and and I think um you know and and and so I mean that’s uh why
I’m supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re going to make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs and again it’s about the American
dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the American dream in the truest sense
but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re G to hear about it people they need that incentive to go
out and Yeah and do it and they they’re going to love their lives I mean they’re going to love they’re going to look forward to getting up in the morning and
going to you know going to a job that they love not a job that they can’t stand or not any job at all where they
have no money where they literally have no money and then they end up with violence and lots of other problems no
we’re GNA do we’re g to do some great things and I learned a lot in the first we had a great economy and all of that
we rebuilt the military did so much but I also learned and I also learned the best people I learned the good people
the the smart people the dumb people the people that can do things that people you know you learn when I first came in
I I tell people I was in Washington DC only 17 times according to the fake news
media I was in 17 times I never stayed over and you don’t know people you rely
on other people to give your names and then you realized the people you relied on weren’t so good now we had great
people but we also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I known now I know everybody and I think
we’re going to uh we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no choice otherwise we’re not going to have
a country and I really appreciate this has been to me it’s been a lot of fun being with you you’re an amazing guy
you’ve done an incredible job and a great inspiration to people a great inspiration and I hope you keep going
and just uh continue to do well and we’re gonna have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will be the
most important day in the history of our country I think that election will be the most important election and I think
it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the the history of our country because if we don’t win I just
feel so sorry for everybody no we’re I think we’re at at a FK in the road of Destiny of of
civilization and um and I think we need to take the the the right path and and I
think uh you’re the right path so I think that’s what it comes down to thank you very much Elon it’s a great honor
and we’ll we’ll do it again sometime and uh it’s been really fun and I hope you got a lot of viewers I hear our our
country is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San
Francisco liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if
that’s possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a wall I you know
he wants to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came
out today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your
business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tunnel but everything is obsolete even your rocket
ships there like a month later they’re obsolete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall
and a wheel and the wall you I built hundreds of miles of wall and that’s why
we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up in three weeks
and they sold it for five cents on the dollar that meant I said wow that means that they actually do want to have open
borders she wants to have open borders and now she’s going like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah
this is simply not true this is simply not true everybody knows it’s true it’s a disgrace that you can say it no I mean
obviously what what’s happening sort of overnight is they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh kamla sound
like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered more liberal
by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a radical for Middle inome people not only
businesses but we did it for businesses because they’re the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were
set to really start reducing debt and you know we we’re sitting on the the
biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Russia and we were going to
drill and we were going to make so much money we were going to supply Europe with oil had stopped the Russian
Pipeline and we were going to supply them with oil and gas we were going to we were going to make a fortune and then
uh the covid came in and we had to we really had to divert then what happened
is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if I didn’t do what we did we would have had a 1929
type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got trillions of
dollars and just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad period perod
where it was everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period
interestingly uh you know during his administration many more people died
during his administration of covid than during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t
realize more people died during his administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the and you know that probably better than anybody so many of
your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during
the Trump years and and also said that uh African-American uh Hispanic American
were so incredible they were having the best Asian-American women men young
people without a diploma young people that graduated from the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School
from all of the great colleges Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma were doing better and
everybody was was happy and then CID came and we had a we had the problem is they spent trillions and trillions of
dollars they wasted they shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having inflation right now which is
killing our country yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean I should probably say something about like you know maybe
maybe my views on you know climate change and oil and gas um because uh I
think probably different from what most people would assume um because I my My
Views are actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t think we should vilify the oil
and gas industry and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide the necessary
energy to to support the economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now we would all be starving and
the economy would collapse uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas industry
um and and I and I you know and the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better if
the United States provides that than than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with
prosperity in the US um and at at the same time obviously my view is is like we do over time want to move to um a
sustainable energy economy because eventually you do run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there
it’s not infinite um and there is there is some risk I think it’s not the risk
is not as as high as uh you know a lot of people say it is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if
you just keep increasing the poost million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets
uncomfortable to uh to breathe people don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand Poss
million of of CO2 uh you start getting headaches and na um and so we’re we’re
now in the sort of 400 range we’re adding I think about roughly two part per million per year so
I mean still gives us so what it means like we still have quite a bit of time
um but but so there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and we don’t need to like you know stop Farmers from farming
or you know uh prevent people from having staks or right basic stuff like
that like like leave the farmers alone I agree how crazy is that where I mean you have Farmers that are not allowed to
farm anymore and have to get rid of their cattle and the whole the whole world is a little crazy but it’s largely
taken its lead from us I I do say though I’ve heard in terms of the fossil fuel
because even to uh create your electric car and create the electricity needed
for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the generating plants and you know so you
sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be able to but I do hear we have anywhere from
100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but there are tremendous like anoir I got
anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got
it approved the first thing that Biden did was unimproved it to get rid of it
he uh ended it his uh his secretary went in and she ended it and what a what a
disgrace that’s andw that’s bigger or they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger
than Saudi Arabia but they went in and they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it big
for Alaska I mean you talk about economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say
bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same size and pure really good stuff and you
know they end it so I think we have you know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that
during that will come around that will be very good yeah well I mean my myate would be you
know a little more aggressive than that but it’s it’s not the sort of like we’re all going to die in five years stuff
that that’s obviously BS um but I me my view is like if you just look at sort of
the post million uh that increments every year you know you get sort of two or three post million every year of of
CO2 u i mean my I I think some of that it’s problematic if it accelerates if
you start going from two or three to say five and then there may be some situations where uh you get to just a
step change increase in the CO2 um and and I think we don’t we don’t only get
too close to a thousand PPM because like that’s that’s actually makes it uncomfortable to to to to bre like just
existing in a th PPM CO2 is is uncomforable that’s that’s like a that’s
considered like an industrial Hazard right just so so it’s you know that
that’s that’s actually you start getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not comfortable to so you don’t want to get
too close to that but I mean I think we’ve got I think we want to just move over like and if if I don’t know 50 to
100 years from now we’re um we’re we’re I don’t know mostly sustainable I think
that’ll probably be okay um so it’s it’s it’s not like the the house is on on fire immediately but it I think it is
something we we need to to move towards and on you know on balance it’s probably
better to move there faster than slower but but like like I said without
vilifying the oil and gas industry uh and and and without causing hardship in
the short term I think this can be done um with without you know people can
still have you know a stake and they can still drive gasoline cars and they you
know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s not I don’t think we should valify people for it but I think we should just
just generally lean in the direction of of sustainability um and uh I I actually
think solar is is going to be a majority of of Earth’s energy generation uh in
the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and so you get the solar power um combine that with with with
batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night and uh and then you use that to charge the electric cars
and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you know that that’s what Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress
progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we we we like we don’t believe that environmentalism that
caring about the environment should should mean that you have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are beautiful that they drive well if
they’re fast they’re you know sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I mean the sexy joke Model S
model 3 Model X and Y spells out sexy was probably most expensive joke out there um but you know I just I don’t
know I like cheesy you know so um and but but I’m I’m I I’m a big fan of like
let’s have an inspiring future and let’s uh let’s work towards you know a better
future and and and we can do so without demonizing people right I’m I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh you use
the word global warming and today they use the word climate change because you know you have some places that go up and
so they were getting themselves in a little trouble with the the word global warming because not every place is warming some places are going the
opposite direction but uh you know I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the
roofs of your cars and on the trunks of the cars and it just seems like something that at some point you will
come up with I’m sure you’ll be the first but it would seem that a solar panel on on the roofs you know on flat
surfaces on certain surfaces might be good yeah at least in certain areas of the country where you have the or the
world where you have the Sun but I would I would think and I have no idea because that’s not my world but I would think
that this would be something that would be interesting but you know the one thing that I don’t understand is that
people talk about global warming or they talk about climate change but they never talk about nuclear warming and to me
that’s an immediate problem because you have as I said five countries we have major nuclear and and you know probably
some others are getting there and that’s very dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you
just you don’t want to have this proliferation but you have five countries and getting more you know
China is much less than us right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner than people think they’re way lower
Russia and us are number one and I we’re sort of tied and China is far behind but
they’re developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very fast it’s gonna they’ll end up catching
up maybe even surpassing but to me the biggest problem is not uh climate change
it’s not and and everything’s you know a problem but it’s degrees to me the big problem is the nuclear power the power
of nuclear is so great and when I talk about I’ll prevent World I’ll prevent
World War I uh I will but but the truth is that you have to because this is no
longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other this is yeah a level of Destruction and power that
nobody’s ever seen before yeah and actually there’s there’s the bad side of nuclear which is a
nuclear war very bad side but there’s there’s also I think um nuclear electricity generation is underrated
right um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um nuclear electricity Generation Um but
but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s it’s just a huge misunderstanding um and
uh if you look at the injuries and desk you know cused by say I mean I’m not going to try to pick on call mining but
just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s certain number of injuries
and deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better so it’s it’s underrated as a as
an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done
um so that you know maybe they’ll have to change the name the name is just it’s a rough name there are some areas like
like when you see what happened bad have to Rebrand it we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll name it after you or
something you know um no it has hey it has a branding problem you know when you see what happened it does have a
branding problem when you see what happened in Japan where they say you won’t be able to go on the land for
about 3,000 years did you ever see that and in Russia where they had the problem where they you know the there’s a lot of
bad things happened and they have a problem and they say that in 2,000 years people will start to occupy the land
again you know you realize it’s pretty bad but there’s you’re right it’s actually not that bad so so
like after Fukushima happened in Japan like people were asking me in California
you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no that’s crazy it’s it’s actually it’s not even dangerous in Fukushima I
actually flew there and and and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it um and and and I donated a a a solar
water treatment yeah solar power system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but you haven’t been feeling so well
lately and I’m worried about it no no but I mean I’m only it’s fine you know it’s like uh you know Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were bombed but now they’re they’re like full cities again so it’s really not something that you
know it’s it’s not as scary as people think basically but um let’s see I mean
I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like lawfare I think you know we need to be
concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we just won the big case in Florida this
was a Biden admin rtion did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their political opponent me with this nonsense uh and just nonsense in the big case in Florida
we won but they’ve always they always pick a judge and a jury and they use
local Das they use the local U attorney generals like fonnie you know fonnie
spelled fa and ion and it’s it’s all a big hoax and it’s all run from there
like in Manhattan uh the one of the top people from the justice department went
in Ran Manhattan ran the state the Leticia James deal was run by a person
from the Department of Justice Biden they’ve never done this before and they set up a very bad precedent it it’s it’s
called lawfare Warfare it’s uh it’s a terrible thing and never happened in our
country it does happen in banana republics and third world countries but it’s never happened and the incredible
thing is it actually drove my numbers up because people see you know fortunately I have a platform like you or you know
in all fairness like a conversation like this where I can talk about it and people understand I mean you you fight
for election integrity and you end up getting indicted because you’re fighting for election integrity and when the day
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they when after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him the guy
could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks good uh
you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s it’s
ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs about
three ounces it’s meant for children and old people to lift and he can’t lift it
the whole thing is crazy well he clearly not I mean it’s clearly like we just don’t have a president right you don’t have a president and she’s gonna be
worse than him because she is a San Francisco liberal who destroyed San
Francisco and then as attorney general she destroyed California you talk about location and we’re talking about the sun
and the water and all there’s nothing better than California she has destroyed that she was the original Za she was the
original in San Francisco she was the original attorney general in California what she has done to California is well
you know better than I do you just left California for a lot of those reasons and what she’s done with with crime with
with cashless baale where you kill somebody I mean we have States now you kill somebody and they let you out right
away I mean you you don’t have to even put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San Francisco
liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s
possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a wall I you know she wants
to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came out
today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your
business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tunnels but everything is obsolete even your rocket
ships there like a month later they’re obsolete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall
and a wheel and the wall you know I built hundreds of miles of wall and
that’s why we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up
in three weeks and they sold it for five cents on the dollar that I said wow that
means that they actually do want to have open borders she wants to have open borders and now she’s going like she’s
tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah this is simply not true this is simply not true everybody knows it’s
it’s a disgrace that she can say it no I mean obviously what what’s happening
sort of overnight is they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh
kamla sound like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered
more liberal by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a radical left lunatic and if
she’s going to be our president very quickly you’re not gonna have a country anymore and she’ll go
back to all of the things that she believes in she believes in defunding the police she believes in no fracking
zero you no now all of a sudden she’s saying no I I will I really want to see
fracking the day the if they got in the day she got in she’ll end fracking and
by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics that that really believe in that uh they won’t vote for it you know
um like like the Palestinians and Israel she is so anti-israel and she’s bad for
both Biden actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know both sides that was a hard thing to
do unification yeah no no I mean I mean the
you know Netanyahu came to give a a talk to a joint Senate and House uh sitting
and I was there and and and commed him up you know what does that say I think
it’s highly disrespectful and I say if you’re a Jewish person or if you believe
in Israel if you’re a a person that you know is a very pro Israel if you vote
for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined and you
see tonight I mean as we’re doing this I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or tomorrow
from hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets you know they’re Iron Dome as they call it as we all call it but their
Shield that they build uh that can be uh swamped we’ll use the term that’s
appropriate swamp but they swamp it by shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough
missiles they can’t defend themselves you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
think they’re looking to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these
people and I’m telling you you’ll be worse than him because she’s a believer in being radical left and he
wasn’t important for the for the public that maybe listening to this to say to look at K’s track record you know uh
before the last like month and say uh is that a track Rec could you agree with um
and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree with it um because it is her behavior has been
far-left and we’re seeing just an overnight propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it sound like H is
moderate when she in fact is is not moderate well her uh her running mate uh
approved signed into legislation tampons in boys bathrooms okay now that’s all I
have to hear tampons in boys bathrooms and that means she believes in that too
I mean picked this guy he was the closest to a lot of people thought she’d pick
sort of the opposite but she picked an anti-israel radical left person but she
is far worse they say than Bernie Sanders if we have her as a president if
we have a Democrat at this moment as a president I don’t think our country can survive I I think it’s I think it’s a
massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a kamla Administration and that’s my honest
opinion um and uh and I I think uh I think really it’s essential that that uh
you win for the good of the country uh this election and I mean that’s I’m just stating my opinion um now you know you
may have seen this but I I got a letter from the the the EU commission like
saying you know to not have disinformation on the like during this discussion that we’re having like and
you know there’s like there’s there’s a lot of attempts to do censorship and to force censorship even on Americans uh
from other countries and um you know what do you think about that well I know
the uh European Union very well they take great advantage of the United
States in trade as you know we uh through a different Forum NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of $250 billion
which people don’t know it sounds so nice to European Union but let me tell you they’re they’re uh not as tough as
China but they’re bad and I let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat our
country well we defend them you know uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250 billion
and they’re in for about 71 billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nations that you know in
terms of an economy it’s about the same size wouldn’t you say as us and they’re and and and they’re in much greater risk
they they’re right there we have an ocean separating us from in this case
the enemy would be Russia used to be for the Soviet Union but let’s assume they’re close enough and what happens is
uh they’re in for 70 something million I I think I think even less than that
billion and we’re in for about 250 billion and it could be a
lot higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why aren’t they paying what we’re paying and
they’re in much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact that you know they’re right near there I mean they’re
all sort of in that location we’re not but they should they should and I did it with NATO we were there were only seven
countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the time and the United States
was sub the United States was subsidizing NATO tremendously subsidizing NATO and I said I went in
and I said you got to pay up if you don’t pay up we’re not going to defend you any longer I took a lot of heat but you know what happened billions and
billions of dollars came flowing in and yeah I think I think a lot of the public
isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a disproportionate share of of the NATO expenses and then
we get taken advantage you have on trade so think about it yeah well I mean the point of NATO is defending Europe and
it’s uh you know it’s like then okay well why why is the United States paying
disproportionately more to defend Europe than Europe that doesn’t make sense that’s unfair um and that that is an
appropriate thing to address well you know when you talk about cost cutting and savings and everything else I mean
honestly look there’s nobody that feels worse about the Ukraine situation than I do because I know it would have never
happened I know zalinski he was very honorable to me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said I had
a phone call with him he said it was a perfect phone call it was a great phone call he could have grandstand it and you
know said oh he he was very threatening he said no it was a very nice phone call I called him up to congratulate him on
his win and you end up getting impeached because these people are lunatics you
know I was talking about the difference from the people within and the enemies on the outside in many cases the people
from within are more dangerous for our country than the Russians and the chin
if you have a smart president you’re not going to have a problem with them you’re going to make you’re gonna do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us
incredibly but you’re gonna do things with the right person yeah well I I I think I think
it’s obvious that you’re you’re you’re a believer in an advocate of of free speech because during your first time as
president you were attacked relentlessly every day often very unfairly with f you know with with false attacks and and you
didn’t try to shut down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I think that’s his lot
well the good thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can
get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great
conversation right now Camala wouldn’t have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a
smart person by the way she can’t have this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he
couldn’t have this conversation he he would have given up in the first half of a question he would have walked out he
would have said where am I where am I going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people
would have this conversation but you know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have
a conversation and I’m able to get it out without because I get treated a
really big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah nice is and you can’t have a conversation with b or
Kamal it’s like not it’s not possible so is like talking to an NPC so
it’s just impossible but think of it we need a man or person who’s unbelievably
sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along with all
the you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really like me and I got along
with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said all do you think you really let me tell you I saw
things that you don’t want to know about he is the boss but we had a good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh
Biden he considers him a stupid man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this
country you’re not sort of allowed to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say it it’s true but we need
really we need smart people and we need people that have an ability to lead and
she doesn’t have that ability can you imagine now you know chairman she very well can you imagine her and him
negotiating or standing together it it is the whole concept is ridic she is terrible she’s
terrible but she’s getting a free ride I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today she looks like the most beautiful
actress ever to live I it was a drawing and uh actually she looked very much
like a great first lady Melania she looked she didn’t look yeah she didn’t
look like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that right yeah well you know maybe like I
think part of what you know people in America want to you know people in America want want to feel excited and
inspired about the future want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past and that this that America’s going to do things that are
greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights that make you proud to be an American and uh and excited about
the future um they want the americ dream back you know they want the American
dream back more important than anything else it’s it’s like you don’t have that
today because the people they’ve been just sucked they see incompetent people running our you know the the Biden thing
is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent and when I debated him I was like is this for real it was
yeah it was just absurd um but I you know I think there there are like you know some some you know Grand projects
that that that we we could do I mean I think like you know we could we could build a base on the moon we could send
American as Lords to Mars we we could uh build build highspeed connections that
are you know more advanced than anything else in the world between our cities so people have fast transport um you know
it’s possible to solve traffic with tunnels we we you know we already made pro great progress in Vegas doing that
and um you know and and and just do things that are exciting and inspiring to make the future feel like it’s better
than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell you it was amazing I I got to see I took a big Glimpse at it
and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and you could do that all over you could do that all over it’s
uh it’s deep yeah you don’t even need much structure you know assuming you’re in the right area no it’s it’s
straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some some things that like like China’s got
incredible highspeed Rail between its cities but I think it’s actually possible um with with with tunnels if if
with deregulation with with an ability to actually where like legal to to
actually do the tunnels they you could have high-speed tunnels that are actually better uh than than than
anything else in the world for highspeed transport between cities and that would be something that you know Americans can
say wow okay we’ve got something that’s cooler than anyone else in the world that’s that’s kind of thing that makes
you proud to be and much safer than surface uh trains where there is a danger there you know with people with
crazy people it’s much safer much better and you know it’s sad because I’ve seen
some of the greatest FRS I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the systems and how they work and the bullet trains
they call them I guess and they they go unbelievably fast unbelievably
comfortable with no problems and we don’t have anything like that in this country not even close and yeah does it
make sense that we don’t does it make sense yeah I I think also like there’s I
just I’m kind of hopping on the excess regulation but I think something that um
that I think people can generally understand is that what happens with laws and regulations is that they just there’s more and more of them every year
and unless there’s a process to clean them up eventually everything becomes illegal and I think um nuclear
electricity generation is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um nuclear
electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electric generation it’s it’s just a
huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know caused by say I mean I’m not try to pick
on call mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a certain number of injuries and deaths
per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better um so it’s it’s underrated as a as an
electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done actually it’s a fine
group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I was pushing them really hard for regenerant for so
many different things that that were really pretty amazing but but the FDA takes too long they would it’s 12 years
to get a product approved I got it down to four and I got some things done very quickly but it’s uh it’s really
something that is going to have to be worked on because it takes too long just takes too long yeah it it just takes too
long and it’s you you end up in the same with with the approval but just it’s just you know it takes years instead of
something that that I think could potentially take months that impr improves people’s lives I think you know
and and but but it I I just wanted to hop on this point that like there has to be an active process uh for reducing
rules and regulations because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening of the arteries and eventually everything’s
illegal uh or takes forever um and and then and then we we we just um we just
aify as a society we just uh we can’t make any progress and and that’s it’s a
really big deal you know getting back to the FDA for one second I got something done called right to try this is where
you can go in and if you’re terminally ill you can use a Space Age uh you know
medicine or whatever it may be we have the best doctors the best labs in the world we really do and but people would
go to other countries because you couldn’t use this the product even if they thought it worked because going
through the FDA I got it approved where you can you you basically look nobody
want the doctors didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it our country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally
ill the insurance companies didn’t want it and the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a
room and we came up with an agreement that you won’t get sued and also they
didn’t want it on their record if somebody’s terminally ill and they die after taking a drug they didn’t want that on their record so we set a second
a sep list if somebody was so it wouldn’t count as a negative okay and as you know we got it done we have saved
right to try they’ve been trying to get this done for 58 years and it sounds
simple but it wasn’t because you know I mean you know the insurance companies nobody wanted it but we got it done
somebody signs you signed a document that you’re not going to sue the insurance companies the country you’re
not going to sue anybody and we got it done and we’re saving tens of thousands of lives right to try hopefully never
need it but if you do you don’t have to travel to Asia you know people if they had money they go to Asia they go to
Europe if they don’t have money they go home and die that’s what happened they go home and die yeah well well I mean
and actually to to give you some some props here it’s like if a drug isn’t approved approved in the in in Europe
which has a crazy amount of regulations it should obviously be approved in the US I mean they got more regulations than
we do so what why would a drug be approved in Europe and not in the US that that’s crazy well we did it we did
something that really they’ve been trying to do it for 50 years and they just couldn’t get it done and I got it done and it’s uh it’s really something
but you’re right some people go to Europe because a drug isn’t approved here but it’s approved in Europe and
it’s a drug that generally speaking would work it’s pretty crazy absolutely you’re right and I I think so as long as
people are properly informed of the pros and cons and like these the risk the you know those are the risk and like you
make your own decision um that that makes sense well I think just you know in closing up and by the way I’m looking
at the numbers you got a lot of people listening I hope you don’t get nervous because you got a lot of people
listening to you right now like 60 million or something what is that number it’s crazy it’s amazing how you can see
that right away how many what is the number wow what is
it well I think in ter that’s a big that’s bigger than you said you you said
25 and you’re more than much more than double that number 25 million I think you’re going to be 60 or 70 and I guess
over a period of time hey that’s I congratulate you do I get paid for this or not
but well I I think actually in terms of the number of people that will will hear this conversation um over the next uh
you know few days to weeks uh it it’s going to be hundred that’s what they say yeah that’s good well look it’s an honor
I but I I just asked this are you better off now or were you better off when I
was President nobody’s better off now people you know we put out polls on that and nobody’s better off now inflation
has killed it and you know they also feel very unsafe you look at what’s going on with a lot of different things
you look at the riots we had at the colleges over I mean it’s ridiculous but right all of the riots they just feel
unsafe and now they really feel unsafe because you have a new form of crime it’s called migrant crime I call it
Biden migrant crime Maybe Cala my great crime but you know I mean
with all these things I always try to like try to get to the ground Truth by just asking people and you know my my mom lives in New York and I I was like
you know Mom you know do you know have any of your friends you know been attacked or assaulted and she said yeah
three of her friends in three separate incidents were assaulted just just just in recent months just walking around the
streets in New York and and I and and I said well did what what happened to the people thata them oh nothing they they
got away like and and they they just know away nothing’s and they don’t even
they don’t even bother reporting it because there’s not they know that there’s not they’re not gonna you know
people are not going to get prosecuted they just they just let you know violent criminals out in New York the only one
that gets prosecuted is Donald Trump they don’t get they prosecute Trump yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s just obviously
messed up terrible if violent criminals are being are being getting off scar fre um and and and meanwhile that the you
know New York spending massive resources Prosecuting you and it’s like what’s this you know and and I think the sort
of sensible public said looks at this and said what the heck’s going on here this is obviously abuse the legal system
um you know the the legal system is supposed to be protecting the public from um violent criminals and it it
should be obviously allowing the public to make their own decision about who should be president as opposed to you
know some uh you know legal case once they start this precedent because this
can go on with the next one I mean this is a very bad precedent what they’re doing in terms of you know going after
their political opponent and that’s all it is it’s going after their political opponent and and then you get a judge
who’s you know a strong Democrat and I’m being nice when I say that in many cases crooked as hell but you get a judge and
you go into an area where a republican gets three or four perc of the vote and you know you’ll have a jury pool with uh
people that hate Republicans or hate it could also be the other way though because it could start the other way in
areas where they hate Democrats and you get into a Pandora’s Box it’s a very dangerous thing for this country and a
very dangerous thing even for the state New York City is Los New York city and state lose a lot of business over what
they did to me because these people say we don’t want that to happen to us that’s no justice system you have an unfair system of justice and it’s
costing New York State a tremendous amount of money people are leaving and companies are leaving and they won’t
come back so you know all of that stuff is important but the economy now is the big thing and we can turn that economy
up so fast and people are going to be back again we’re gonna get rid of infl I think there’s lot a lot of opportunity
absolutely absolutely so and I just want I want to congratulate you you’ve done an amazing job you are you have
definitely got a fertile mind you know we can talk you and I can talk about Rockets of you to say thank you well
tunnels we can talk about tunnels and Rockets and and uh electric cars so many
things and now you’re you’re into the AI and that’s going to be another Beauty I’ll say so it’s h yeah it’s an amazing
it’s an amazing thing you’ve done Elon it’s an amazing thing and I congratulate you I mean thank you and well I mean I
just to say here you know here’s to an exciting inspiring future that people can look forward to and be optimistic
and excited about what happens next and that’s the kind of future that I think you will bring as president and that’s
why I endorse you well I appreciate that that endorsement meant a lot to me not all endorsements mean that much to be
honest your endorsement meant a lot and you know we have a a phrase make America great again it’s pretty simple but it
really says that we want to make America great again and we can do it we can do it now but if we were going to suffer
another four years like we‘ suffered for the last four years I’m not sure the country can ever come back that’s how
bad it is it’s so bad we have to we have to do a lot I think that’s a very real risk it’s a big risk it’s a very real
risk and you know I just like to to note to people listening like I I’ve not been
very political before and and if just if you look at my track my record it’s I’ve actually been I’m I’m I’m not like since
they try to paint me as like a far right guy which is absurd because I’m like making electric vehicles and you know solar and B helping with the environment
and uh and and I actually I I uh you know I I supported Obama I stood in line
for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when when he was running for president and you know so it’s not like I’m like some
sort of died in the wo long-term Republican I’m actually I call myself uh
you know historically a moderate Dem Democrat and but now I feel like we’re really at at a critical juncture for the
country um and uh you know I think a lot of people thought you know that Biden
Administration would be a moderate Administration but it’s not and and obviously we were just going to
see um and even further left uh Administration with withla that’s that’s
my honest opinion I mean her dad is literally I mean she was brought up as a as an actual her dad is as is a Marxist
Economist that’s you can Google it I mean it’s not a we’re not making this up you know um that’s how she was brought
up so and and we we we just we want to have a future that is prosperous and and
I I think we’re just at this critical juncture and um and it I think this is a
case of the America uh is is going to add a folk in the road and true um and I
think it will take it will take if the path like you are the path to prosperity
and I think Kamala is the opposite then that’s my I mean that’s my honest opinion I’m I’m gonna get attacked like crazy and you know I’ve also experienced
quite a bit of lafare myself um and uh but I’m just was active in really active
in politics before um and I’m just trying to point out that my track record historically has been moderate if not
moderate slightly left and and uh so this is to people out there who are in the moderate Camp to say I think you
should support um Donald Trump for president um and and I I think it’s
actually a very important Junction in the road and and we’re in deep trouble if they don’t if if if it goes the other
way well I want to thank you and you know I actually always did think of you as somewhat left I must say that so it’s
a it’s even more of an honor to have your endorsment I know how strong you feel about it but you know when you
think of her uh San Francisco 15 years I had a great friend Bob Tish he said it’s the greatest city in America and now
it’s you it’s not it’s almost not livable there and California likewise and she was involved in the destruction
of San Francisco and the destruction of California and she will be involved in the destruction of our country if people
are so unwise as to elect her and I hope that doesn’t happen and I hope the
elections are going to be run honestly and we’re going to turn this country around we’re going to we’re to do things
that and we can do it fairly quickly and we have to get rid of the criminals that have been you know given to us by other
countries as they left they laugh at us they think we’re stupid to accept these people these are radical Stone Cold
Killers in many case cases and terrorists and they’re in our country by the hundreds of thousands yeah and we
have to take them out yeah I mean if if I could summarize it perhaps you know I think these are
issues that I think most people in America uh would would agree with which is that we want safe and Clean Cities we want
secure borders uh we want sensible government spending we want to restore
both the perception and reality of respect in the in in the judicial system you know stop the lawfare um and uh and
I think that that’s like and how are how are those even right-wing positions I
think those are just that’s just common sense and and that’s uh I mean would you
you agree with that 100% I I don’t understand you know the whole they call it Progressive they don’t like the word
liberal anymore but call it liberal or Progressive I don’t understand how somebody could say that it’s okay for
them to empty prisons into our country and again I told you their crime rates all over the world are going way down
which makes sense in fact the next time what we’ll do is if something happens with this election which would be a
horror show we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela because it’ll be a far safer place to meet than our country country
okay so we’ll go you and I will go and we’ll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela because that’s what’s happening their crime rate’s coming down
and our crime rates going through the roof and it’s so simple and it’s you haven’t seen anything yet because these
people have come into our country and they’re just getting acclimated and they don’t know about being politically
correct law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police I I have to
just end with this we have great police we have great law enforcement but they’re not allowed to do their job they
have to be able to do their job without being destroyed well absolutely and it’s
it’s obviously demoralizing if you’re a police officer risking your life uh to you know you know to arrest uh violent
criminals who could kill you and do kill you sometimes um and then you you arrest the violent criminal and then the The Da
you know doesn’t prosecute and and that’s let the guy out well then like why why should a police officer risk
their life uh to arrest a violent Fon well even worse
nothing’s happen even worse they prosecute the police officer they they go after it and they prosecute the
police officer and they take away his pension they take away his job he loses his family he loses his house well I I I
thought I thought it was very telling like incredibly telling that you know when that that was that case where uh
you know sort of a gang of thugs beat up us police officers I think it was in Times Square in New York and and and
then nothing happened to those guys they were they were let out zero bail and I think a bunch of them were given free
tickets to California well what is I mean that that is that is a that is a
gross indignity against the United States and and that’s how I mean this is insane like have we lost all Pride what
what that how can such a thing be allowed to occur I’ve never seen anything you know we see where they get
shot it’s very dangerous profession but something they’re very proud of and they want to be able to do their job but I’ve
seen them get shot I’ve seen a lot of but I’ve never seen where these guys are standing in the middle of a big street
everybody watching them and they’re literally boxing like punching stand up
fighting a police officer there were two of them and had about six of these guys and they’re punching the hell out of
them and in their own country they would be dead if they did that they’d be shot
they would be shot instantly and you know they come from these countries and it’s taking them a while to realize that
we don’t do that in this country but in their own country if they stood on a street and had a fight with a police
officer they would be shot there’s no political correctness and it’s such a
sad it’s such a sad thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime by the way because we don’t do anything about
it yeah we we just cannot have a situation where our police officers beat beaten up on camera uh by you know a
gang of illegal immigrants and then nothing happens to to to the guys that beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re
let out this is unacceptable we’re going to change it and we’re going to get them out of the country you know when I first got
involved they said you couldn’t get them back to these countries you couldn’t take her back in the case of uh Guatemala Honduras El Salvador some
others you couldn’t get her back and I said really oh you can’t get it back because under uh Obama he couldn’t get
him back they’d put up they’d fly him in and they‘ put planes on the runways in these countries so you couldn’t land the plane they’d bring them back and the
general told me the generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back the countries won’t accept MS13 gang members
they won’t accept them and I said really how much do we pay these various countries in terms of economic aid which
is also somewhat ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said good tell
them they’re in default they’re delinquent we’re not going to do we’re not paying them anymore because they won’t accept it and you know what
happened they all called me every one of them they said we would be honored to take them back sir we would be honored
it was so easy but it’s one of those things and we got it back we took in so many you know MS13 is probably the worst
gangs in the world they’re the most vicious violent we took them out of here by the thousands and got them out of
here and their countries took them back and because I said you’re not getting any more economic aid and once I said
that they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama they wouldn’t take them back for anybody and now we have a
problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take him back anymore with the Biden because they don’t respect him
yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s just got to be done we we just can’t can’t have uh whether they’re
citizens or not citizens we can’t have because they weren’t Pro prosecut citizens either not not just not just
illegals so uh if it’s you can’t have violent you repeat violent offenders
that are not that that that don’t get um incarcerated that’s right because they
will they will obviously by definition continue to uh to uh you know hurt
people and and and I I think where part of this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I do sort of consider
myself liberal in some ways I mean I it’s just that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to have
empathy for people I totally agree with that you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the
victims of the criminals and if you if you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s actually shallow empathy it’s
not real you’re not thinking you’re not you’re have one layer deep uh empathy
you you got to say like what if you don’t incarcerate this person who are they going to uh hurt who are they might
kill someone they might rap rap someone if if you don’t incarcerate them you have to have empathy for the victims and
there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and and too much empathy for the criminals it doesn’t make sense I that’s right you
want to have deep empathy for society as a whole not shallow empathy for
criminals and we have to give our police officers the D and the respect that they deserve and we have to let them do their
job they they can do a great job but we have to let them do their job and if we don’t do that we you know it’s it’s
going to all it’s going to all disappear there’s never been a society like this where you’re allowed to do anything you
want and nothing happens and I’m talking about violent crime and it’s going to get more violent because these are
really really violent people and we’re going to get them out of our country and we’re going to get them back to where
because they were sent here by the presidents and by the various people that run those countries and I know every one of those guys and they’re
smart people and they’re StreetWise people and they really think that the USA is stupid they think we’re run by
stupid people and they happen to be right but when I was there we had no problem we got them out we took out
thousands of MS13 gang members we brought them back and now again they
it’s the same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big increase in a they they raised it up to
billions of of dollars and they get nothing for it so you know it’s it’s uh
I hope everybody’s going to vote for Trump and we’re going to get this country and I didn’t need this I’m like
I didn’t need this I had a very nice life I didn’t need to to go through court systems and go through all the
other stuff and run at the same time I have to run I have to go through fake trials with in some cases corrupt judges
totally corrupt judges I didn’t need it I had a nice life I have great locations I have beautiful oceans that I have
places you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do if I
had to do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over again I would
have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re going to save this
country this country is going down and these people are bad people that were running against and they’re Liars they
make statements they they they do things that are so bad they they say they’re
going to make a strong border they say they’ve been great on the border and they’ve been the worst in history they
say they’re going to stop fact speak for themselves so Inc speak like it’s got G
the point where where people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of cities because they know nothing that’s gonna happen um you know that’s what I
hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just uh you know my values I’m just saying to to
people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve got to have safe cities we got to have secure borders we
got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got to have de you know deregulation and um so we can have a
prosperous future and then we want to have some exciting you know sort of moonshot projects that that people can
get fired up about and um you know that’s that’s the future I’m looking for and um you know I’m Pro environment um
but but I’m I’m not against uh you know I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because
they’re they’re keeping civilization going right now and uh but I do think we want to move you know you know a
reasonable speed towards uh a sustainable energy economy those those are my values and and and I think um you
know and and and so I mean that’s uh why
I’m supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re going to make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs and again it’s about the American
dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the American dream in the truest sense
but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re GNA hear about it people they need that incentive to go
out and Yeah and do it and they they’re gonna love their lives I mean they’re gonna love they’re GNA look forward to getting up in the morning and going to
you know going to a job that they love not a job that they can’t stand or not any job at all all where they have no
money where they literally have no money and then they end up with violence and lots of other problems no we’re going to
do we’re going to do some great things and I learned a lot in the first we had a great economy and all of that we rebuilt the military did so much but I
also learned and I also learned the best people I learned the good people the the smart people the dumb people the people
that can do things the people you know you learn when I first came in I I tell people I was in Washington DC only 17
times according to the fake news media I was in 17 times I never stayed over and
you don’t know people you rely on other people to give your names and then you realize the people you relied on weren’t
so good now we had great people but we also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I known now I know
everybody and I think we’re g to uh we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no choice otherwise we’re
not going to have a country and I really appreciate this has been to me it’s been a lot of fun being with you you’re an
amazing guy you’ve done an incredible job and a great inspiration to people a great inspiration and I hope you keep
going and just uh continue to do well and we’re going to have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will
be the most important day in the history of our country I think that election will be the most important election and
I think it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the history of our country because if we don’t win I just
feel so sorry for everybody no we’re I think we’re at at a folk in the road of Destiny of of
civilization and um for Middle inome people not only businesses but we did it for businesses
because they’re the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing debt and
you know we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in
the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Russia and we were going to drill and we were going to make so much
money we were going to supply Europe with oil I had stopped the Russian Pipeline and we were going to supply
them with oil and gas we were going to we were going to make a fortune and then
uh the co came in and we had a we really had to divert then what happened is when
they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if I didn’t do what we did we would have had a 1929 type
depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got trillions of dollars and
just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad period where it was
everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period
interestingly uh you know during his administration many more people died
during his administration of covid than during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t
realize more people died during his administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody
so many of your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during the Trump years and and also
said that uh African-American uh Hispanic American were so incredible they were having the
best Asian-American women men young people without a diploma young people
that graduated from the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School
from all of the great colleges Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma doing better and
everybody was was happy and then Co came and we had a we had the problem is they
spent trillions and trillions of dollars they wasted they shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having
inflation right now which is killing our country yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean
I should probably say something about like you know maybe my views on you know climate change and oil and gas um
because uh I think it’s probably different from what most people would assume um
because I my My Views are actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t think we should
vilify the oil and gas industry and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide the
necessary energy to to support the economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now we would all be
starving and the economy would collapse uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas
industry um and and I and I you know and the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better
if the United States provides that than than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with
prosperity in the US um and at at the same time obviously my view is is like we do overtime want to move to um a
sustainable energy economy because eventually you do run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there
it’s not infinite um and there is there is some risk I think it’s not the risk
is not as as high as uh you know a lot of people say it is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if
you just keep increasing the PO of million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets
uncomfortable to uh to breathe people don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand Poss
million of of CO2 uh you start getting headaches in Oria um and so we’re we’re
now in the sort of 400 range we’re adding I think about roughly two pars per million per year so I mean still
gives us so what it means like we still have quite a bit of time um but but so
there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and and we don’t need to like you know stop Farmers from farming or you
know uh prevent people from having Stakes or right basic stuff like that like like leave the farmers alone I
agree how crazy is that where you have Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of their
cattle and the whole the whole world is a little crazy but it’s largely Tak its
lead from us I I do say though I’ve heard in terms of the fossil fuel
because even to uh create your electric car and create the electricity needed
for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the generating plants and you know so you
sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be able to but I do hear we have anywhere from a
100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but there are tremendous like anoir I got
anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got
it approved the first thing that Biden did was unimproved it to get rid of it
he uh ended it his uh his secretary went in and she ended it and what a what a
disgrace that’s andw that’s bigger or they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger
than Saudi Arabia but they went in and they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it big
for Alaska I mean you talk about economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say
bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same size and pure really good stuff and you
know they ended so I think we have you know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that
during that time something will come around that will be very good yeah well I mean and my my estimate would be you
know a little more aggressive than that but it’s it’s not the sort of like we’re all going to die in five years stuff
that that’s obviously BS um but I mean my view is like if you just look at sort of the POS Fillion uh that increments
every year you know you get sort of two or three POS million every year of of CO2 u i mean my I I think some of that
it’s problematic if it accelerates if you start going from two or three to say five and then there may some situations
where uh you get uh just a step change increase in the CO2 um and and I think
we don’t we don’t want to get too close to a thousand PPM because like that’s that’s actually makes it uncomfortable
to to to to Brea like just existing in a th000 PPM CO2 is is uncomfortable that’s
that’s like a that’s considered like an industrial Hazard right just so so it’s
you know that’s that’s actually getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not
comfortable so you you don’t want to get too close to that but I mean I think we’ve got I think we want to just move
over like and and if if I don’t know 50 to 100 years from now we’re um we’re
we’re I don’t know mostly sustainable I think that’ll probably be okay um so
it’s it’s it’s not like the the hous is on on fire immediately but it I think it it is something we we need to to move
towards and on you know on balance it’s probably better to move there faster
than slower but but like like I said without vilifying the oil and gas industry uh and and and without causing
hardship in the short term I think this can be done um with without you know
people can still have you know a stake and they can still drive gas ining cars and this you
know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s not I don’t think we should valify people for it but I think we should just
just generally lean in the direction of of sustainability um and uh I I actually
think solar is is going to be a majority of of Earth’s energy generation uh in
the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and so you get the solar power um combine that with with with
batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night and uh and then you use that to charge the electric cars
and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you know that that’s what Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress
progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we we we like we don’t believe that environmentalism that
caring about the environment should should mean that you have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are beautiful that they drive well if
they’re fast they’re you know sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I mean the sexy joke Model S
model 3 Model X and Y spells out sexy was probably the most expensive joke out there um but I you know I just I don’t
know like cheesy humor you know so um and but but I’m I’m I’m a big fan of
like let’s have an inspiring future and let’s uh let’s work towards you know a
better future and and and we can do so without demonizing people right I’m I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh
you use the word global warming and today they use the word climate change because you know you have some places
that go up and so they were getting themselves in a little trouble with the the word global warming because not
every place is warming some places are going the opposite direction but uh you know I’m sort of waiting for you to come
up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars and on the trunks of the cars and it just seems like something that at
some point you will come up with a pure you’ll be the first but it would seem that a solar panel on on the roofs you
know on flat surfaces on certain surfaces might be good yeah at least in certain areas of the country where you
have the or the world where you have the Sun but I would I would think and I have no idea because that’s not my world but
I would think that this would be uh something that would be interesting but you know the one thing that I don’t
understand is that people talk about global warming or they talk about climate change but they never talk about
nuclear warming and to me that’s an immediate problem because you have as I
said five countries we have major nuclear and and you know probably some others are getting there and that’s very
dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you’re just you don’t want to have this proliferation but you have five
countries and getting more you know China is much less than us right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner
than people think they’re way lower Russia and us are number one and I we’re
sort of tied and China is far behind but they’re developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very
fast it’s gonna they’ll end up catching up maybe even surpassing but to me the
biggest problem is not uh climate change it’s not and and and everything’s you
know a problem but it’s degre to me the big problem is the nuclear power the power of nuclear is so great and when I
talk about I’ll prevent World I’ll prevent World War I uh I will but but
the truth is that you have to because this is no longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other
this is yeah a level of Destruction and power that nobody’s ever seen
before yeah actually there’s there’s the bad side of nuclear which is nuclear war
very bad side but there’s there’s also I think um nuclear electricity generation
is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this Spar of nuclear um
nuclear electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s
it’s just a huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know
caused by say I mean I’m not trying to pick on call miny but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s
certain number of injuries deaths per year uh and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually uh way better um so
it’s it’s underrated as a as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people
can’t get it done um so that you know maybe they’ll have to change the the
name is just it’s a rough name there are some areas like like when you see what happened bading we have to Rebrand it
we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll name it after you or something you know um no it has hey it has a branding
problem you know when you see what happens does have a branding problem when you see what happened in Japan
where they say you won’t be able to go on the land for about 3,000 years did you ever see that and in Russia where
they had the problem where they you know the there’s a lot of bad things happened and they have a problem and they say
that in 2,000 years people will start to occupy the land again you know you realize it’s pretty bad but there’s
you’re right about it it’s amazing it’s actually not that bad so so like after Fukushima happened in Japan like people
were asking me in California you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no that’s crazy it’s it’s actually it’s not
even dangerous in Fukushima I actually flew there and and and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it um and and
and I donated a a a solar water treatment yeah solar system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but you
haven’t been feeling so well lately and I’m worried about it no no but I mean fine you know it’s it’s like uh you know
hirosima and Nagasaki were bombed but now they’re they’re like full cities again so it’s really not something that you
know it’s not it’s not as scary as people think basically but um let’s see
I mean I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like lawfare I think you know we need to
be concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we just won the big case in Florida this
was a Biden Administration did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their political opponent me with his nonsense uh and just nonsense and the big case in
Florida we won but they’ve always they always pick a judge and a jury and they
use local Das they use the local U attorney generals like fonnie you know
fonnie spelled f a n i fonnie and it’s it’s all a big hoax and it’s all run
from there like in Manhattan uh the one of the top people from the justice
Department went in Ran Manhattan ran the state the Leticia James deal was run by
a person from the Department of Justice Biden they’ve never done this before and they set up a very bad precedent it it’s
it’s called lawfare Warfare it’s uh it’s a terrible thing and never happened in
our country it does happen in banana republics and third world countries but it’s never happened and the incredible
thing is it actually drove my numbers up because people see you know fortunately I have a platform like you or you know
in all fairness like a conversation like this where I can talk about it and people understand I mean you you fight
for election integrity and you end up getting indicted because you’re fighting for election integrity and when the day
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they when after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him the guy
could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks good uh
you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s it’s
ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs about
three ounces it’s meant for children and old people to lift and uh he can’t lift
it the whole thing is crazy well it’s clearly not I mean it’s clearly like we just don’t have a president right you
don’t have a president and she’s going to be worse than him because she is a San Francisco liberal who destroyed San
Francisco and then as attorney general she destroyed California you talk about location and we’re talking about the sun
and the water and all there’s nothing better than California she has destroyed that she was the original da she was the
original in San Francisco she was the original attorney general in California what she has done to California is well
you know better than I do you just left California for a lot of those reasons and what she’s done with with crime with
with cashless bail where you kill somebody I mean we have States now you kill somebody and they let you out right
away I mean you you don’t have to even put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a rad left San Francisco liberal
and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s possible
I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a war I you know yeah she wants to
release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came out today she wants she doesn’t want to
build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your business everything you do is obsolete
almost well not the tunnels but everything is obsolete even your rocket ships they’re like a month later they’re
obsolete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall and a wheel and the wall you know I
built hundreds of miles of wall and that’s why we had such good numbers I
was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up in three weeks and they sold it for five
cents on the dollar that meant I said wow that means that they actually do want to have open borders she wants to
have open borders and now she’s going like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah this is simply not
this is not true everybody knows it’s a disgrace that you can say it no I mean
obviously what what’s happening sort of overnight is they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh Kamala
sound like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered more
liberal by far than ber Sanders she’s a radical left lunatic and if she’s going
to be our president very quickly you’re not going to have a country anymore and she’ll go
back to all of the things that she believes in she believes in defunding the police she believes in no fracking
zero you no now all of a sudden she’s saying no I I will I really want to see
fracking the day the if they got in the day she got in she’ll end fracking and
by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics that what that really believe in that uh they won’t vote for
her you know um like like the Palestinians and Israel she is so
anti-israel and she’s bad for both Biden actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know
both sides that was a hard thing to do unification yeah no no I mean I mean the
you know Netanyahu came to give a talk to a joint Senate and House uh sitting
and I was there and and and commed him up you know what does that say I think
it’s highly disrespectful and I say if you’re a Jewish person or if you believe in Israel if you’re a a person that you
know is a very pro-israel if you vote for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden
was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined and you see tonight I mean as we’re doing this
I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or tomorrow from hundreds and maybe thousands of
rockets you know their Iron Dome as they call it as we all call it but their Shield that they build uh that can be uh
swamped we’ll use the term that’s appropriate swamped but they swamp it by
shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough missiles they can’t defend themselves
you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
they’re looking to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these
people and I’m telling you she’ll be worse than him because she’s a believer in being radical left and he
wasn’t important for the for the public that maybe listening to this to say to look at K’s track record you know uh
before the last like month and say uh is that a track record you agree with um
and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree with it um because it is her behavior
has been farle and we’re seeing just an overnight propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it sound like H is
moderate which in fact is is not moderate well her uh her running mate uh
approved signed into legislation campons in boys bathrooms okay now that’s all I
have to hear tampons and boys bathrooms and that means she believes in that too
I mean she she picked this guy because he was the closest to a lot of people
thought she’d pick sort of the opposite but she picked an anti-israel radical left person but she
is far worse they say than Bernie Sanders if we have her as a president if
we have a Democrat at this moment as a president I don’t think our country can survive I I think it’s I think it’s a
massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a Kam Administration and that’s my honest
opinion um and uh and I I think uh think
really it’s essential that that uh you win for the good of the country uh for this election and I mean that’s
understating my opinion um now you know you may have seen this but I I got a
letter from the the the EU commission like saying you know to not have
disinformation on the like during this discussion that we’re having like and you know there’s like there’s there’s a
lot of attempts to do censorship and to force censorship even on Americans uh
from other countries and um you know what do you think about that well I know
the uh European Union very well they take great advantage of the United
States in trade as you know we uh through a different Forum NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of $250 billion
which people don’t know it sounds so nice the European Union but let me tell you there they’re uh not as tough as
China but they’re bad and I let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat our
country well we defend them you know uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250 billion
and they’re in for about 71 billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nation that you know in
terms of an economy it’s about the same size when you say as us and they’re in and and and they’re in much greater risk
they they’re right there we have an ocean separating us from in this case
the enemy would be Russia used to be for the Soviet Union but let’s assume they’re close enough and what happens is
uh they’re in for 70 something million I think I think even less than that
billion and we’re in for about 250 billion and it could be a lot
higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why aren’t they paying what we’re paying and they’re in
much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact that you know they’re right near there I mean they’re all sort of in that
location we’re not but they should they should and I did it with NATO we were
there were only seven countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the time and the United States was
the United States was subsidizing NATO tremendously subsidizing NATO and I said
I went in and I said you got to pay up if you don’t pay up we’re not going to defend you any longer I took a lot of heat but you know what happened billions
and billions of dollars came flowing in and yeah I think I think a lot of the
public isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a disproportionate share of of the NATO
expenses and then we get taken advantage of on trade so think about yeah well I
mean the point of Nat is defending Europe and it’s uh you know it it’s like then okay well why why
is the United States paying disproportionately more to defend Europe than Europe that doesn’t make sense
that’s unfair um and that that is an appropriate thing to address well you know when you talk about cost cutting
and savings and everything else I mean honestly look there’s nobody that feels
worse about the Ukraine situation than I do because I know it would have never happened I know zalinski he was very
honorable to me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said I had a phone call with him he said it was a
perfect phone call it was a great phone call he could have grandstand it and you know said oh he he was very threatening
he said no it was a very nice phone call I called him up to congratulate him on his win and you end up getting impeached
because these people are lunatics you know I was talking about the difference from the people within and the enemies
on the outside in many cases the people from within are more dangerous for our
country than the rushers and the chin if you have a smart president you’re not going to have a problem with them you’re
going to make you’re going to do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us incredibly but you’re going to do things
with the right person yeah well I I I think I think it’s obvious that you’re you’re you’re a
Believer and an advocate of a free speech because during your first time as president you were attacked relentlessly
every day often very unfairly with f you know with false attacks and and you
didn’t try to shut down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I think that says a lot
well the good thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can
get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great
conversation right now Camala wouldn’t have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a
smart person by the way she can’t have this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he
couldn’t have this conversation he he would have given up on the first half of a question he would have walked out he
would have said where am I where am I going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people
would have this conversation but you know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have
a conversation and I’m get it out without because I get this is a really
big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah it’s nice is it and you can’t have a conversation
with Biden or Kamal it’s like not it’s not possible so is like talking to an NPC so it’s
just impossible well but think of it we need a man or person who’s unbelievably
sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along with all
the you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really liked me and I got
along with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said oh do you think you really let me tell you I saw
that you don’t want to know about he is the boss but you we had a good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh
Biden he considers him a stupid man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this
country you’re not sort of allowed to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say that it’s true but we need really we need smart people and we
need people that have an ability to lead and she doesn’t have that ability can
you imagine now you know chairman she very well well can you imagine her and him negotiating
or standing together it it is the whole concept is ridic she is terrible she’s
terrible but she’s getting a free ride I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today she looks like the most beautiful
actress ever to live I it was a drawing and uh actually she looked very much
like a great first lady Melania she looks she didn’t look she didn’t look
like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that right yeah well you know maybe like I
think part of what you know people in America wanted you know people in America want want to feel excited and
inspired about the future they want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past and that this that America is going to do things that are
greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights that make you proud to be an American and uh and excited about
the future um they want the American dream back you know they want the American dream back more important than
anything else it’s it’s like you don’t have that today because the people they’ve been just sucked they see
incompetent people running our you know the the Biden thing is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent
and when I debated him I was like is this for real it was yeah just it was
just absurd um but you know I think there there are like you know some some you know Grand projects that that that
we could do I mean I think like you know we could we could build a base on the moon we could send American ases to Mars
we we could uh bu build high-speed connections that are you know more advanced than anything else in the world
between our cities so people have fast transport um you know it’s possible to
solve traffic with tunnels we‘ we you know we already made pro great progress in Vegas doing that and um you know and
and and just do things that are exciting and inspiring to make the future feel like it’s better than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell
you it was amazing I I got to see I took a big Glimpse at it and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and
you could do that all over you could do that all over it’s uh it’s deep yeah you don’t even need much structure you know
assuming you’re in the right area no it’s it’s straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some
some things that like like China’s got incredible highspeed Rail between its cities but I think it’s actually
possible um with with with tunnels if if with deregulation with with an ability
to where it’s like legal to to actually do the tunnels think you could have
high-speed tunnels that are actually better uh than than than anything else in the world for highspeed transport
between cities and that would be something that you know Americans can say wow okay we’ve got something that’s
cooler than anyone else in the world that’s that’s kind of thing that makes you proud to be iner much safer than
surface uh trains where there is a danger there you know with people with crazy people it’s much safer much better
uh and you know it’s sad because I’ve seen some of the greatest fres I I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the systems
and how they work and the bullet trins they call them I guess and they they go unbelievably fast unbelievably
comfortable with no problems and we don’t have anything like that in this country not even close and it doesn’t
make sense that we don’t doesn’t make sense yeah I I I think also like there’s
you know I just I’m kind of hopping on the excess regulation but I think something that um that I think people
can generally understand is that what happens with laws and regulations is that they just there’s more and more of them every year and unless there’s a
process to clean them up eventually everything becomes legal and I think um nuclear electricity generation is
underrated you’re right um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um nuclear electricity
Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s it’s just a huge
misunderstanding um and if you look at the injuries and deaths you know caused by say I mean I’m
not trying to pick on call mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a certain number of injuries
and deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better um so it’s it’s underrated as a
as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done
actually it’s a fine group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I was pushing them really hard for
regenerant for so many different things that that were really pretty amazing but but the FDA takes too long they would
it’s 12 years to get a product approved I got it down to four and I got some things done very quickly but it’s uh
it’s really something that is g to have to be worked on because it takes too long just takes too long yeah it just
takes too long and it’s you you end up in the same with with the approval but just it’s just you know it takes years
instead of something that that I think could potentially take months and that impr improves people’s lives I think you
know and and but but it I I just wanted to hop on this point that like there has to be an active process uh for reducing
rules and regulations because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening of the arteries and eventually everything’s
illegal or takes forever um and and then and then we we we just um we just aify
as a society we just uh we can’t make any progress and and that’s it’s a
really big deal you know El just getting back to the FDA for one second I got something done called right to try this
is where you can go in and if you’re terminally ill you can use a Space Age
uh you know medicine or whatever it may be we have the best doctors the best labs in the world we really do and but
people would go to other countries because you couldn’t use this the product even if they thought it worked
because it’s going through the FDA I got it approved where you can yeah you you basically you look nobody want the
doctors didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it our country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally ill the
insurance companies didn’t want it and the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a room
and we came up with an agreement that you won’t get sued and also they didn’t want it on their record if somebody’s
terminally ill and they die after taking a drug they didn’t want that on their record so we set a second a separate
list if somebody was so it wouldn’t count as a negative okay and as you know we got it done we have saved right to
try they’ve been trying to get this done for 58 years and it sounds simple but it
wasn’t because you know I mean you know the insurance companies nobody wanted it but we got it done somebody signs you
sign a document that you’re not going to sue the insurance companies the country you’re not going to sue anybody and we
got it done and we’re saving tens of thousands of lives right to try hopefully you never need it but if you
do you don’t have to travel to Asia you know people if they had money they go to Asia they go to Europe if they don’t
have money they go home and die that’s what happened they’d go home and die yeah well well I mean and actually to to
give you some some props here it’s like if a drug is improved approved in the in in Europe which has a crazy amount of
regulations it should obviously be approved in the US I mean they got more regulations than we do so what why would
a drug be approved in Europe and not in the US that that’s crazy well we did it we did something that really they’ve
been trying to do it for 50 years than they just couldn’t get it done and I got it done and it’s uh it’s really
something but you’re right some people go to Europe because a drug isn’t approved here but it’s approved in
Europe and it’s a drug that generally speaking would work it’s pretty crazy absolutely you’re right and I I think so
as long as people are properly informed of the pros and cons and like these are the risk the you know this are the risk
and like you make your own decision um that that makes sense well I think just you know in sort of closing up and by
the way I’m looking at the numbers you get a lot of people listening I hope you don’t get nervous because you got a lot
of people listening to you right now like 60 million or something what is that number it’s crazy it’s amazing how
you can see that right away how many what is the number
wow what is it well I think in
ter that’s bigger than you said you you said 25 and you’re more than much more
than double that number 25 million I think you’re going to be 60 or 70 and I guess over a period of time hey that’s I
congratulate you do I get paid for this or not well I I think actually in terms of
the number of people that will will hear this conversation um over the next uh you know few days two weeks uh it it’s
going to be hundreds that’s what they say yeah that’s good well look it’s an honor I but I I just asked this are you
better off now or were you better off when I was President nobody’s better off
now people you know we put out polls on that and nobody’s better off now inflation has killed it and you know
they also feel very unsafe you look at what’s going on with a lot of different things you look at the riots we had at
the colleges over I mean it’s ridiculous but right all of the rights they just feel unsafe and now they really feel
unsafe because you have a new form of crime it’s called migrant crime I call it Biden migrant crime maybe I’ll call
it Camala migrant crime but you know with all these things I always try to like try to get to the ground Truth by
just asking people and you know my my mom lives in New York and I I was like you know Mom you know do you know have
any of your friends you know been attacked or assaulted and she said yeah three of her friends in three separate
incidents were assulted just just just in recent months just walking around the streets in New York and and I and and I
said well did what what happened to the people I so them oh nothing they they got away like and and they they just
know always get away nothing and they don’t even they don’t even bother reporting it because there’s not
they know that there’s not they’re not going to you know people are not going to get prosecuted they just they just let you know violent criminals out in
New York the only one that gets prosecuted is Donald Trump they don’t get they prosecute Trump yeah I mean
it’s it’s it’s just obviously messed up ter if violent criminals are being are being getting off Scot three um and and
and meanwhile that the the you know New York spending massive resources Prosecuting you and it’s like what this
you know and and I think the sort of sensible public said looks at this and
said what the heck’s going on here this is obviously abuse the legal system um you know the legal system is supposed to
be protecting the public from um violent criminals and it it should be obviously
allowing the public to make their own decision about who should be president as opposed to you know some uh you know
legal case once they start this precedent because this can go on with the next I mean this is a very bad
precedent what they’re doing in terms of you know going after their political opponent and that’s all it is it’s going
after their political opponent and and then you get a judge who’s you know a
strong Democrat and I’m being nice when I say that in many cases crooked as hell but you get a judge and you go into an
area where a republican gets three or four perc of the vote and you know you’ll have a jury pool with uh people
that hate Republicans or hate it could also be the other way though because it could start the other way in areas where
they hate Democrats and you get into a Pandora’s Box it’s a very dangerous thing for this country and a very
dangerous thing even for the state New York City is lo New York city and state
lose a lot of business over what they did to me because these people say we don’t want that to happen to us that’s
no justice system you have an unfair system of justice and it’s costing New York State a tremendous amount of money
people are leaving and companies are leaving and they won’t come back so you know all of that stuff is important but
the economy now is the big thing and we can turn that economy up so fast and people are gonna be back again we’re
gonna get rid of I think there’s lot a lot of opportunity absolutely absolutely so and I just want I want to
congratulate you you’ve done an amazing job you are you have definitely got a fertile mind you know we can talk you
and I can talk about rocket it’s kind of you to say thank you tunnels we can talk about tunnels and Rockets and and uh
electric cars so many things and now you’re you’re into the AI and that’s going to be another Beauty I’ll say so
it’s uh yeah it’s an amazing it’s an amazing thing you’ve done Elon it’s an amazing thing and I congratulate you I
mean thank you and well I mean I just to say here you know here’s to an exciting inspiring future that people can look
forward to and be optimistic and excited about what happens next and that’s uh the kind of future that I think you will
bring as president and that’s why I endorse you well I appreciate that that endorsement meant a lot to me not all
Endor ments mean that much to be honest your endorsement meant a lot and you know we have a a phrase make America
great again it’s pretty simple but it really says that we want to make America great and we can do it we can do it now
but if we were going to suffer another four years like we’ve suffered for the last four years I’m not sure the country
can ever come back that’s how bad it is it’s so bad we have to we have to do a lot I think that’s a very real it’s a
big risk it’s a very real risk and and you know I just like to to note to people listening like I’ve not been been
very political before and and just if you look at my my record it’s I’ve actually been I’m I’m I’m not like some
they try to paint me as like a farri guy which is absurd because I’m like making electric vehicles and you know solar and
batteries helping with the environment and uh and and I actually I I uh you
know I I supported Obama I stood in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when when he was running for president and
you know so it’s not like I’m like some sort of died in the wool long-term Republic I’m actually I call myself uh
you know historically a moderate Dem Democrat and but now I feel like we’re really at at a critical juncture for the
country um and uh you know I think a lot of people thought you know that Biden
Administration would be a moderate Administration but it’s not and and obviously we’re just going to see
it um an even further left uh Administration with with KLA that’s
that’s my honest opinion I in is literally I mean she was brought up as a as an actual your dad is is a Marxist
Economist that’s you can Google it I mean it’s not a we’re not making this up you know um that’s how she was brought
up so and and we we we just we want to have a future that is prosperous and and
I I think we’re just at this critical juncture and um and it I think this is a
case of the America uh is is gonna add a
folk in the road and true um and I think it will take it will take if the path to
like you are the path to prosperity and I think Kamala is the opposite then that’s my I mean that’s my honest opinion I’m I’m gonna get attacked like
crazy and you know I’ve also experienced quite a bit of lowf far myself um and uh
but I’m just was active in really active in politics before um and I’m just trying to point out that my track record
historically has been moderate if not moderate slightly left and and uh so
this is to people out there who are in the moderate camp to say I think you should support um Donald Trump for
president um and I I think it’s actually a very important Junction in the road and and we’re in deep trouble if they if
if if it goes the other way well I want to thank you and you know I actually always did think of you as somewhat left
I must say that so it’s it’s even more of an honor to have your endorsement I know how strong you feel about it but
you know when you think of her uh San Francisco 15 years ago I had a great friend Bob Tish he said it’s the
greatest city in America and now it’s you it’s not it’s almost not livable
there and California likewise and she was involved in the destruction of San Francisco and the destruction of
California and she will be involved in the destruction of our country if people
are so unwise as to elect her and I hope that doesn’t happen and I hope the
elections are going to be run honestly and we’re going to turn this country around we’re gonna we’re going to do
things that and we can do it fairly quickly and we have to get rid of the criminals that have been you know given
to us by other countries as they laugh they laugh at us they think we’re stupid to accept these people these are radical
Stone Cold Killers in many case cases and terrorists and they’re in our country by the hundreds of thousands
yeah and we have to take them out yeah I mean if I could summarize it perhaps you know I think these are
issues that I think most people in America uh would would agree with which is that we want safe and Clean Cities we
want secure borders uh we want sensible government spending we want to restore
both the perception and reality of respect in the in the in the judicial system you know stop the lawfare um and
uh and I think that that’s like and how are how are those even right-wing
positions I think those are just that’s just common sense and and that’s uh I mean would you agree with that 100% I I
don’t understand you know the whole they call it Progressive they don’t like the word liberal anymore but call it liberal
or Progressive I don’t understand how somebody could say that it’s okay for them to empty prisons into our country
and again I told you their crime rates all over the world are going way down which makes sense in fact the next time
what we’ll do is if something happens with this election which would be a horror show we’ll meet the next time in
Venezuela because it’ll be a far safer place to meet than our country okay so we’ll go you and I will go and we’ll
have a meeting and dinner in ven Venezuela because that’s what’s happening their crime rates coming down
and our crime rates going through the roof and it’s so simple and it’s you haven’t seen anything yet because these
people have come into our country and they’re just getting acclimated and they don’t know about being politically
correct law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police I I have to
just end with this we have great police we have great law enforcement but they’re not allowed to do their job they
have to be able to do their job without being destroyed well absolutely and it’s it’s obviously
demoralizing if you’re a police officer risking your life uh to you know to you know to arrest of violent criminals who
could kill you and do kill you sometimes um and then you you arrest the violent criminal and then the The Da you know
doesn’t prosecute and and that’s let the guy out well then like why why should a police officer risk their life uh to
arrest a violent Fon well even worse nothing’s going to happen even worse they prosecute the police officer they
they go after a and they prosecute the police officer and they take away his pension they take away his job he loses
his family he loses his house well I I I thought I thought it was very telling like incredibly telling that you know
when that that was a case where uh you know sort of a gang of thugs beat up uh
police officers I think it was in Times Square in New York and and and then nothing happened to those guys they were
they were let out zero bail and I think a bunch of were given free tickets to California well what is I mean that that
is that is a that is a gross indignity against the United States and and that’s how I mean this is insane like have we
lost all Pride what what that how can such a thing be allowed to occur I’ve never seen anything you know we’ve see
where they get shot it’s very dangerous profession but something they’re very proud of and they want to be able to do
their job but I’ve seen them get shot I’ve seen a lot of but I’ve never seen where these guys are stand standing in
the middle of a big street everybody watching them and they’re literally boxing like punching stand up fighting a
police officer there were two of them and you had about six of these guys and they’re punching the hell out of them
and in their own country they would be dead if they did that they’d be shot
they would be shot instantly and you know they come from these countries and it’s taking them a while to realize that
we don’t do that in this country but in their own country if they stood on a street and had a fight with a police
officer they would be shot there’s no political correctness and it’s such a
sad it’s such a sad thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime by the way because we don’t do anything about
it yeah we we just cannot have a situation where our police officers be beaten up on camera uh by you know gang
of illegal immigrants and then nothing happens to to to the guys that beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re let out
this is unacceptable we’re going to change it and we’re going to get them out of the country you know when I first
got involved they said you couldn’t get them back to these countries you couldn’t take them back in the case of uh Guatemala Honduras El Salvador some
others you couldn’t get him back and I said really oh you can’t get it back because under uh Obama he couldn’t get
him back they‘ put up they’d fly them in and they put planes on the runways in these countries so you couldn’t land a plane they’d bring them back and the
general told me the generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back to countries won’t accept MS13 gang members
they won’t accept them and I said really how much do we pay these various countries in terms of economic aid which
is also somewhat ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said good tell
them they’re in default they delinquent we’re not going to do we’re not paying them anymore because they won’t accept
and you know what happened they all called me every one of them they said we would be honored to take them back sir
we would be honored it was so easy but it’s one of those things and we got him back we took in so many you know MS13 is
probably the worst gangs in the world they’re the most vicious violent we took them out of here by the thousands and
got them out of here and their countries took them back and because I said you’re not getting any more economic aid and
once I said that they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama they wouldn’t take them back for anybody and
now we have a problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take him back anymore with the Biden because
they don’t respect him yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s just gota be done we we just
can’t can’t have uh whether they’re citizens or not citizens we can’t have
because they weren’t Pro prosecut citizens either not not just not just legals so uh that if it’s you can’t have
violent you repeat violent offenders that are not that that that don’t get um
incarcerated that’s right because they will they will obviously by definition
continue to uh to to uh you know hurt people and and and I think where part of
this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I do sort of consider myself liberal in some ways I mean I it’s just
that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to have empathy for people I totally agree with that you want to have empathy but you also have
to have empathy for the victims of the criminals and if you if you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s
actually shallow empathy it’s not real you’re not thinking you’re not you’re have one layer deep uh empathy you got
to say like what if you don’t incarcerate this person who are they going to uh hurt who are they they might
kill someone they might rap rape someone if if you don’t incarcerate them you have to have empathy for the victims and
there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and and too much empathy for the criminals it doesn’t make sense I that’s why you want
to have deep empathy for society as a whole not shallow empathy for for
criminals and we have to give our police officers the dignity and the respect that they deserve and we have to let
them do their job they they can do a great job but we have to let them do their job and if we don’t do that we you
know it’s it’s going to all it’s going to all disappear there’s never been a society like this where you’re allowed
to do anything you want and nothing happens and I’m talking about violent crime and it’s going to get more violent
because these are really really violent people and we’re going to get them out of our country and we’re going to get
them back to where because they were sent here by the presidents and by the various people that run those countries
and I every one of those guys and they’re smart people and they’re StreetWise people and they really think
that the USA is stupid they think we’re run by stupid people and they happen to be right but when I was there we had no
problem we got them out we took out thousands of MS-13 gang members we brought them back and now again they
it’s the same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big increase in a they they raised it up to
billions of dollars and they get nothing for it so you know it’s it’s uh I hope
everybody’s going to vote for Trump and we’re going to get this country straight and I didn’t need this I’m like I didn’t
need this I had a very nice life I didn’t need to to go through court systems and go through all the other
stuff and run at the same time I have to run I have to go through fake trials with in some cases corrupt judges
totally corrupt judges I didn’t e it I had a nice life I have great locations I
have beautiful oceans that I have places you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do if I had to
do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over again I would have done it
over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re GNA save this country this country
is going down and these people are bad people that were running against and they’re Liars they make statements they
they they do things that is so bad they they say they’re gonna make a strong border they say they’ve been great On
the Border and they’ve been the worst in history they say they’re GNA stop fact speak for themselves so incredible speak
like it’s G to the point where where people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of CI because they know nothing that’s going to happen um you
know that’s what I hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just uh you know my values I’m just
saying to to people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve
got to have safe cities we got to have secure borders we got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got
to have de you know deregulation and um so we can have a prosperous future and then we want to have some exciting you
know sort of moonshot projects that that people can get fired up about and um you
know that’s that’s the future I’m looking for and um you know I’m Pro environment um but but I’m I’m not
against uh you know I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because they’re they’re keeping
civilization going right now and uh but I do think we want to move you know you know a reasonable speed towards uh a
sustainable energy economy those those are my values and and and I think um you know and and and so I mean that’s uh why
I’m supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re going to make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs
and again it’s about the American dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the
American dream in the truest sense but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re gonna hear about it
people they need that incentive to go out and Yeah and do it and they they’re going to love their lives I mean they’re
G to love they’re going to look forward to getting up in the morning and going to you know going to a job that they love not a job that they can’t stand or
not any job at all where they have no money where they literally have no money and then they end up with violence and
lots of other problems no we’re going to do we’re going to do some great things and I learned a lot in the first we had a great economy and all of that we
rebuilt the military did so much but I also learned and I also learned the best people I learned the good people the the
smart people the dumb people the people that can do things that people you know you learn when I first came in I I tell
people I was in Washington DC only 17 times according to the fake news media I
was in 17 times I never stayed over and you don’t know people you rely on other
people to give you names and then you realize the people you relied on weren’t so good now we had great people but we
also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I known now I know everybody and I think we’re g to uh
we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no choice otherwise we’re not g to have a country and I really
appreciate this has been to me it’s been a lot of fun being with you you’re an amazing guy you’ve done an incredible
job and a great inspiration to people a great inspiration and I hope you keep
going and just uh continue to do well and we’re going to have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will
be the most important day in the history of our country I think that election will be the most important election and
I think it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the history of our country because if we don’t win I just
feel so sorry for everybody no we’re I think we’re at at a fork in the road of Destiny of of
civilization and um for Middle inome people not businesses but we did it for
businesses because they’re the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing
debt and you know we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold
anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Russia and we were going to drill and we were going to make
so much money we were going to supply Europe with oil I had stopped the Russian Pipeline and we were going to
supply them with oil and gas we were going to we were going to make a fortune and then then uh the co came in and we
had a we really had to divert then what happened is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if
I didn’t do what we did we would have had a 1929 type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got
trillions of dollars and just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad
period where it was everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period interestingly
uh you know during his administration many more people died during his administration of Co than
during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t realize more people died during his
administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody
so many of your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during the Trump years and and also
said that uh africanamerican uh Hispanic American were so incredible they were having the
best Asian-American women men young people without a diploma young people
that graduated from the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School
from all of the great colleges Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma were doing better and
everybody was was happy happy and then Co came and we had we had the problem is they spent trillions and trillions of
dollars they wasted they shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having inflation right now which is
killing our country yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean I should probably say something about like you know may maybe
my views on you know climate change and oil and gas um because uh I think it’s
probably different from what most people would assume um because I my My Views
are actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas
industry and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide the necessary energy to to support the
economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now we would all be starving and the economy would collapse
uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas industry um and and I and I you know and
the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better if the United States provides that than
than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with prosperity in the US um and at at the
same time obviously my view is is like we do over time want to move to um a
sustainable energy economy because eventually you do run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there
it’s not infinite um and there is there is some risk I think it’s not the risk
is not as as high as uh you know a lot of people say it is with respect to global warming but but I think if if you
if you just keep increasing the cost of million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets
uncomfortable to uh to breathe people don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand Poss
million of of CO2 uh you start getting headaches in NAIA um and so we’re we’re
now in the sort of 400 range we’re adding I think about roughly two parts per million per year so I mean still
gives us so what it means like we still have quite a bit of time um but but so
there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and we don’t need to like you know stop Farmers from farming or you know uh
prevent people from having staks or right basic stuff like that like like leave the farmers alone I agree how
crazy is that where I mean you have Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of their
cattle and the whole the whole world is a little crazy but it’s largely taken its lead from us I I do say though I’ve
heard in terms of the fossil fuel because even to uh create your electric
car and create the electricity needed for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the
generating plants and you know so you sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be able
to but I do hear we have anywhere from a 100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but
there are tremendous like anoir I got anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan
couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got it approved the first thing that Biden
did was unimproved it to get rid of it he uh ended it his uh his secretary went
in and she ended it and what a what a disgrace that’s ANW that’s bigger or
they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger than Saudi Arabia but they went in and
they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quick because not only is it big for Alaska I mean you talk about
economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same
size and pure really good stuff and you know they end it so I think we have you
know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that during that time something will come
around that will be very good yeah well I mean my my estimate would be you know
a little more aggressive than that but it’s it’s not the sort of like we all going to die in five years stuff that that’s obviously
BS um but I me my view is like if you just look at sort of the posture million
uh that increments every year you know you get sort of two or three posture million every year of of CO2 u i mean my
I I think some of that it’s problematic if it accelerates if you start going from 203 to say five and then there may
be some situations where uh you get to just a step change increase in the CO2
um and and I think we don’t we don’t want to get too close to a thousand PPM
because like that’s that’s actually makes it uncomfortable to to to to Brea like just existing in in th000 PPM CO2
is is uncomfortable that’s that’s like a that’s considered like an industrial Hazard right just so so it’s you know
that that’s that’s actually you start getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not
comfortable so you you don’t want to get too close to that but I mean I think we’ve got I think we want to just move
over like and if if I don’t know 50 to 100 years from now we’re um we’re we’re
I don’t know mostly sustainable I think that’ll probably be okay um so it’s it’s
it’s not like the the house is on on fire immediately but it I think it it is something we we need to to move towards
and on you know on balance it’s probably better to move they’re faster than slower but but like
like I said without vilifying the oil and gas industry uh and and and without causing hardship in the short term I
think this can be done um with without you know people can still have you know
a stake and they can still drive gasoline cars and they you know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s
not I don’t think we should valify people for it but I think we should just just generally lean in the direction of
of sustainability um and uh I I actually think solar is is
going to be a majority of of Earth’s energy generation uh in the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and
so you get the solar power um comine that with with with batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night
and uh and then you use that to charge the electric cars and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you
know that that’s what Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we
we we like we don’t believe that environmentalism that caring about the environment should should mean that you
have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are beautiful if they drive well if they’re fast they’re you know
sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I mean the sexy joke Model S model 3 Model X and Y spells out sexy it
was probably the most expensive joke out there um but you know I just I don’t know I like cheesy humor you know so um
and but but I’m I’m I I’m a big fan of like let’s have an inspiring future and
Let’s uh let’s work towards you know a better future and and and we can do so
without demonizing people I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh you use the word global warming and today they
use the word climate change because you know you have some places that go up and so they were getting themselves in a
little trouble with the the word global warming because not every place is warming some places are going the opposite direction but uh you know I’m
sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars and on the trunks of the cars and it
just seems like something that at some point you will come up with I’m sure you’ll be the first but it would seem
that a solar panel on on the roofs you know on flat surfaces on certain surfaces might be good yeah at least in
certain areas of the country where you have the or the world sure where you have the Sun but I would I would think
and I have no idea because that’s not my world but I would think that this would be something that would be interesting
but you know the one thing that I don’t understand is that people talk about global warming or they talk about
climate change but they never talk about nuclear warming and to me that’s an
immediate problem because you have as I said five countries where have major nuclear and and you know probably some
others are getting there and that’s very dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you just you
don’t want to have this proliferation but you have five countries and getting
more you know China is much less than us right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner than people think
they’re way lower Russia and us are number one and I we’re sort of tied and
China is far behind but they’re developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very fast
it’s gonna they’ll end up catching up maybe even passing but to me the biggest
problem is not uh climate change it’s not and and and everything’s you know a
problem but it’s degrees to me the big problem is the nuclear power the power of nuclear is so great and when I talk
about I’ll prevent World I’ll prevent World War I uh I will but but the truth
is that you have to because this is no longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other this is yeah
a level of Destruction and power that nobody’s ever seen before yeah and actually there’s there’s
the bad side of nuclear which is a nuclear war very bad side but there’s also I think um nuclear electricity
generation is
you know caused by say I mean I’m not going try to pick on call but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there
a certain number of injuries deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually uh way better um so
it’s it’s underrated as a as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people
can’t get it done um so that you know maybe they’ll have to change the name the name is just it’s a rough name there
are some areas like like when you see what happened bad have to Rebrand it we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll
name it after you or something you know um no it hey it has a branding problem
you know when you see what happen it does have a branding problem when you see what happened in Japan where they
say you won’t be able to go on the land for about 3,000 years did you ever see that and in Russia where they had the
problem where they you know the there’s a lot of bad things happened and they have a problem and they say that in
2,000 years people will start to occupy the land again you know you realize it’s pretty bad true but there’s you’re right
about it it’s actually not that bad so so like after Fukushima happened in Japan like
people were asking me in California you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no
that’s crazy it’s it’s actually it’s not even dangerous in Fukushima I actually flew there and and and ate locally grown
vegetables on TV to prove it um and and and I donated a a a solar water
treatment yeah solar power system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but you haven’t been feeling so well lately
and I’m worried about it no no but Ian I’m only kidding fine you know it’s it’s like uh you know Hiroshima and nagaki
were bombed but now they’re like full cities again so it’s really not something that you
know it’s not it’s not as scary as people think basically um let’s see I
mean I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like lawfare I think you know well we need to
be concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we just won the big case in Florida this
was a Biden Administration did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their polit iCal opponent me with his nonsense uh and just nonsense and the big case in
Florida we won but they’ve always they always pick a judge and a jury and they
use local Das they use the local U attorney generals like fonnie you know
fonnie spelled f a n i fonnie and it’s it’s all a big hoax and it’s all run
from there like in Manhattan uh the one of the top people from the justice
department went in Ran Manhattan ran the state the Leticia James deal was run by
a person from the Department of Justice Biden they’ve never done this before and they set up a very bad precedent it it’s
it’s called laare Warfare it’s uh it’s a terrible thing and never happened in our
country it does happen in banana republics in third world countries but it’s never happened and the incredible
thing is it actually drove my numbers up because people see you know fortunately I have a platform for like you or you
know in all fairness like a conversation like this where I can talk about it and people understand I mean you you fight
for election integrity and you end up getting indicted because you’re fighting for election integrity and when the day
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they when after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I look looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him
the guy could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks
good uh you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s
it’s ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs
about three ounces it’s meant for children and old people to lift and he
can’t lift it the whole thing is crazy he’s clearly not I mean it’s clearly like we just don’t have a president
right now you don’t have a president and she’s going to be worse than him because she is a San Francisco liberal who
destroyed San Francisco and then as attorney general she destroyed California you talk about location and
we’re talking about the sun and the water and all there’s nothing better than California she has destroyed that
she was the original da she was the original in San Francisco she was the original attorney general in California
what she has done to California is well you know better than I do you just left California for a lot of those reasons
and what she’s done with with crime with with cashless bail where you kill
somebody I mean we have States now you kill somebody and they let you out right away I mean you you don’t have to even
put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San Francisco
liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s
possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a wall I you know she wants
to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came out
today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your
business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tunnels but everything is obsolete even your rocket
ships like a month later they’re obsolete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall
and a wheel and the wall you know I built hundreds of miles of wall and
that’s why we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up
in three weeks and they sold it for five cents on the dollar that meant I said
wow that means that they actually do want to have open borders she wants to have open borders
and now she’s going like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah this is simply not true this is simply
not everybody knows it’s a disgrace that she can say it no I mean obviously what
what’s happening sort of overnight is they they’re rewriting history and um
and making uh kamla sound like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left wor than Bernie
Sanders she is considered more liberal by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a
radical left lunatic and if she’s going to be our president very quickly you’re not going
to have a country anymore and she’ll go back to all of the things that she believes in she believes in defunding
the police she believes in no fracking zero you no now all of a sudden she’s
saying no I I will I really want to see fracking the day the if they got in the
day she got in she’ll end fracking and by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics that what that really
believe in that uh they won’t vote for her you know um like like the
Palestinians and Israel she is so anti-israel and she’s bad for both Biden
actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know both sides that was a hard thing to do
unification yeah no no I mean I mean the you know Netanyahu came to give a talk
to a joint Senate and House uh sitting and I was there and and and commed them
up you know what does that say I think it’s highly disrespectful and I say if
you’re a Jewish person or if you believe in Israel if you’re a a person that you know is a very pro- Israel if you vote
for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined and you
see tonight I mean as we’re doing this I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or tomorrow
from hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets you know their Iron Dome as they call it as we all call it but their
Shield that they build uh that can be uh swamped we use the term that’s
appropriate swamped but they swamp it by shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough
missiles they can’t defend themselves you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
they’re looking to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these
people and I’m telling you she’ll be worse than him because she’s a believer in being radical left and he
wasn’t important for the for the public that maybe listening to this to say to look at Comm track record you know uh
before the last like month and say uh is that a track record you agree with um
and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree with it um because it is her behavior
has been far-left and we’re seeing just overnight propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it sound like H’s
moderate when she in fact is is not moderate well her uh her running mate uh
approved signed into legislation campons in boys bathrooms okay now that’s all I
have to hear tampons and boys bathrooms and that means she believes in that too
I mean picked this guy because he was the closest to a lot of people thought she’d
pick sort of the opposite but she picked an anti-israel radical left person but she
is far worse they say than Bernie Sanders if we have her as a president if
we have a Democrat at this moment as a president I don’t think our country can survive I I think it’s I think it’s a
massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a Kad Administration and that’s my honest
opinion um and uh and I I think uh I think really it’s essential that that uh
you wion for the good of the country uh for this election and I mean that’s I’m just stating my opinion um now you know
you may have seen this but I I got a letter from the the the EU commission
like saying you know to not have disinformation on the like during this
discussion that we’re having like and you know there’s like there’s there’s a lot of attempts to do censorship and to
force censorship even on Americans uh from other countries and um you know what do you think about that
well I know the uh European Union very well they take great advantage of the
United States in trade as you know we uh through a different for NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of $ 250 billion which people don’t know it
sounds so nice the European Union but let me tell you they’re they’re uh not as tough as China but they’re bad and I
let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat
our country well we defend them you know uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250
billion and they’re in for about 71 billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nations that
you know in terms of an economy it’s about the same size wouldn’t you say as us and they’re and and and they’re in
much greater risk they they’re right there we have an ocean separating us
from in this case the enemy would be Russia used to be for the Soviet Union but let’s assume they’re close enough
and what happens is uh they’re in for 70 something million I think I think even
less than that billion and we’re in for about 250 billion and it could be a
lot higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why aren’t they paying what we’re paying and
they’re in much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact that you know they’re right near there I mean they’re
all sort of in that location we’re not but they should they should and I did it with NATO we were there were only seven
countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the time and the United States
was subid the United States was subsidizing NATO tremendously subsidizing NATO and I said I went in
and I said you got to pay up if you don’t pay up we’re not going to defend you any longer I took a lot of heat but you know what happened billions and
billions of dollars came flowing in and yeah I think I think a lot of the public
isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a disproportionate share of of the NATO expenses and then
we get taking advantage of on trade so think about it yeah well I mean the point of NATO is defending Europe and
it’s uh you know it it’s like then okay well why why is the United States paying
disproportionately more to defend Europe than Europe that doesn’t make sense that’s unfair um and that that is an
appropriate thing to address well you know when you talk about cost cutting and savings and everything else I mean
honestly look there’s nobody that feels worse about the Ukraine situation than I do because I know it would have never
happened I know zalinski he was very honorable to me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said had a
phone call with him he said it was a perfect phone call it was a great phone call he could have grandstand it and you know said oh he he was very threatening
he said no it was a very nice phone call you I called him up to congratulate him on his win and you end up getting
impeached because these people are lunatics you know I was talking about the difference from the people within
and the enemies on the outside in many cases the people from within are more
dangerous for our country than the Russians and the chin if you have a smart president you’re not going to have
a problem with them you’re going to make you’re going to do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us incredibly
but you’re going to do things with the right person yeah well I I I think I think it’s obvious that you’re you’re you’re a
Believer and an advocate of of free speech because during your first time as president you were attacked relentlessly
every day often very unfairly with f you know with with false attacks and and you
didn’t try to shut down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I I think that’s his lot
well the good thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can
get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great
conversation right now Kamala wouldn’t have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a
smart person by the way she can’t have this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he
couldn’t have this conversation he he would have given up on the first half of a question he would have walked out he
would have said where am I where am I going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people
would have this conversation but you know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have
a conversation and yes I’m get it out without because I get this is a really
big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah it’s nice isn’t it and you can’t have a conversation with Biden or Kamal it’s
like not it’s not possible so like talking to an NPC so
it’s just impossible well but think of it we need a man or a person who’s
unbelievably sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along
with all the you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really liked me and
I got along with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said oh do you think you really let me tell you
I saw things that you don’t want to know about is the boss but you we had a good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh
Biden he considers him a stupid man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this
country you’re not sort of allowed to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say it it’s true but we need
really we need smart people and we need people that have an ability to lead and
she doesn’t have that ability can you imagine now you know chairman she very well can you imagine her and him
negotiating or even standing together it it is the whole concept is ridic she is
terrible she’s terrible but she’s getting a free ride I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today she looks
like the most beautiful actress ever to live I it was a drawing and uh actually
she looked very much like our great first lady Melania she look she didn’t
look she didn’t look like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that right
yeah well you know maybe like I think part of what you know people in America want to you know people in America want
want to feel excited and inspired about the future they want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past and that this that America’s going
to do things that are greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights that make you proud to be an American
and uh and excited about the future um they want the American dream back you
know they want the American dream back more important than anything else it’s it’s like you don’t have that today
because the people they’ve been just sucked they see incompetent people running our you know the the Biden thing
is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent and when I debated him I was like is this for real it was
yeah just it was just absurd um but you know I think there there are like you know some some you know Grand projects
that that that we could do I mean I think like you know we could we could build a base on the moon we could send
American ases to Mars we we could build highspeed connections that are you know
more advanced than anything else in the world between our cities so people have fast transport um you know it’s possible
to solve traffic with tunnels we we you know we already made pro great progress
in Vegas doing that and um you know and and and just do things that are exciting
and inspiring to make the future feel like it’s better than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell you it was amazing I I got to see I took
a big Glimpse at it and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and you could do that all over you could do
that all over it’s uh it’s deep yeah you don’t even need much structure you know assuming you’re in the right area no
it’s it’s straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some
some things that like like China’s got incredible highspeed Rail between its cities but I think it’s actually
possible um with with with tunnels if if with deregulation with with an ability
to actually where legal to to actually do the tunnels think you could have
highspeed tunnels that are actually better than than than anything else in the world for highspeed transport
between cities and that would be something that you know Americans can say wow okay we’ve got something that’s
cooler than anyone else in the world that’s that’s the kind of thing that makes you proud to be in America much
safer than surface uh trains where there is a danger there you know with people with crazy people it’s much safer much
better uh and you know it’s sad because I’ve seen some of the greatest frines I I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the
systems and how they work and the bullet trains they call them I guess and they they go unbelievably fast unbelievably
comfortable with no problems and we don’t have anything like that in this country not even close and it doesn’t
make sense that we don’t doesn’t make sense yeah I think also like there’s you
know I just I’m kind of hopping on the excess regulation but I think something that um that I think people can
generally understand is that what happens with laws and regulations is that they just there’s more and more of them every year and unless there’s a
process to clean them up eventually everything becomes illegal and I think um nuclear electricity generation is
underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um
nuclear electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s
it’s just a huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know caused by say I mean I’m
not trying to pick on call mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a certain number of injuries
and deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better um so it’s it’s underrated as a
as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done
actually it’s a fine group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I was pushing them really hard for
regenerant for so many different things that that were really pretty amazing but but the FDA takes too long they would
it’s 12 years to get a product approved I got it down to four and I got some things done very quickly but it’s uh
it’s really something that is gonna have to be worked on because it takes too long just takes too long yeah it just
takes too long and it’s you you end up in the same with with the approval but just it’s just you know it takes years
instead of something that that I think could potentially take months and that impr improves people’s lives I think you
know and and but but it I I just wanted to hop on this point that like there has to be an active process uh for reducing
rules and regulations because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening of the arteries and eventually everything’s
illegal or takes forever um and and then and then we we we just um we just aify
as a society we just uh we can’t make any progress yes and and that’s it’s a
really big deal you know just getting back to the FDA for one second I got something done called right to try this
is where you can go in and if you’re terminally ill you can use a Space Age
uh you know medicine or whatever it may be we have the best doctors the best labs in the world we really do and but
people would go to other countries because you couldn’t use this the product even if they thought it worked
because it’s going through the FDA I got it approved where you can you you basically look nobody want the doctors
didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it our country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally ill the
insurance companies didn’t want it and the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a room
and we came up with an agreement that you won’t get sued and also they didn’t want it on their record if somebody’s
terminally ill and they die after taking a drug they didn’t want that on their record so we set a second a separate
list if somebody was so it wouldn’t count as a negative okay and as you know we got it done we have saved right to
try they’ve been trying to get this done for 58 years and it sounds simple but it
wasn’t because you know I mean you know the insurance companies nobody wanted it but we got it done somebody signs you
sign a document that you’re not going to sue the insurance companies the country you’re not going to sue anybody and we
got it done and we’re saving tens of thousands of lives right to try hopefully you never need it but if you
do you don’t have to travel to Asia you know people if they had money they go to Asia they go to Europe if they don’t
have money they go home and die that’s what happened they go home and die yeah well well I mean actually to to give you
some some props here it’s like if a drug is improved approved in the in in Europe which has a crazy amount of regulations
it should obviously be approved in the US I mean they got more regulations than we do so what why would a drug be
approved in Europe and not in the US that that’s crazy well we did it we did something that really they’ve been
trying to do it for 50 years and they just couldn’t get it done and I got it done and it’s uh it’s really something
but you’re right some people go to Europe because a drug isn’t approved here but it’s approved in Europe and
it’s a drug that generally speaking would work it’s pretty crazy absolutely you’re right and I I think so as long as
people are properly informed of the pros and cons and like these the risk the you know this are the risk and like you make
your own decision um that that makes sense well I think just you know in sort
of closing up and by the way I’m looking at the numbers you get a lot of people listening I hope you don’t get nervous
because you got a lot of people listening to you right now like 60 million or something what is that number
it’s crazy it’s amazing how you can see that right away how many what is the number
wow what is
it well I think in terms that’s bigger than you said you
you said 25 and you’re more than much more than double that number 25 million I think you’re going to be 60 or 7
and I guess over a period of time hey that’s I congratulate you do I get paid for this or not
but well I I think actually in terms of the number of people that will will hear this conversation um over the next uh
you know few days two weeks uh it it’s going to be hundreds that’s what they say yeah that’s good well look it’s an
honor I but I I just asked this are you better off now or were you better off
when I was President nobody’s better off now people you know we put out polls on that and nobody’s better off now
inflation has killed it and you know they also feel very unsafe you look at what’s going on with a lot of different
things you look at the riots we had at the colleges over I mean it’s ridiculous but right all of the rights they just
feel unsafe and now they really feel unsafe because you have a new form of crime it’s called migrant crime I call
it Biden migrant maybe I’ll call it Camala migrant crime but you know I mean
with all these things I always try to like try to get to the ground Truth by just asking people and you know my my mom lives in New York and I I was like
you know Mom you know do you know have you any of your friends you know been attacked or assaulted and she said yeah
three of her friends in three separate incidents were assaulted just just just in recent months just walking around the
streets of New York and and I and and I said well did what what happened to the people that assulted them oh nothing
they they got away like and and they they just know get away nothing and they
don’t even didn’t even bother reporting it because there’s not they know that there’s not they’re not going to you
know people are not going to get prosecuted they just they just let you know violent criminals out in New York
the only one that gets prosecuted is Donald Trump they don’t get they prosecute Trump yeah I mean it’s it’s
it’s just obviously messed up terrible if violent criminals are being are being getting off scar three um and and and
meanwhile that the the you know New York spending massive resources Prosecuting you and it’s like what’s this you know
and and I think the sort of sensible public said looks at this and says what
the heck’s going on here this is obviously abuse the legal system um you know the legal system is supposed to be
protecting the public from um violent criminals and it it should be obviously allowing the public to make their own
decision about who should be president as opposed to you know some uh you know
legal case once they start this precedent because this can go on with the next one I mean this is a very bad
president what they’re doing in terms of you know going after their political opponent and that’s all it is it’s going
after their political opponent and and then you get a judge who’s you know a
strong Democrat and I’m being nice when I say that in many cases crooked as hell but you get a judge and you go into an
area where a republican gets three or four perc of the vote and you know you’ll have a jury pool with uh people
that hate Republicans or hate it could also be the other way though because it could start the other way in areas where
they hate Democrats and you get into a Pandora’s Box it’s a very dangerous thing for this country and a very
dangerous thing even for the state New York City is lo New York city and state
lose a lot of business over what they did to me because these people say we don’t want that to happen to us that’s
no justice system you have an unfair system of justice and it’s costing New York State a tremendous amount of money
people are leaving and companies are leaving and they won’t come back so you know all of that stuff is important but
the economy now is the big thing and we can turn that economy up so fast and people are going to be back again we’re
going to get rid of I think there’s lot a lot of opportunity absolutely absolutely so and I just want I want to
congratulate you you’ve done an amazing job you are you have definitely got a fertile mind you know we can talk you
and I can talk about Rockets it’s kind of you to say thank you well tunnels we can talk about tunnels and Rockets and
and uh electric cars so many things and now you’re you’re into the Ai and that’s
going to be another Beauty I’ll say so it’s uh yeah it’s an amazing it’s an amazing thing you’ve done Elon it’s an
amazing thing and I congratulate you I mean thank you and well I mean I just to
say here you know here’s to an exciting inspiring future that people can look forward to and be optimistic and excited
about what happens next and that’s the kind of future that I think you will bring as president and that’s why I
endorse you well I appreciate that that endorsement meant a lot to me not all endorsements mean that much to be honest
your endorsement meant a lot and you know we have a a phrase make America great again it’s pretty simple but it
really says that we want to make America great again and we can do it we can do it now but if we were going to suffer
another four years like we’ve suffered for the last four years I’m not sure the country can ever come back that’s how
bad it is it’s so bad we have to we have to do a lot I think that’s a very real risk it’s a big risk it’s a very real
risk and and you know I just like to to note to people listening like I’ve not been very political before and and if
just if you look at my TR my record it’s I’ve actually been I’m I’m I’m not like since they try to paint me as like a far
right guy which is absurd because I’m like making electric vehicles and you know solar and batteries helping them with the environment and uh and and I
actually I I uh you know I I supported Obama I stood in line for six hours to
shake Obama’s hand when when he was running for president and you know so it’s not like I’m like some sort of died
in the wo long-term Republic I’m actually I call myself uh you know
historically a moderate Dem Democrat and but now I feel like we’re really at at a
critical juncture for the country um and uh you know I think a lot of people
thought you know that Biden Administration would be a moderate Administration but it’s not and and obviously but we’re just going to
see um an even further left uh Administration with with kamla that’s
that’s my honest opinion I mean her D is literally I mean she was brought up as a as an
actual your dad is is is a Marxist Economist that’s you can Google it I mean it’s not a we’re not making this up
you know um that’s how she was brought up so and and we we we just we want to
have a future that is prosperous and and I I think we’re just at this critical juncture and um and it I think this is a
case of the America uh is is going to add a fork in the road and true um and I
think it take it will take if the path like you are the path to prosperity and
I think Camala is the opposite then that’s my I mean that’s my honest opinion I’m I’m gonna get attacked like crazy and you know I’ve also experienced
quite a bit of lafare myself um and uh but I’m just active in really active in
politics before um and I’m just trying to point out that my track record historically has been moderate if not
moderate slightly left and and uh so this is to people out there who are in the moderate Camp to say I think you
should support um Donald Trump for president um and and I I think it’s actually a very important
Junction in the road and and we’re deep trouble if they don’t if if if it goes the other way well I want to thank you
and you know I actually always did think of you as somewhat left I must say that so it’s it’s even more of an honor to
have your endorsement I know how strong you feel about it but you know when you think of her uh San Francisco 15 years
ago I had a great friend Bob Tish he said it’s the greatest city in America and now it’s you it’s not it’s almost
not livable there and California likewise and she was involved in the destruction of San Francisco and the
destruction of California and she will be involved in the destruction of our country if people are so unwise as to
elect her and I hope that doesn’t happen and I hope the elections are going to be run honestly and we’re going to turn
this country around we’re going to we’re going to do things that and we can do it fairly quickly and we have to get rid of
the criminals that have been you know given to us by other countries as they laugh they laugh at us they think we’re
stupid to accept these people these are radical Stone Cold Killers in many case
cases and terrorists and they’re in our country by the hundreds of thousands
yeah and we have to take them out yeah I mean if I could summarize it perhaps you know I think these are
issues that I think most people in America uh would would agree with which is that we want safe and Clean Cities we
want cure borders uh we want sensible government spending we want to restore
both the perception and reality of respect in the in the in the judicial system you know stop the lawfare um and
uh and I think that that’s like and how are how are those even right-wing
positions I think those are just that’s just common sense and and that’s uh I mean would you agree with that 100% I I
don’t understand you know the whole they call it Progressive they don’t like the word liberal anymore but call it liberal
or Progressive I don’t understand how somebody could say that it’s okay for them to empty prisons into our country
and again I told you their crime rates all over the world are going way down which makes sense in fact the next time
what we’ll do is if something happens with this election which would be a horror show we’ll meet the next time in
Venezuela because it’ll be a far safer place to meet in our country okay so we’ll go you and I will go and we’ll
have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela because that’s what’s happen their crime rates coming down and our
crime rates going through the roof and it’s so simple and it’s you haven’t seen anything yet because these people have
come into our country and they’re just getting acclimated and they don’t know about being politically correct law
enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police I I have to just end with this we have great police we have great
law enforcement but they’re not allowed to do their job they have to be able to do their job without being destroyed
well absolutely and it’s it’s OB demoralizing if you’re a police officer risking your life uh to you know you
know to arrest violent criminals who could kill you and do kill you sometimes
um and then you you arrest the violent criminal and then the The Da you know
doesn’t prosecute and and that’s let the guy out well then like why why should a police officer risk their life uh to
arrest a violent Fel well even worse nothing’s gonna happen even worse they prosecute the police officer
they go after a and they prosecute the police officer and they take away his pension they take away his job he loses
his family he loses his house well I I I thought I thought it was very telling like incredibly telling that you know
when that that was a case where uh you know sort of a gang of thugs beat up uh
police officers I think it was in Times Square in New York and and and then nothing happened to those guys they were
they were let out zero bail and I think Bunch were free tickets to California
well what if I mean that that is that is a that is a gross indignity against the United States and and that’s how I mean
this is insane like have we lost all Pride what that how can such a thing be
allowed to occur I’ve never seen anything you know we’ve see where they get shot it’s very dangerous profession
but something they’re very proud of and they want to be able to do their job but I’ve seen them get shot I’ve seen a lot of but I’ve never seen where these guys
are standing in the middle of a big Street everybody watching them and they’re literally boxing like punching standup
fighting a police officer there two of them and you had about six of these guys and they’re punching the hell out of
them and in their own country they would be dead if they did that they’d be shot
they would be shot instantly and you know they come from these countries and it’s taking them a while to realize that
we don’t do that in this country but in their own country if they stood on a street and had a fight with a police
officer they would shot there’s no political correctness and it’s such a
sad it’s such a sad thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime by the way because we don’t do anything about
it yeah we we just cannot have a situation where our police officers be beaten up on camera uh by you know gang
of illegal immigrants and then nothing happens to to to the guys that beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re let out
this is unacceptable we’re going to change it and we’re going to get him out of the country you know when I first got
involved they said you couldn’t get them back to these countries you couldn’t take them back in the case of uh Guatemala Honduras El Salvador some
others you couldn’t get him back and I said really oh you can’t get him back because under uh Obama he couldn’t get
him back they’d put up they’d fly him in and they put planes on the runways in these countries so you couldn’t land a plane they’d bring them back and the
general told me the generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back to countries won’t accept MS13 gang members
they won’t accept them and I said really how much do we pay these various countries in terms of economic aid which
is also somewhat ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said good tell
them they’re in default they’re delinquent we’re not going to do we’re not paying them anymore because they won’t accept and you know what happened
they all called me every one of them they said we would be honored to take them back sir we would be honored it was
so easy but it’s one of those things and we got them back we took in so many you know MS13 is probably the worst gangs in
the world they’re the most vicious we took them out of here by the thousands and got them out of here and
their countries took them back and because I said you’re not getting any more economic aid and once I said that
they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama they wouldn’t take them back for anybody and now we have a
problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take him back anymore with the Biden because they don’t respect
him yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s just got to be done we we just can’t can’t have uh you whether they’re
citizens or not citizens we can’t have because they weren’t Pro prosecuted citizens either not not just not just
illegals so uh if it’s you can’t have violent you repeat violent offenders
that are not that that that don’t get um incarcerated that’s right because they
will they will obviously by definition continue to uh to to uh you know hurt
people and and and I I think where part of this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I do sort of consider
myself liberal in some ways I mean I it’s just that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to have
empathy for people I totally agree with that you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the
victims of the criminals and if you if you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s actually shallow empathy it’s
not real you’re not thinking you’re not you have one layer deep uh empathy you
got to say like what if you don’t incarcerate this person who are they going to uh
hurt where they might kill someone they might rap rape someone if if you don’t incarcerate them you have to have
empathy for the victims and there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and and too much empathy for
the criminals it doesn’t make sense I that’s why you want to have deep empathy for society as a whole not shallow
empathy for for criminals and we have to give our police officers the dignity and the respect that they deserve and we
have to let them do their job they they can do a great job but we have to let them do their job and if we don’t do
that we you know it’s it’s going to all it’s going to all disappear there’s never been a society like this where
you’re allowed to do anything you want and nothing happens and I’m talking about violent crime and it’s going to
get more violent because these are really really violent people and we’re going to get them out of our country and
we’re going to get them back to where because they were sent here by the presidents and by the various people that run those countries and I know
every one of those guys and there smart people and they’re StreetWise people and they really think that the USA is stupid
they think we’re run by stupid people and they happen to be right but when I was there we had no problem we got them
out we took out thousands of MS13 gang members we brought them back and now
again they it’s the same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big increase in Aid they they raised
it up to billions of dollars and they get nothing for it so you know it’s it’s
uh I hope everybody’s going to vote for Trump and we’re going to get this country straight and I didn’t need this
I’m like I didn’t need this I had a very nice life I didn’t need the to go through court systems and go through all
the other stuff and run at the same time I have to run I have to go through fake trials with in some cases corrupt judges
totally corrupt judges I didn’t need it I had a nice life I have great locations I have beautiful oceans that I have
places you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do if if I
had to do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over again I would
have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re gonna save this
country this country is going down and these people are bad people that were running against and they’re Liars they
make statements they they they do things that are so bad they they say they’re
going to make a strong border they say they’ve been great on the border and they’ve been the worst in history they
say they’re Gon Stop fact speak for themselves so incred speak themselves like it’s got got the point where where
people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of CI because they know nothing that’s GNA happen um you know
that’s what I hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just uh you know my values I’m just
saying to to people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve
got to have safe cities we got to have secure borders we got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got
to have the you know deregulation and um so we can have a prosperous future and
then we want to have some exciting you know sort of moonshot projects that that people get get fired up about and um you
know that’s that’s the future I’m looking for and um you know I’m Pro environment um but but I’m I’m not
against uh you know I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because they’re they’re keeping
civilization going right now and uh but I do think we want to move you know you know at a reasonable speed towards uh a
sustainable energy economy those those are my values and and and I think um you know and and and so I mean that’s uh why
I’m supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re gonna make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs and again it’s about the the
American dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the American dream in the
truest sense but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re G to hear about it people they need that
incentive to go out and Yeah and do it and they they’re GNA love their lives I mean they’re gonna love they’re G to
look forward to getting up in the morning and going to you know going to a job that they love not a job that they
can’t stand or not any job at all where they have no money where they literally have no money and then they end up with
violence and lots of other problems no we’re gonna do we’re g to do some great things and I learned a lot in the first
we had a great economy and all of that we rebuilt the military did so much but I also learned and I also learned the
best people I learned the good people the the smart people the dumb people the people that can do things the people you
know you learn when I first came in I I tell people I was in Washington DC only
17 times according to the fake news media I was in 17 times I never stayed
over and you don’t know people you rely on other people to give your names and then you realize the people you relied
on weren’t so good now we had great people but we also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I
known now I know everybody and I think we’re going to uh we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no
choice otherwise we’re not going to have a country and I really appreciate this has been to me it’s been a lot of fun
being with you you’re an amazing guy you’ve done an incredible job and a great inspiration to people a great
inspiration and I hope you keep going and just uh continue to do well and
we’re going to have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history
of our country I think that election will be the most important election and I think it’ll end up being maybe the
most important day in the history of our country because if we don’t win I just
feel so sorry for everybody no we’re I think we’re at at a folk in the road of Destiny of of
civilization and um for Middle income people not only businesses but we did it
for businesses because they’re the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were set to really start
reducing debt and you know we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of
liquid gold anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Russia and we were going to drill and we were going
to make so much money we were going to supply Europe with oil I had stopped the Russian Pipeline and we were going to
supply them with oil and gas we were G to we were G to make a fortune and then
uh the Co came in and we had to we really had to divert then what happened
is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if I didn’t do what we did we would have had a 1929
type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got trillions of dollars and just started spending it
stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad period where it was everybody was dying and feeling
you know it was it was just not a good period interestingly uh you know during his
Administration many more people died during his administration of Co than
during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t realize more people died during his
administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody
so many of your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business
were during the Trump years and and also said that uh
africanamerican uh Hispanic American were so incredible they were having the
best Asian-American women men young people without a diploma young people
that graduated from the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School
from all of the great colleges Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma were doing better and
everybody was was happy and then Co came and we had we the problem is they spent
trillions and trillions of dollars they wasted they shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having
inflation right now which is killing our country yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean
I should probably say something about like you know may maybe my views on you know climate change and oil and gas um
because uh I think it’s probably different from what most people would assume um because I my My Views are
actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry
and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide the necessary energy to to support the
economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now we would all be starving and the economy would collapse
uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas industry um and and I and I you know and
the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better if the United States provides that than
than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with prosperity in the US um and at at the
same time obviously my view is is like we do over time want to move to um a
sustainable energy economy because eventually you do run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there
it’s not infinite um and there is there is some risk I think it’s not the risk
is not as as high as uh you know a lot of people say it is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if
you just keep increasing the poost million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets
uncomfortable to uh to breathe people don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand POS million
of of CO2 uh you start getting headaches and NAA um and so we’re we’re now in the
sort of 400 range we’re adding I think about roughly two Parra million per year
so I mean still gives us so what it means like we still have quite a bit of time um but but so there’s not like we
don’t need to to rush and we don’t need to like you know stop Farmers from farming or you know uh prevent people
from having staks or basic stuff like that like like leave the farmers alone I
agree how crazy is that where I mean you have Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of
their cattle and the whole the whole world is a little crazy but it’s largely taking its lead from us I I do say
though I’ve heard in terms of the fossil fuel because even to uh create your
electric car and create the electricity needed for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that
at the generating plants and you know so you sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be
able to but I do hear we have anywhere from a 100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet
yeah but there are tremendous like anoir I got anoir in Alaska approved Ronald
Reagan couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got it approved the first thing that Biden
did was unimproved it to get rid of it he uh ended it his uh his secretary went
in and she ended it and what a what a disgrace that’s ANW that’s bigger or
they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger than Saudi Arabia but they went in and
they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it big for Alaska I mean you talk about
economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same
size and pure really good stuff and you know they end it so I think we have you
know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that during that time something will come
around that will be very good yeah well I mean my my estimate would be you know
a little more aggressive than that but it’s it’s not the sort of like we all going to die in five years stuff that
that’s obviously BS um but I me my view is like if you just look at sort of the posture million uh that increments every
year you know you get sort of two or three posture million every year of of CO2 um I mean my I I think some of that
it’s problematic if it accelerates if you start going from two or three to say five and then there may be some
situations where uh you get uh just a step change increase in the CO2 um and
and I think we don’t we don’t want to get too close to a th PPM because like
that’s that’s actually makes it uncomfortable to to to to bre like just existing in in a th000 PPM CO2 is is
uncomfortable that’s that’s like a that’s considered like an industrial Hazard right just so so it’s you know
that that’s that’s actually you start getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not
comfortable to so you you don’t want to get too close to that but I mean I think we’ve got I think we want to just move
over like and if if I don’t know 50 to 100 years from now we’re um we’re we’re
I don’t know mostly sustainable I think that’ll probably be okay um so it’s it’s
it’s not like the the house is on on fire immediately but it I think it it is something we we need to to move towards
and on you know on balance it’s probably better to move their faster than slower
but but like I said without vilifying the oil and gas industry uh and and and without causing hardship in the short
term I think this can be done um with without you know people can still have
you know a stake and they can still drive gasoline cars and this you
know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s not I don’t think we should valify people for it but I think we should just
just generally lean in the direction of of sustainability um and uh I actually
think solar is is going to be a majority of of Earth’s energy generation uh in
the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and so you get the solar power um combine that with with with
batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night and uh and then you use that to charge the electric cars
and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you know that that’s what Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress
progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we we we like we don’t believe that environmentalism that
caring about the environment should should mean that you have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are beautiful if they drive well if they’re
fast they’re you know sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I mean the sexy joke Model S model 3 Model
X and Y spells out sexy was probably the most expensive joke out there um but I you know I just I don’t know I like
cheesy humor you know so um and but but I’m I’m I I’m a big fan of like let’s
have an inspiring future and let’s uh let’s work towards you know a better
future and and and we do so without demonizing people right I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh you use
the word global warming and today they use the word climate change because you know you have some places that go up and
so they were getting themselves in a little trouble with the the word global warming because not every place is warming some places are going the
opposite direction but uh you know I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars
and on the trunks of the cars and it just seems like something that at some point you will come up with I’m sure
you’ll be the first but it would seem that a solar panel on on the roofs you know on flat surfaces on certain
surfaces might be good yeah at least in certain areas of the country where you have the or the world where you have the
Sun but I would I would think and I have no idea because that’s not my world but
I would think that this would be uh something that would be interesting but you know the one thing that I don’t
understand is that people talk about global warming or they talk about climate change but they never talk about
nuclear warming and to me that’s an immediate problem because you have as I
said five countries we have major nuclear and and you know probably some others are getting there and that’s very
dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you just you don’t want to have this proliferation
but you have five countries and getting more you know China is much less than us
right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner than people think they’re way lower Russia and us are
number one and I we’re sort of tied and China is far behind but they’re
developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very fast it’s gonna they’ll end up catching up
maybe even surpassing but to me the biggest problem is not uh climate change
it’s not and and and everything’s you know a problem but it’s degrees to me the big problem is the nuclear power the
power of nuclear is so great and when I talk about I’ll prevent World I’ll
prevent World War II uh I will but but the truth is that you have to because
this is no longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other this is yeah a level of Destruction and
power that nobody’s ever seen before yeah and actually there’s there’s
the bad side of nuclear which is nuclear war very bad side but there’s there’s also I think um nuclear electricity
generation is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um nuclear electricity
Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s it’s just a huge
misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know caused by say I mean I’m not going try
to pick on Co mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a certain number of injuries and deaths
per year um and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better um so it’s it’s underrated as a as an
electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done um so that you know
maybe they’ll have to change the name the name is just it’s a rough name there are some areas like like when you see
what happened bad Rebrand it we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll name it after you or something you know um no it
has hey it has a branding problem you know when you see what happened does have a branding problem when you see
what happened in Japan where they say you won’t be able to go the land for about 3,000 years did you ever see that
and in Russia where they had the problem where they you know the there’s a lot of bad things happened and they have a
problem and they say that in 2,000 years people will start to occupy the land again you know you realize it’s pretty
bad not true but there’s you’re right about it’s actually not that bad so so
like after Fukushima happened in Japan like people were asking me in California
you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no that’s crazy it’s actually it’s not even dangerous in Fukushima I actually
flew there and and and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it um and and
and I donated a a a solar water treatment yeah solar power system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but
you haven’t been feeling so well lately and I’m worried about it no no but I mean I’m only it’s fine you know it’s
it’s like uh you know herim and Nagasaki were bombed but now they’re they’re like
full cities again so it’s really not that you know it’s it’s not as scary as people
think basically but um let’s see I mean I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like
lawfare I think you know we need to be concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we
just won the big case in Florida this was a Biden Administration did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their political opponent me with his nonsense uh and just nonsense and the big case in
Florida we won but they’ve always they always pick a judge and a jury and they
use local DA they use the local attorney generals like fonnie you
know fonnie spelled f a ni I fny and it’s it’s all a big hoax and it’s all
run from there like in Manhattan uh the one of the top people from the justice
department went in Ran Manhattan ran the state the Leticia James deal was run by
a person from the Department of Justice Biden they’ve never done this before and they set up a very bad precedent it it’s
it’s called lawfare Warfare it’s uh it’s a terrible thing and never happened in
our country it does happen in banana republics in third world countries but it’s never happened and the incredible
thing is it actually drove my numbers up because people see you know fortunately I have a platform like you or you know
in all fairness like a conf ation like this where I can talk about it and people understand I mean you you fight
for election integrity and you end up getting indicted because you’re fighting for election integrity and when the day
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they when after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him the guy
could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks good uh
you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s it’s
ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs about
three ounces it’s meant for children and old people to lift and uh he can’t lift
it the whole thing is crazy well he clearly I mean it’s clearly like we just don’t have a president right you don’t
have a president and she’s going to be worse than him because she is a San
Francisco liberal who destroyed San Francisco and then as attorney general
she destroyed California you talk about location and we’re talking about the sun and the water and all there’s nothing
better than California she has destroyed that she was the original da she was the original in San Francisco she was the
original attorney general in California what she has done to California is well you know better than I do you just left
California for a lot of those reasons and what she’s done with with crime with
with cashless bail where you kill somebody I mean we have States now you kill somebody and they let you out right
away I mean you you don’t have to even put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San Francisco
liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s
possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a wall I you know she wants
to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came after
today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your
business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tunnels but everything is obsolete even your rocket
ships they’re like a month later they’re obs solete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall
and a wheel and the wall you I built hundreds of miles of wall and that’s why
we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up in three weeks
and they sold it for five cents on the dollar that meant I said wow that means that they actually do want to have open
borders she wants to have open borders and now she’s going like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah
this is simply not true this is simply not true everybody knows it’s it’s a disgrace that you can say it no I mean
obviously what what’s happening sort of overnight is they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh kamla sound
like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered more liberal
by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a radical left lunatic and if she’s going
to be our president very quickly you’re not going to have a country anymore and she’ll go back to
all of the things that she believes in she believes in defunding the police she believes in no fracking zero you no now
all of a sudden she’s saying no I I will I really want to see fracking the day
the if they got in the day she got in she’ll end fracking and by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics
that what that really believe in that uh they won’t vote for her you know um like
like the Palestinians and Israel she is so anti-israel and she’s bad for both
Biden actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know both sides that was a hard thing to do
unification yeah no no I mean I mean the you know Netanyahu came to give a talk
to a joint Senate and House uh sitting and I was there and and and comma stood
him up you know what does that say I think it’s highly disrespectful and I
say if you’re a Jewish person or if you believe in Israel if you’re a a person that you know is a very pro Israel if
you vote for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined
and you see tonight I mean as we’re doing this I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or
tomorrow from hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets you know their Iron Dome as they call it we all call it but
their Shield that they build uh that can be uh swamped we use a term that’s
appropriate swamp but they swamp it by shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough
missiles they can’t defend themselves you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
they’re looking to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these
people and I’m telling you you’ll be worse than him because she’s a believer in being radical left and he
wasn’t important for the for the public that maybe listening to this to say to look at K’s track record you know uh
before the last like month and say uh is that a track record you agree with um
and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree with it um because it is her behavior
has been farle and we’re seeing just an overnight propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it sound like H’s
moderate when she in fact is is not moderate well her uh her running mate uh
approved signed into legislation tampons in boys bathrooms okay now that’s all I
have to hear tampons in boys bathrooms and that means she believes in that too
I mean she she picked this guy because he was the closest to a lot of people
thought she’d pick sort of the opposite but she picked an anti-israel radical left person but she
is far worse they say than Bernie Sanders if we have her as a president if
we have a Democrat at this moment as a president I don’t think our country can survive I I think it’s I think it’s a
massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a kamla Administration and that’s my honest
opinion um and uh and I I think uh I think really it’s essential that that uh
you win for the good of the country uh this election and I mean that’s I’m just stating my opinion um now you know you
may have seen this but I I got a letter from the the the EU commission like
saying you know to not have disinformation on the like during this discussion that we’re having like and
you know there’s like there’s there’s a lot of attempts to do censorship and to force censorship even on Americans uh
from other countries and um you know what do you think about that well I know
the uh European Union very well they take great advantage of the United
States in trade as you know we uh through a different form NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of $250 billion
which people don’t know it sounds nice the European Union but let me tell you they’re they’re uh not as tough as China
but they’re bad and I let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat our country well
we defend them you know uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250 billion and they’re
in for about 71 billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nations that you know in terms
of an economy it’s about the same size when you say as us and they and and and
they’re in much greater risk they they’re right there we have an ocean
separating us from in this case the enemy would be Russia used to be for the Soviet Union but let’s assume they’re
close enough and what happens is uh they’re in for 70 something million I
think I think even less than that billion and we’re in for about 250 billion and it could be a
lot higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why aren’t they paying what we’re paying and
they’re in much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact that you know they’re right near there I mean they
were all sort of in that location we’re not but they should they should and I did it with NATO we were there were only
seven countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the time and the
United States was subsid the United States was subsidizing NATO tremendously
subsidizing and I said I went in and I said you got to pay up if you don’t pay up we’re not going to defend you any
longer I took a lot of heat but you know what happened billions and billions of dollars came flowing in and yeah I think
I think a lot of the public isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a disproportionate share of of the
NATO expenses and then we get taken advantage of on trade so think about
yeah well I mean the point of NATO is defending Europe and it’s uh you know it it’s like then okay well why why
is the United States paying disproportionately more to defend Europe than Europe that doesn’t make sense
that’s unfair um and that that isn’t appropriate thing to address well you know when you talk about cost cutting
and savings and everything else I mean honestly look there’s nobody that feels
worse about the Ukraine situation than I do because I know it would have never happened I know zalinski he was very
honorable to me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said I had a phone call with him he said it was a
perfect phone call it was a great phone call he could have grandstand it and you know said oh he he was very threatening
he said no it was a very nice phone call I called him up to congratulate him on his win and you end up getting impeached
because these people are lunatics you know I was talking about the difference from the people within and the enemies
on the outside in many cases the people from within are more dangerous for our
country than the Russians and the chin if you have a smart president you’re not going to have a problem with them you’re
going to make you’re going to do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us incredibly but you’re going to do things
with the right person yeah well I I I think I think it’s obvious that you’re you’re you’re a
believer in an advocate of of free speech because during your first time as president you were attacked relentlessly
every day often very unfairly with f you know with false attacks and and you
didn’t try to shut down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I think that his a lot
well the good thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can
get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great
conversation right now Camala wouldn’t have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a
smart person by the way she can’t have this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he
couldn’t have this conversation he he would have given up in the first half of a question he would have walked out he
would have said where am I where am I going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people
would have this conversation but you know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have
a conversation and I’m a to get it out without because I get Tre this is a
really big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah it’s nice isn’t it and you can’t have a
conversation with Biden or Kamal it’s like not it’s not possible this is like talking to an NPC
so it’s just impossible well but think of it we need man or person who’s
unbelievably sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along
with all the you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really liked me and
I got along with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said oh
do you think he really let me tell you I saw things that you don’t want to know about he is the boss but you we had a
good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh Biden he considers him a stupid
man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this country you’re not sort of allowed
to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say it it’s true but we need really we need smart people and we
need people that have an ability to lead and she doesn’t have that ability can
you imagine now you know chairman she very well can you imagine her and him negotiating or even standing together it
is the whole concept is ridic she is terrible she’s terrible but she’s getting a free ride I saw a picture of
her on Time Magazine today she looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live I it was a drawing and uh actually
she looked very much like our great first lady Melania she looks she didn’t
look she didn’t look like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that
right yeah well you know maybe like I think what you know people in America
want to you know people in America want want to feel excited and inspired about the future they want to feel like the future is going to be better than the
past and that this that America is going to do things that are greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights
that make you proud to be an American and uh and excited about the future um
they want the American dream back you know they want the American dream back more important than anything else it’s
it’s like you don’t have that today because the people they been just sucked they see incompetent people running our
you know the the Biden thing is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent and when I debated him I was
like is this for real it was yeah just it was just absurd um but I youan know I
think there there are like you know some some you know Grand projects that that that we could do I mean I think like you
know we could we could build a base on the moon we could send American nations to Mars we we could uh bu build
highspeed connections that are you know more advanced than anything else in the world between our cities so people have
fast transport um you know it’s possible to solve traffic with tunnels we we you
know we already made pro great progress in Vegas doing that and um you know and and and just do things that are exciting
and inspiring to make the future feel like it’s better than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell you it was amazing I I got to see I took
a big Glimpse at it and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and you could do that all over you could
do that all over it’s uh it’s deep you don’t even need much structure you know assuming you’re in the right area no
it’s straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some some things that like like China’s got
incredible highp speed rail between its cities but I think it’s actually possible um with with with tunnels if if
with deregulation with with an ability to actually where it’s like legal to to
actually do the tunnels think you could have highspeed tunnels that are actually better uh than
than than anything else in the world for highspeed transport between cities and that would be something that you know
Americans can say wow okay we’ve got something that’s cooler than anyone else in the world that’s that’s kind of thing
that makes you proud to be and much safer than surface uh trains where there is a danger there you know with people
with crazy people it’s much safer much better uh and you know it’s sad because I’ve seen some of the greatest frames I
I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the systems and how they work and the bullet trains they call them I guess and they
they go unbelievably fast unbelievably comfortable with no problems and we
don’t have anything like that in this country not even plus and it doesn’t make sense that we don’t does it make
sense yeah I think also like there’s you know I just I’m kind of hopping on the
excess regulation but I think something that um that I think people can generally understand is that what
happens with laws and reg ation is that they just there’s more and more of them every year and unless there’s a process
to clean them up eventually everything becomes illegal and I think um nuclear
electricity generation is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this Spar of nuclear um nuclear
electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s it’s just a
huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know
caused by say I mean I’m not trying to pick on Co mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there look at
number of injuries and deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually uh way better um so it’s
it’s underrated as a as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get
it done actually it’s a fine group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I was pushing them really
hard for regenerant for so many different things that that were really pretty amazing but but the FD a takes
too long they would it’s 12 years to get a product approved I got it down to four
and I got some things done very quickly but it’s uh it’s really something that
is going to have to be worked on because it takes too long just takes too long yeah it it just takes too long and it’s
you you end up in the same with with the approval but it just it’s just you know it takes years instead of something that
that I think could potentially take months and that impr improves people’s lives I think you know and and but but
it I I just wanted to hop on this point that like there has to be an active process uh for reducing rules and
regulations because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening of the arteries and
eventually everything’s illegal or takes forever um and and then and then we we
we just um we just aify as a society we just uh we can’t make any progress and
and that’s it’s a really big deal you know just getting back to the FD for one second I got something done called right to try this is where you can go in and
if you’re terminally ill you can use a Space Age uh you know medicine or whatever it may be we have the best
doctors the best labs in the world we really do and but people would go to other countries because you couldn’t use
this the product even if they thought it worked because it’s going through the FDA I got it approved where you can yeah
you you basically look nobody want the doctors didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it out
country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally ill the insurance companies didn’t want it and
the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a room and we came up with an agreement that
for Middle inome people not businesses but we did it for businesses because they’re the ones that that’s why we had
the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing debt and you know
we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia Bigg than
Russia come people not only businesses but we did it for businesses because they’re the ones that that’s why we had
the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing debt and you know
we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in the world
bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Russia and we were going to drill and we were going to make so much money we were
going to supply Europe with oil I had stopped the Russian Pipeline and we were going to supply them with oil and gas we
were gonna we were gonna make a fortune and then uh the covid came in and we had
a we really had to divert then what happened is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if
I didn’t do what we did we would have had a 1929 type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got
trillions of dollarss and just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad
period where it was everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period
interestingly uh you know during his administration many more people died
during his administration of covid than during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t
realize more people died during his administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody
so many of your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during the Trump years and and also
said that uh African-American uh Hispanic American were so incredible they were having the
best Asian-American women men young people without a diploma young people
that graduated from the the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School from all of the great colleges
Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma were doing better and everybody was was happy and
then Co came and we had a we had the problem is they spent trillions and trillions of dollars they wasted they
shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having inflation right now which is killing our country yeah yeah
yeah absolutely I mean I should probably say something about like you know maybe my views on you know climate change and
oil and gas um because uh I think it’s probably different from what most people
would assume um because I my My Views are actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t
think we should vfy the oil and gas industry and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide
the necessary energy to to support the economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now uh we would all be
starving and the economy would collapse uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas
industry um and and I and I you know and the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better
if the United States provides that than than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with
prosperity in the US um and at the same time obviously my view is is like we do
over time want to move to um a sustainable energy economy because eventually you do run out of I mean you
run out of oil and gas it’s not there it’s not infinite um and there is there
is some risk I think it’s not the risk is not as as high as uh you know a lot
of people say it is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if you just keep increasing the poost of a
million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets uncomfortable to uh to breathe people
don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand Poss million of of CO2 uh you start getting
headaches and um and so we’re we’re now in the sort of 400 range we’re adding I think about
roughly two parts per million per year so I mean still gives us so what it means like we still have quite a bit of
time um but but so there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and and we don’t need to like you know stop Farmers from
farming or you know uh prevent people from having Stakes or basic stuff like
that like like leave the farmers alone I agree how crazy is where you have
Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of their cattle and the whole the whole world is
a little crazy but it’s largely taken its lead from us I I do say though I’ve
heard in terms of the fossil fuel because even to uh create your electric
car and create the electricity needed for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the
generating plants and you know so you sort of can’t get away from at this moment I mean someday you might be able
to but I do hear we have anywhere from 100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but
there are tremendous like anoir I got anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan
couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got it approved the first thing that Biden
did was unimproved it to get rid of it he uh ended it his uh his secretary went
in and she ended it and what a what a disgrace that’s andw that’s bigger or
they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger than Saudi Arabia but they went in and
they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it big for Alaska I mean you talk about
economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same
size and pure really good stuff and you know they ended so I think we have you
know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that during that time something will come
around that will very good yeah well I mean my my well I think we will I’m
pretty sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book with uh so many millions of
people and it’s an honor we view that as an honor and then uh you do want silencing of certain voices usually
those are voices that have something to say that are constructive often times constructive and so we have to consider
it an honor but congratulations on breaking every record in the book tonight that’s great well I think we
will I’m pretty sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book with the so
many millions of people and it’s an honor we view that as an honor and then uh you do want silencing of certain
voices usually those are voices that have something to say that are constructive often times constructive
and we have to consider it an honor but congratulations on breaking every record in the book tonight that’s great well
thank you um well I me maybe uh we could start off with um I mean the
assassination attempt uh which uh was an incredible thing and I have to say that
uh you know your actions after that that assassin attempt were inspiring um you
know you instead of shying away from things instead of ducking down um you were pumping your fist in the air saying
fight fight fight and I think that’s I mean you know the president of the
United States represents America and I think that is that is America that that
is strength Under Fire and um so that’s uh you know a big you know part of the
reason why I was uh excited to endorse you as the President of the United
States for having another term here is uh that was that was just incredibly inspiring but but I mean what was it
like for you not pleasant I have to be pleasant I said it was blood I had more blood I
didn’t know I didn’t know I had that much blood the doctors later told me that the ear is a place that is h a very
bloody place if you’re going to get hit but uh in this case it was probably the best alternative you could even think
about because it went at the right angle and uh you know it was a it was a hard
hit it was very I guess you would say surreal but it wasn’t Sur Real you know I was telling somebody you have
instances like this or like a lot less than this where you feel it’s a surreal
situation and I never felt that way I knew immediately that it was a bullet I
knew immediately that it was at the ear yeah and because it you know it hit very
hard but hit the ear and I also heard people shout bullets bullets you know
get down get down because I you know I moved down pretty nicely pretty quickly and we had bullets flying right over my
head after I went down so I’m glad I went down the the bigger miracle was that I was looking in the exact
direction of the shooter and so it hit it hit me at an angle that was uh far less destructive than any other angle so
that was the miracle that was for those people that don’t believe in God I think we got to all start thinking about that
you have to uh you know I’m I’m a Believer now I’m more of a Believer I think and a lot of people have said that
to me a lot of great people have said that to me actually but it was uh it it was amazing that I happened to be turned
just at that perfect angle and uh all because I put down a chart on
immigration that showed that the numbers were so great I I love that chart even more maybe it’s a sign maybe that’s a
sign you know it’s an immigration son you highlighted a serious issue at that
moment the bullet Mr you know hit your ear but but but you know Miss Miss M your your head I mean well the amazing
thing is that uh the sign I said bring down that sign on immigration and it was
literally about an eighth of a second where it would be good and and after that it was going to be a disaster no
matter which which way you were facing but it just had that that perfect angle which was exactly at this shooter very
sad situation such a sad situation as you know we lost somebody that was great Corey who a firefighter a a great
gentleman a great a great Trumper he was a a just a fantastic and a fantastic man
and a friend of mine came up Elon and said I’d like to give the family some kind of uh help and I said that’s great
he said do you mind I said I don’t mind at all and he wrote out a check for a million dollars gave gave it to the wife
and you know she said this is really nice but I’d rather have my husband back which is a nice thing for somebody to
say to be honest she’s she’s great the family is great and we raised a lot of money for them and for uh two other
gentlemen were are unbelievable people people also they were hit really badly they thought they were not going to make
it and they did the doctors in the Butler area I tell you they were incredible they saved the two and uh
they were really hit tough both of them equally uh and we thought we my first
question was because I heard bullets flying over me and I said how many people were killed because we had a massive crowd there a tremendous yeah
thousands and thousands of people and there was no land I mean it was just it was all people so I said how many people
have been killed because I knew there were other shots being fired sure and they said uh we don’t know yet but some
people have been badly hurt and uh I have to give the Secret Service sniper
they call him or Sharpshooter but sniper because he didn’t know there was a problem he’s been he’s an extraordinary
shot obviously and he didn’t know there was a problem and he was able to pick it all out within 5 seconds and he used one
bullet from very far away I guess probably about 400 yards the shooter was 130 but he was on the he was on the
opposite side of the field and the podium and he saw the the smoke and the
flame from the gun immediately recognized it and immediately took a shot and it was one perfect shot from
very far away and if he if he didn’t do that Elon he would have I mean if he would have a lot of people a lot more
people have been could have been badly hurt and killed so I I have to take my hat off to him because that’s also a
surreal you know he’s been with them for 23 years and there he’s never had anything like this and all of a sudden
he has to act and it’s a very tough thing to act and to be shooting somebody but he saw the uh he saw the gun saw the
smoke saw the flame from the gun very far away I obviously has very good eyes he’s got very good Vision which I assume
you have to have in that particular work but he uh he took aim very quickly and
it was they say it was approximately five seconds from long range one bullet if that didn’t happen because the
shooter had a lot of bullets he had a lot of a lot of cartridges up there with him so I mean I mean that that that’s
clearly you know um you know he was he was very competent in taking that shot
uh to stop the the assass the attempted assassination um but but I mean there
does seem to be I mean some pretty significant failings um elsewhere in the system like there’s just no way that
like how on Earth does a shooter get on a roof 130 yards away um that seems
crazy um I think most people like people are wondering how that how on Earth could such a thing happen well you know
I view it as two ways there should have been nobody in the roof there were people because there were so many tens
of thousands of people there there were people that were seeing him and there was one woman with a red shirt and uh
Trump B over it and she’s screaming that guy’s got a gun you know you saw it probably yeah
I me it’s like I’m just I’m just I guess I mean for my part and I think probably
many members of the public are wondering how the heck are you know basically
people wondering why pointing out there’s a guy on the roof with a gun yeah um they’re seeing it but somehow
that’s it’s not being addressed um that that does seem crazy well they they’re going to learn from this the
communication between the local police who sort of had an idea and then ultimately a man lifted himself up to
the roof could barely do it because you know he was pulling himself up and yeah he saw the man with the gun the man with
the gun pointed the gun at him he thought he was probably going to get shot but you know he was like pulling
himself up and because of that he couldn’t get to his gun and he fell down
actually very badly hurt his uh leg his ankle I hear very badly but but he fell
down and he did you know from what I understand he did say there’s a guy up there with a gun and the the shooting
started very quickly after that I think it I think it forced the shooter to go maybe quicker you know you’re supposed
to be a very good shot yeah my sons uh Don and Eric they they can’t believe
what happened but they said from 130 yards a bad shot would hit that Target
almost every time they said it’s like in golf sinking a twoof foot putt yeah it’s not a hard it’s not a tough shot it’s
not a it’s not a long shot the uh Secret Service person had the long shot he had a you know triple the distance actually
so uh you know it was a a terrible thing look uh it it’s hard I have to say this
about the Secret Service when I went down and you know I went down based on I think they’re screaming uh but other
people also because people saw this happen you know you had so many people one of the Miracles was that nobody ran
I mean if if a gun goes off the crowd control people showed showed us says when guns go off and it does happen in
stadiums at a soccer match or some kind of a match everybody flees they call it a stampede like cattle but everybody and
a lot of people get killed with those stampedes we had more people than you’d have at you know some of these matches
or these games and uh nobody left you know you had a small group behind us in
the grand stand and that was full and you look at it as it was taking place
and normally they’d be running they didn’t leave they saw that was hurt they saw a lot of blood and they saw that I
went down and it’s almost like they wanted to be with me well out front you had thousands tens of thousands of
people you as far as the eye could see you had people in Butler as far as the eye could see and and uh and a lot of
press too There Was You Know many cameras on watching this it’s what made makes it so different because normally
things happen that aren’t good but you never have a picture of it here we have all these cameras shooting it so uh you
know sort of amazing but one of the interesting things was that you didn’t have anybody flee you didn’t have
anybody Stampede nobody and there was some people behind me they stood up and they’re looking like you know I mean I
tell you you want to have you want to have them in a fox hall with you I want to meet some of those people because it’s so different from what you heard
but so so I was down but the Secret Service guys there were bullets flying right over my head you could hear him go
whizzing and yeah and these guys came jumping on top of me you know and a young lady Kate uh were jump they they
moved so fast and let me tell you that took tremendous courage now there was a lack of coordination uh there was you
know obviously everybody understands that somebody that that building should have been covered and yeah I mean think
I mean I mean looking at the the AAL views that building would be like the number one spot for a sniper I it’s like
it’s like the if you were to pick like what is the favorite if you so the goal is to assassinate what’s your favorite
spot that building that building would be number one that would have been this it’s like you could you could ask for a better location it’s
like one that would have been this you know what people think is when the uh local policeman who by the way would you
know he really uh he did what he was supposed to do he couldn’t hold on any longer and then when he got his head
just peeking above this guy standing there with a gun at his head and when he fell down again hurt his ankle very
badly but he was making the calls but what happened is the firing took place very soon so what I think is that this
guy ran to his site which he had all planned out with the gun uh he ran to the site and he started shooting fast
and maybe that’s why he uh well he sort of missed I mean you know he yeah got
could have been um could have been a much bigger problem but he totally would have hit if if you hadn’t turned your
head so like you know there was a it it was very near thing it was a miracle if
I hadn’t turned my head yeah I would not be talking to you right now as much as I like you exactly I would not I would not
be talking talking to me from another realm perh yeah that’s right we’d be talking from a different place but uh it
was a it was a you know it was a very terrible experience the the Butler Hospital they did such a great job uh
the doctors were so good everybody was so good there was there was a mistake if if if somebody knew cuz people were
hearing that you know there was just a bad feeling that there was somebody was around you know that story now it’s been
and if somebody could have said because they’ve often times said you know like there’d be a lightning storm or something because I’ve done I think over
300 I think I did a lot more than that but we did a lot and oftentimes they’ll say Sir could you wait 10 minutes please
sir could you wait 20 minutes as the storm overhead or lightning or something right and that happens often and this
would have been a perfect time for that to have happened but it it didn’t it didn’t get coordinated that was the
problem well uh it was uh you’re I think uh your your um actions in the in the
heat of fire and you know like what I I find admirable there was that you you
can’t fake bravery under such circumstances the courage is instinctual or it is not it’s not a rehearsed action
and so I just want to say that uh I think a lot of people admire your your your courage Under Fire there and um
yeah so thank you very much I I appreciate it I didn’t I don’t think I didn’t think of it I just wanted to get
up and I wanted to stand up I want to let people know you know I felt I was good when when they were uh on top of me
covering me actually very much covering me and and very bravely but uh I wanted to get up I said I want to get up and uh
they wanted you know they had they have everything there they have they wanted stretcher I didn’t like the stretcher
and I knew I was hit in the ear but I knew I wasn’t hit anywhere else they felt I was hit someplace else because it was such a lot of blood and they were
sure that I was hit someplace else and they were saying sir you you you were hitting more than the a I said nope I
was hit in the ear I want to get up let me get up and so we I got up and the crowd didn’t know what to think I mean
this was so so many people and they did you could see they were confused they didn’t know what to think and I wanted
to let them know I was okay it was very important for me to let them know that and they went wild you you’ve seen the
after they didn’t go wild when I got up because they didn’t know was I alive you
really couldn’t tell when I stood up before the hand before the you know the fist in the air uh they didn’t know if I
was alive nobody did and uh when I put the fist up they were they were just
relieved and happy and thrilled and the place went crazy it was pretty amazing
it was a it was a terrible thing but it was incredibly moving yeah um well and
and I mean speaking of the the the the sort of slide that got you to turn that uh saved your life really uh was the
illegal immigration slide maybe this was was worth talking about about that it
was it was that slide that slide say now the illegal immigration saved my life
you’re right but be the exact angle I mean that’s that’s a great word sa saved
by illegal IM you know the the incredible thing though when you talk about the odds you had to be exactly at
that angle but but the incredible thing is that the chart I used it less than
20% of the time it was just a moment it’s always on my left never my right
and it’s always at the end of the speech so here we have it it’s on the right not the left it’s at the beginning not the
end and even the people that put it up they were unprepared and they did a great job they got it up immediately
fortunately but I looked to the right and and the bullet and the bullet came whizzing by hitting my ear uh so it was
amazing but when you think of the odds of that and you know that that normally
you wouldn’t use it normally I wouldn’t have the thing and then you know would have been a very different story it’s it’s very much I I say an act of God
it’s a miracle that it happened and I’m honored by it I’m honored by it
well what what what we what were you about to say about illegal immigration before you were rudely interrupted well
I was going to say how good the numbers were by the way we’re going back to Butler and we’re gonna go back in
October we’re all set up and we’re the people are fantastic in Butler it’s a big it’s a great area area great these
are incredible people uh like the three that in the case of Cory kill and the other two the the families are I got to
know him a little bit and the families are great but we’re going back to Butler and uh I think I’ll probably start by
saying uh as I was saying PR to being so horribly
interrupted but yeah so rudely interrupted by an assination attempt no
but the chart some people have have no matter Elon the chart was just a chart that in my last week we had the best uh
illegal uh immigration numbers meaning stopping uh it was at the lowest you’ve seen the chart it’s become quite a
famous but that was the lowest point ever recorded it was a really um I mean
I was very proud of those numbers and then you see what happened with these people uh kamla and Joe you see what
happened they just let it go I had remain in Mexico policies I had all
these different policies that was so good uh guys like Tom homman and Brandon
Jud from border patrol all these are all people that they’ve been on television they say it’s the best numbers we’ve
ever had we had so many different Jacks catch and release in Mexico not the united we had catch and release in the
United States we had it in Mexico we had so many things we had things where if people many people come in there they
have contagious diseases we had everything passed if you have a contagious disease I’m sorry but we can
we cannot allow you into the so we were setting literally records and
uh I all I was doing is showing that and I I use it sometimes and in this case
I’m glad I used it I can tell you that but but they were fantastic numbers but I’m going to sleep with that chart
always I’m gonna I’ll be sleeping with that chart that chart was uh was very important very important for a lot of
reasons well I mean I mean would it be accurate to would it be accurate to say that you’re supportive of legal
immigration um but that but we also need to shut down illegal immigration uh and especially unvetted
illegal immigration because you you know and and and this that’s not the same as saying that everyone who’s illegal
immigrant is bad in fact um I think most people who are illegal immigrants are actually good but but you can’t tell a
difference unless there’s a solid betting of who comes across the border is does that does that represent your
position I say it very simply they have to come in legally they have to be checked because look Kamala was the
borders are now she’s denying it everything that I do she she’s saying she was strong On the Border we’re going
to be strong well she doesn’t have to say it she could close it up right now they could they could do things right now it’s horrible uh no tax on tips and
all of a sudden she’s making a speeches and there will be no tax on tips I said that months ago and by the way they had
just the opposite you know they had not only tax on tips but they hired 88,000
IRS agents and many of them were assigned to go get waitresses and caddies and all of this on tips they
have a policy they had a policy that they were really going to go after you and were really harassing people
horribly and then all of a sudden for politics she says you know she comes out with with what I said which I think is
terrible and I think it’s also hitting them very hard these people are fake now they’re also saying they did a good job
in the Border we had the worst numbers in the history of the world not of our country there’s never been a country in
history that has had a catastrophe like this we’ve had I believe and I think you believe this too you know you hear 12
million 1 I believe it’s over 20 million people came into our country many coming
from jails from prisons from from uh mental institutions or a bigger version
of that is insane asylums and many are terrorists and I’ll tell you what they’re they’re coming not just from
South America they’re coming from Africa they’re coming from all over the world they’re coming from Asia they’re coming
from the Middle East they’re coming from countries that are uh stupidly and horribly bombing Israel
October 7th they’re coming from all over the world they and you know you look at it’s so sad October 7th because it
should have never happened it’s so sad when you look at Ukraine it should have never happened we have a defective
government these are defective people and they’re not people that should be running it but what you see it the best
is the Border because you had you have millions of people coming in a month and
then she gets up and she tries to pretend like she’s going to do something she had three and a half years and by
the way they have another five months that they can do something but they won’t do anything it’s all talk she’s
incompetent and he’s incompetent and frankly I think that she’s more incompetent than he is and that’s saying
something because he’s not too good yeah no I I think it’s it is essential to
have a secure border I mean you’re you’re really not a country unless you’re have a secure border um and and
secure elections yeah absolutely secure election and uh so so it’s just essential to have
a real border or or or we can function as a country and our service you know our Central Services are are being
overwhelmed in a lot of cities um and uh and but I as as we were talking about
earlier I think uh having um a legal immigration Pro process that is uh
smooth and efficient and done well and I you know I’m speaking as someone who is illegal immigrant um and I think that
that I mean like one way to think think of it is who do you want on your team um you know who like who do you want on
Team America and and I think we want to just say okay we we want to uh let in
people who are gonna you know be great contributors to um our society and to
our economy and uh you know and who do you want on the team and it’s and and it’s not to say that like in my opinion
actually I’d say like probably most of the illegal immigrants actually are are are actually good hardworking people
that’s my opin um but some are not and uh and and you just have this sort of adverse selection
process where um you know if if if somebody’s uh you know if somebody’s
like uh you know um has a career in in theft or robbery um I I don’t understand
what’s taking them so long to get here um because we are in such a target-rich environment um I mean you know why aren
they why aren’t more people who have a career in you know bad things coming here sooner because it’s I mean it’s a
piece of cake to go rob uh you know houses in uh LA or New York uh compared
to other parts of the world and um and and in a lot of places in America if if
you try to stop the person who’s robbing you you’ll be arrested so it’s right I
mean what what’s happening with crime and our police are so good but they’re not allowed to do their job but I have
to tell you Elon I hate to say because it’s such a downer to say it I hate to say it I hate it but you have a lot of
people that just shouldn’t be I think it’s a much bigger number than you think they’re allowing again they’re allowing
people from their jails and if you were running one of these countries where they’re coming from you would have had
all of them as an example Venezuela their crime is down 72% they’re taking
their drug dealers they’re taking frankly their prisoners they’re emptying out their prisons they’re taking uh
their criminals their murderers their rapists and they’re they that’s what that’s what Castro yeah well
he did on a much smaller scale you know it was a much smaller scale but this is a massive scale because this is being
done worldwide but here’s what’s happening crime all over the world is down and way till you see the numbers
that we have you know these this is migrant crime this is crime that’s that’s going to be and I saw it today in
New York where somebody was knifed where a uh raped the girlfriend of a man that stood there watching in New York in one
of the shelters and started pulling out the knives and bad things happen today
but this is happening every day these are rough people these are people that are in jail for murder and all sorts of
things and they’re releasing them into our country and they’re telling them if you come back we’re going to kill you
we’re going to give you the death penalty or kill you so they don’t want to come back but these are rough people these are these are criminals that make
our criminals look like nice people and it’s horrible what they’re doing and and she’s in charge of it because you know
now she’s trying to say she had nothing to do with it and she’s such a liar because she was called the bordar the
first day and it was on the headlines of every newspaper she’s the bordar and she never even went there she went to one
location which had nothing to do with where the problem is you know she went in and out I guess because she was
getting a lot of pressure but had nothing to do with the problem is but she was the bordar and you people can’t
allow them to get away with their disinformation campaign now she’s trying to say that uh she wasn’t uh she wasn’t
really involved and the whole thing is horrible she was totally in charge she
could have shut the border down without him he didn’t know what he was doing anyway so he wouldn’t have even known what happened you could shut the border
down he wouldn’t even know the difference but uh the fact is that she was bordar but if you don’t have to call
her that the fact is you could just call her she was in charge of the border and the Border was the worst ever it’s it’s
simply not working whether whether it’s by whether it’s by whether it’s a question of of
attention or competence either way we we we we don’t have a secure border and we
have people streaming over like it looks like a world World War Z zombie apocalypse at times and you know
sometimes you you you you got to sort of Wonder like is it real or not so I you know because you see things you’re like
is it real I so I went to the border at Eagle Pass and I saw for myself in Texas and I was like okay it’s real I’m like
seeing this in real time I actually posted the video like just live I just I just flew there one day and just to see hey is this is this is this made up or
real and I’m I’m just seeing people stream across the border and um and I have to say you know at least the people
that I saw did not look friendly um you know so people can look at my video and
say Hey you knowes these people look friendly they don’t look super friendly so these the people that Elon would not
be the same man if he had to walk across the street and look these people in the eye these are rough people these are
really rough people coming across and I know rough people and these are people that we don’t want in our country and
you know the Caravans are coming in and they’re putting and and who’s doing this are the heads of the countries and you
would be doing it and so would I and everyone say oh what a terrible thing to say the fact is it’s brilliant for them
because they’re taking all of their uh bad people really bad people and I hate to say this the reason the numbers are
much bigger than you would think is they’re also taking the nonproductive people now these aren’t people that will kill you we have enough of them but
these are people that are nonproductive they they are just not productive I mean for whatever reason they’re not workers
or they don’t want to work or whatever and these countries are getting rid of nonproductive people in the Caravans in
many cases and they’re also getting rid of their murderers and their drug dealers and the people that are really
brutal people and they’re coming into our country at levels that have never been seen before and I saw an ad just
before I got on the air I’m I’m walking over here and I saw an ad by Kamala
saying how she is going to to provide border security where has she been for three and a half years for three and a
half years yeah have 20 million people it’s a terrible yeah I think this
frankly I think this is a fundamental existential issue for the United States
um and if we have another four more years of of open borders and it’s going to be even worse with another four more
years it’s going to be even worse than it’s been for the past uh you know three and a half years uh I’m not sure we’ve
got a country you don’t have a country Elon if they get in you will have 50 to
60 million people from all over the world not South America only you know we
think of South America we think of Honduras and El Salvador Guatemala and
Mexico you know the four but it’s not that it’s everywhere they’re coming in from everywhere and I had to stay in
mexo this is a this is a super important Point like people it’s like basically
when I went down there I was like well where are people from it’s like it’s like almost no one was from Mexico
no it’s just the Border it’s just the border with Mexico but the people coming in it’s it’s it’s Earth the rest of
Earth and and America is is only you know about four four or five% of the population of Earth it it would only
take a few percent of the rest of Earth to overwhelm everything in we’re already overwhelmed Elon it’s we’re overwhelmed
you had to see the news tonight about New York New York and I love that place and what they’re doing to it is horrible
what they’re doing to it and all the courts do is try and focus on Trump okay let’s focus on Trump who did nothing
wrong I complain about a rigged election Elon what’s happened is unbelievable you
have from Africa uh from the Congo they’re coming from the Congo and 22
people came in from the Congo recently and the murderers and they dropped they they drop them they take them out of
jails which is very expensive you know to maintain the jails although they don’t do too much maintaining I can tell
you but they take them out of jails prisons they take them out and they bring them to the United States they
deposit them in the United States and say don’t ever come back or you’re going to be executed and they don’t want to come back but they won’t come back sure
but but they’re coming from Africa they’re coming from Asia they’re coming from the Middle East they’re coming from
South America they’re coming from everywhere and there are a lot of really bad ones it’s just a it’s just it’s just
an everywhere on Earth thing and it’s just it’s just not possible for the United States to absorb you know everyone from Earth or or you know even
a few perent of the rest of Earth it’s just not possible so we’re going to have just to finish this up we’re going
to have the largest deportation and history of this country and we have no choice otherwise we’re going to have a
country what they what they’ve done to our country think of it with with you
know in Venezuela and in some of these other countries crime is down 50 60 70
80% and you would be the same you would have you would I’ll tell you what Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of
them they’ve gotten rid of about 70% of their really bad people their jails are about 50% uh put into the United States
same with other countries some are at 30% some are at 50% they’re all different but the bottom line is they’re
all going to be at 100% why wouldn’t you put 100% of and they’re doing it right now while this third rate phony
candidate don’t forget I beat I beat Biden uh he failed in the debate
miserably and you know some people said oh it’s too bad it’s too bad he did so badly or I did well in the bed you know
the first night they said wow one of the people at CNN said that was the greatest debate performance I’ve ever witnessed
and then two days later they didn’t talk about that they just said he was bad but that’s okay that’s the way I get treated
and I don’t mind that at all what I can tell you is this we cannot have a Democrat we cannot have her she’s
incompetent she’s as bad as Biden in a different look she hasn’t done an interview since this whole uh scam
started and and say what you want this was a coup this was a coup of a president of the United States he didn’t
want to leave and they said we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way yeah I they just took him out back
behind the shed and basically shot him oh what they did with this guy and I’m no fan of his and he was a horrible
president the worst president in history and one of the reasons he was so bad first of all the Israeli attack would
have never happened Russia would never have attacked Ukraine and we’d have no inflation and we wouldn’t have had the
Afghanistan mess if you think of it and we wouldn’t have had Afghanistan but we think of it you take a few of those
events away and we have a different world we would also have no inflation was caused by oil yeah no no I think you
make an excellent point here which is that um when other countries can you know that that are you know are thinking
about invading or doing bad things uh when they’re thinking about that they’re thinking about okay what’s the American president going to do and are do they
fear the American president or is it someone they they do not respect or and do not fear and I think they they do
they do they would they rightfully be I mean you know look at that the footage
of the assassination they’re like okay you know president Trump is it’s like don’t
mess with me I mean that’s like whereas I think people are are not going to be and they obviously have not been at all
intimidated by by Biden and they certainly will not be intimidated by by K and you have to really think of that
in the context of Global Security um that’s that’s that if the if the
American president is someone someone that like you know evil dictators are scared of that makes a huge difference
to the security of the world so I had a good relationship with Putin despite the Russia Russia Russia hoax that lasted
for over two years just a hoax created by Hillary Clinton and uh Adam Shifty
shiff some just bad people you know just sick people frankly I mean shiff shiff is a sick person he’s going to end up
probably being a senator it’s hard to believe the whole thing is hard to believe but uh that you know they put
our country in danger with that stuff too they actually when they make up stories and you have to fight your way
out of it for a long time but I know Putin very well I got along with him very well he respected me and it’s just
one of those things and he would we would talk a lot about Ukraine it was the apple of his eye but I said don’t
ever do it don’t ever do it you know I shut down nordstream to that was the Big Oil pipeline the biggest I think biggest
pipeline in the world going all over Europe I shut it down Biden came and then they say I I you know I was I loved
Russia I was a friend of Putin and I loved Russia no he actually said to me one time he said if you’re my friend I’d
hate to see you as an enemy I shut down his pipeline the biggest pipeline they were looking at that fund and this this
pathetic president gets in there and the first thing he did one of the early things he did is he shut down he he shut
down Keystone XL pipeline which is our pipeline that would have employed 48,000 people pipeline workers shuts it
down that was you know a massive job that Obama refused to allow I allowed it
in my first week because it was jobs and it moved oil and by the way in a much more environmentally friendly way it’s
underground it’s not a truck that catches on fire or a train that catches on fire but think of it he shut down the
uh XL Pipeline the Keystone XL pipeline he shuts that down and he approves the
Russian Pipeline yeah ites it doesn’t make any sense it’s like it’s inconsistent um certainly the but I mean
I think it’s just worth emphasizing you know to listeners the that the the
immense importance of of whether the United States president is intimidating or not intimidating um and how much that
matters to Global Security um because there’s some real tough characters out
there and if they don’t think the American president is tough they will do what they want to do I know every one of them and that puts that that it puts the
whole world in danger El I know every one of them and I know them well I know Putin I know president XI I know Kim
Jong-un of North Korea I know every one of them and let me tell you people will say oh this is terrible he said I’m not
saying anything good or bad they’re at the top of their game they’re tough they’re smart they’re vicious and
they’re going to protect their country whether they love their country they probably do it’s just a different form of love but they’re going to protect
their country but these are people at the top of their game and when they see a Camala or when they see uh Biden
sleepy Joe they can’t even believe it they can’t believe this happened the all
the stuff that you’re seeing now all the horror that you look at Israel they’re all waiting for an attack from Iran Iran
would not be attacking believe me you know when I was there and I say it with
respect because I think we would have been good with Iran I don’t want to do anything bad to Iran but they knew not
to mess around Iran was broke because I told China if you buy from Iran oil it’s
all about the oil that’s where the money is but if you buy oil from Iran you’re not going to do any business with the
United States and I meant it and they said we’ll pass they didn’t buy oil other countries likewise you want to buy
you’re not doing business with the United States and they they were at a point where they were they had no money for Hamas they had no money for
Hezbollah they had no money for any of these instruments of Terror and it was
amazing in fact there were articles when I was leaving which is hard to believe actually especially when you look at
what’s happened to our country our country is so bad right now it’s such a different place we were respected think
of it four years ago we were so respected to a point where when I said don’t buy oil they didn’t buy oil but
they had no money and Israel would have never been attacked it zero chance and
again I said to Vladimir Putin I say don’t do it you can’t do it Vladimir you do it it’s going to be a bad day you
cannot do it and I told him things that what I do and he said no way and I said
way and you know it’s the last time we ever had the conversation he would he would never have done I got along well
with him I hope to get along well with him again you know getting along well with them is a good thing not a bad
thing I got along well with Jong-un when I met with President Obama just before
entering you know it’s a sort of a ritual and I sat down with him and we talked it was supposed to be for a very
short period of time it turned out to be a long period of time I said what’s the biggest problem he said North Korea I
had that problem worked out very quickly it was nasty at the beginning with rocket man and you know all the
different things but all of a sudden I got some those were some epic tweets by the way no they were epic everything he
said he said that he has a red button on his desk I said I have a red button on
my desk too but my red button is much bigger and my red button works and then I called him Little Rocket Man if Little
Rocket Man anyway here’s the bottom line all of a sudden I got a call from them and they said they want to meet they
want to meet me and we met yeah as you remember we met in Singapore we met also in Vietnam and uh I got along with them
great we were in no danger but President Obama President Obama thought we were gonna end up in a war a nuclear war with
him and let me tell you he’s got a lot of nuclear stuff too he’s got plenty of nuclear he can do plenty of damage yes I
mean it’s because you know I mean people like like Kim Kim you know Kim joh on they respond to strength not
weakness and he and I had a good relationship you know remember I remember I met him and and we walked
onto his land nobody ever walked onto his land before I walked on I wouldn’t say let’s bring up secret service again
I wouldn’t say they were thrilled when I did that I walked onto his land and uh it was it was an amazing period but we
were not in danger with him because of me you know I always say that we have enemies on the outside and we have
enemies on the inside we have have some really bad people in our government and people that are and controlling of the
people I mean I mention names but I I don’t I really don’t want to give them the credit but we have some really bad
and I say they’re more dangerous than Russia and China if if you have a a
smart president a president that gets it we are not in danger from those countries because they need us and they
need our help I mean we forced Obama if you think about it Obama and Biden and
Bush to a certain extent to North Fess forced Russia and China together and if
you’re a history student the first thing you learn is you cannot let Russia and China align but then they also got if
you take a look Iran and they have North Korea that’s you know they caught the Access of Evil in the old days you had
the Access of Evil here we have a modern day Access of Evil these are powerful countries very heavy nuclear which is
the biggest threat you know the biggest threat is not global warming where the ocean is going to rise one one8 of an
inch over the next 400 years the big and you’ll have more you’ll have more ocean front property right the biggest threat
is not that the biggest threat is nuclear warming because we have five countries now that have significant
nuclear power and we have to not allow anything to happen with stupid people
like Biden you know Biden uh did something with Russia uh there was no
chance of him ever going in and when I left and then then after I left they started forming
big armies on their on the border with Ukraine right and I looked at that and I
thought he was doing that because Putin’s a good negotiator I thought he was doing that to negotiate but then Biden started saying such stupid things
for instance he said that uh it can be a NATO Country Now put Russia for for as
long as there’s been NATO has said we’re never going to agree to that and we go right up front and say that and we did
things and said things through this president with a low IQ very low IQ he had a low IQ 30 Years Ago by the way but
now he might not even have a IQ at all there is no there’s nothing on the board that goes this law he said things that
were so stupid that that that war would have been that war had zero chance of
happening if I were there zero chance he was saying everything the opposite everything the opposite and it’s so sad
because many more people have been killed in Ukraine than you read about you don’t read about how Bloody it is and how dis hey look just in the two
armies you lost a half a million people and and you know Ukraine’s having a hard time Ukraine I don’t know if you saw the
article recently and it’s true you don’t hear the true story but if you think about it uh Russia’s gone you know
Russia defeated Germany with us and they defeated Napoleon you know they’ve been around a long time they’re a big
fighting force and it’s very unfair and Ukraine now doesn’t have enough men
they’re now using young men and very old men to fight and it’s it we’re in a very
bad position and I’m not going to blame exclusively but I can tell you I could
have stopped that and a smart president could have stopped that it wouldn’t have happened but we had a we had a man that
actually made it it made it more prevalent it it it was so bad the words
that he was using the stupid threats coming from a stupid face that that he
was using I said this guy’s going to cause us a war he’s going to cause us and let me tell you it can lead to World
War II that can lead to World War II the Middle East can lead to we have numerous places that could end up in a World War
III right now for no reason what I think you’re right I think I think people
under underrate the risk of World War I and it’s just the the you know when when
looking at the risk of global thermonuclear Warfare It’s game over for Humanity and you know that’s it’s
something that people have I think after the end of the Cold War people have become complacent about but they
actually have forgotten that there are currently a lot of nuclear missiles that that are that that have targeting
parameters for the United States from other countries and one of the things we’re g to do is we’re gon to build an iron Dome over us we you know Israel has
it we’re gonna have the best Iron Dome in the world we need it and we’re gon to make it all in the United States but
we’re gonna have we’re gonna have protection because it just takes one maniac to you know start something we’re gonna have protection and we’re gonna
have why shouldn’t we have an Iron Dome Israel has one some other places have one that nobody even knows about frankly
but uh Israel has it we’re going to have an iron dome but you know with all of that being said to me that’s so
important the most important but with all of that being said the election’s coming up and the people want to hear
about the economy and the fact that they can’t buy groceries because they don’t have enough money to buy groceries the
inflation has killed them food prices are up 50 60 even 100% in some cases and
this this stupid Administration allowed this to happen and it’s a shame and
that’s the thing that people most care about in my opinion they care about the Border a lot and we discussed the border
at Great length it’s nice to have a forum like this where I can discuss something at length and by the way you
think Biden could do this interview do you think that K could do this interview they would take a pass you they could
not so they don’t need Elon they don’t need Elon screaming out questions it’s
it’s pretty sad when you think that somebody that does this for a living can’t answer a question or is afraid to
do an interview and in her case with a very friendly interview she’s got all friendly interviewers it’s pretty cool
but the big thing now is the economy Elon and as much as yeah I mean I view nuclear as the single most important
thing but a lot of people don’t a lot of people don’t understand that but it doesn’t have to if I understand that
that’s all you need because if I was President you’re not going to have that kind of a problem but the the thing that
they really is making them angry is what kamla and Biden have allowed to happen
to the economy it’s a disaster with inflation the inflation it doesn’t
matter what you make the inflation is eating you alive if you’re a worker or if you’re a a uh just a a middle income
person you can’t afford you know four years ago five years ago people were saving a lot of money today they’re
using all their money and borrowing money just to live it’s it’s a horrible thing that’s happening and we’ll end
that Qui think yeah a a lot of people just don’t don’t understand where inflation comes from um inflation comes
from government over spending because the check’s never bounce when it’s written by the government so if the if if the government uh spends far more
than it brings in that increases the money supply and if the money supply increases faster than the rate of goods
and services that’s inflation um so so really we need to have uh we need to
reduce our govern bending um and we need to reexamine I think I think we need like a government efficiency commission
to say like hey where are we spending money that’s sensible where is it not sensible um and and we need to live
within our our means we we we’re currently adding I think a trillion dollars to the deficit uh every roughly
every hundred days that’s right um and you know the the interest payments on the national debt have now exceed the
defense budget it’s on the order of a trillion dollars it’s interest and it’s and it keeps it keeps growing I rebuilt
our military largely rebuilt our military did a great job on it which was so important you know we had Jets we had
Fighters that were uh and bombers that were 70 years old and we we did a great job and that then we by the way then we
gave 85 billion of it back to Afghanistan if you can believe it we gave them 85 billion you know they’re
one of the largest sellers of military equipment in the world they’re selling what we gave them that was one of the
most embarrassing days in the history of our country but uh if you think about go
let’s go back to the uh the economy we have to bring Energy prices down energy
started it the price of gasoline now your cars don’t require too much gasoline so you know you’re you have a
good and you do make a great product I have to say I have to be honest with you that doesn’t mean everybody should have an electric car but these are Minor
Details but your your product is incredible but but the gasoline Elon is
the the the cost of energy not only gasoline it’s the cost of heating your house and cooling your house that has to
come down it it’s gone up 100% 150 and 200% and that has to come down when that
comes down and we’re going to drill baby drill you know they stopped Drilling and then they went back to drilling because
they went went back to the Trump policy but if they won the day after they get into office we’re gonna this country
will go out of business because they’re going to go to an energy policy that’s not sustainable wind and different
things you’re not gonna have anything and and I know you’re a big fan of the AI and I have to say that Ai and this is
shocking to me but AI requires twice the energy that the country already produces
for everything so you’re going to have to build we’re going to have to build a lot of energy if our country will be
competitive with China because that’s our primary competitor for this on the AI you’re gonna need a lot of
electricity you’re gonna need tremendous electricity like almost double what we
produce now for the whole country if you can believe it sure um well just going you know back to this like the this this
basic thing which that people try to make it sound complicated it’s not but inflation is caused by government overspending um would would you would
you agree that that we need to take a look at government spending and and and and have perhaps a government efficiency
commission uh that that just look tries to make the spending sensible and so the country lives within it means just like
a just like a person the waste is incredible and it’s nobody negotiates prices uh you used to have a lot of
people making Jets and you end up with two companies and they’ll probably try and merge at some point you you I mean I
I went through it like air for just a a thing like Air Force One one of the first documents they asked me to sign a
general walk said sir will you please sign this document what is it Air Force One that’s with Boeing which is
basically two planes 2747s and the price was 5.7 billion dollars for two ples now now they’re
highly sophisticated they’re even nicer than your plan okay but much more sophisticated they’re very I won’t say
what’s on it but they got a lot of stuff on it anyway but it’s 5.7 I this that’s a crazy a crazy number but I said I’m
not going to pay 5.7 I’m not going to do it I said who made the deal Obama and his people I said well then I know the
deal is no good I’m not going to do it and over the course of about four weeks by my saying I’m not going to do it I
got the price reduced by 1.6 billion doll for the exact same plane other than
we had a nicer paint job if you want to know the truth but for the exact same plane I got I saved one and I said to
Boeing man you guys must make a lot of money if you can reduce the price by that but now what I do hear is that
they’re going back to the uh Biden Administration and wanting big cost
overruns you know because they see these Dopey suckers in there and they’ll end up getting some of the money back but I
shaved it by $1.6 billion doll for the exact same plan and and you can now take
that and multiply that out times thousands of other items multiply the
numbers are astronomical I agree with you well I mean if so so I mean I mean I
think would be great to just have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at at these things and and
just ensures that the taxpayer money the to the taxpayers hard-earned money is
spent in a good way um and and and i‘ I’d be happy to help out on such a commission I’d love it if it were F Well
you you’re the greatest cutter I mean I look at what you do you walk in you just say you want to quit they go on strike I
won’t mention the name of the company but they go on strike and you say that’s okay you’re all gone you’re all gone so
every one of you is gone and you are the greatest you would be very good oh you would love it but you know if you look
at AR well be happy by the way congratulations I just looked at the number of people that are listening to you and I chat we’ll quot a chat but uh
congratulations this is very good I mean it’s great it’s and and you’re an interesting character you know the uh
new head of a place called Argentina and he was he’s a big you know he’s great
and he’s a big Maga fan you know that he ran on mag and he took it to an extreme too he ran
on magga and I hear he’s doing really a terrific job it’s called make Argentina great again it worked out perfectly he
came in he bought a lot of hats he brought over but he’s he’s doing a big job he really cut and I’m hearing
they’re starting to do pretty well inflation’s getting down you know they had like 2,000% they had inflation like
like not normal inflation they had the the real deal but we’re GNA have that
pretty soon we we have I we have the worst inflation we’ve had in 100 years they say it’s 48 years I don’t believe
it I think we have the worst they don’t include a lot of the items that should be included you know yeah well it’s it’s
it’s it’s just from from government overspending and not just not spending taxpayer money yeah effectively and and
having you know just depart like so many departments you can’t even name them all um and what Malay is doing um is you
know he’s he’s cutting government spending he’s simplifying things he’s uh having you putting in regulations
that make sense and I and and and we’re Argentina o overnight is experiencing a
giant Improvement in prosperity but but it’s also a lesson for the United States which is that um Argentina used to be
one of the most prosperous countries in the world um you know in the I think in in the 30s 40s and and because of bad
government policy it ruined the country and and you you take Venezuela for example Venezuela should be incredibly
prosperous they they have you know phenomenal uh reserves of of everything
oil everything and uh should be prosperous but if the government’s wrong it it impoverishes the people and so I
think we should not be complacent in the United States and thinking that and taking out prosperity for granted
because if with bad government policy we can run the country into the ground and that that’s that’s just something people
should bear in mind don’t take prosperity for granted well well think of education so we’re ranked at the bottom of every list of the top 40 we’re
ranked number 40 number 38 uh Norway uh Switzerland Sweden different countries
are ranked good actually China’s pretty close to the top they’re a top six or seven but we’re ranked at the bottom
almost at the bottom 38 3940 in other words horrible and yet we spend more per
pupil than any other country in the world so we spend more and what I’m going to do one of the first acts and
this is where I I need an Elon Musk I need somebody that has a lot of strength and courage and smarts I want to close
up Department of Education move education back to the states where where where States like Iowa where States like
Idaho you know not every state will do great because states that basically aren’t doing good now you look at Gavin
nusum the governor of California he uh he’s terrible he’s does a terrible job
so he’s not going to do great with education but of the of the 50 I would bet that 35 would do great and 15 of
them or you know 20 of them will be as good as Norway you know Norway is considered great uh you can name them I
mean just they’re so good some of these countries are so good but if if you go into some of these really well-run
States you know we have states that don’t know what debt is we have states that are have low taxes no debt
everybody working you know they’re really well-run and maybe they have certain advantages in terms of location
in terms of you know the land or the the sun the sun and the water and the whole thing you know there are a lot of
advantages that some people but if you moved education back to the 50 you’ll
have some that won’t do well but you’ll have but they’ll actually be forced to do better because it’ll be a pretty bad
situation but if you think about it you’ll have some of these states I’ll bet you’d have 30 35 States it’ll be
much better and you know what it’ll cost less than half what it is in in Washington and these people don’t care
about yeah students in these you know far away States and it would be it‘ be unbelievable yeah I think you’re making
a good point in that um if the states have to have to if if each individual if
each state has to compete against other states then then people will naturally move to to states where it’s better well
like California you know as we said it’s it’s a badly Run State I could go through I got so many friends that are
in those States even if they’re Democrats I hate to mention certain States but Illinois badly run with Prin
he’s a he’s a real loser but but you know some of these places are just badly
run but you know it’s almost going to force them to run better and they won’t do a good initially but but can you’re
not going to do worse than you’re doing right now and I would say that the cost you would cut your cost by 50 or 60% and
you’d have a little monitor you know you want to make sure they’re teaching English as an example you know give USL
right sure yeah no I mean I mean I mean some of these Governors are like are are
doing so badly I mean they they got so many people moving out of their state they should they should get youho whole salesman of the Year award because
they’re driving so much you it’s actually amazing people people moving out isn’t it amazing to you as a
businessman that they can even survive like Illinois so many people are leaving and you wonder how do they survive I
mean how do they survive uh I saw where you left California and you moved to
Texas Texas does a great job uh but you know I mean I just wonder how do these States survive when big businesses a big
oil company just left California as you know and they moved to Texas how do these big States survive when they lose
so many businesses and their taxes are already really high you know their taxes are among the highest taxes you you
almost wonder how do they how do they continue on and in many cases the governors don’t do a good job and their
crime ridden places you wonder how do they continue to just go on it’s it’s not it’s not a good situation
I mean I think the thing that’s the only thing that’s going to force some of these states to change is if they risk bankruptcy and they’re not getting
bailed out by the federal government right well gonna get change you remember the
area in California where they had that where I guess uh somebody had Sticky Fingers and they stole a lot of money
and uh they went into a form of chapter and it was very nasty for a period of
time but now it’s probably the most popular place in all of California so so you know at some point something like
that may have to happen but the problem is uh you can’t penalize people that
loan money to the state when you have incompetent people like a pritzer look the family didn’t want him in the family
business and uh then he ends up being governor of Illinois so you know what is he GNA be is he going to be a great
governor and uh you know you have people I could name every one of them I got to know every one of these and some are
very good and some are just horrible well I think that I mean the logic Point here to you know as you’re saying like
the you know a lot of people concern about the economy a lot of people concerned on inflation and inflation is effectively a tax on people that that
that save money and and and for people that are working dayto day it’s it’s it’s just it’s just a form of Taxation
um and uh and if if we can solve the government spending problem we’ll solve the inflation problem which means people
will have a better standard of living and that’s that’s a really big deal the people that got hurt worst are the people that did it the way they were
taught to do it all through you know their younger life and their their young life and their whole life the people
that saved money and then they got no interest on their money and inflation destroyed them and frankly they were
almost better off if they didn’t do anything like that I mean those people have been absolutely decimated and we’re going to bring those people back and
help those people we’ve got to get the prices down you know when I look at bacon costing five four or five times
more than it did a few years ago when when you look at some of the food products and and groceries stes people
go they can’t believe it they used to be able to buy a whole cart and today you know a lot of people just don’t have the
money they go in and they can’t buy anything they they look at yeah it’s sticker shock they call it sticker shock
right I I think it really just come like I said things just comes down to to to Really I guess really two things which
is is that if if you sol government over spanning you solve inflation which improves living advantage of the of the
average person and then and then if if you deregulate like have sensible regulations so because a lot of the
regulations are nonsensical and and cause the cost to be extreme for no reason um and but unless you’ve got
effective deregulation like Reagan did did a great job on deregulation in the 80s but it’s been 40 years since we
hadn’t had anyone really I mean during your Administration we made some progress but I think uh this opportunity
to make I think radical progress with sensible regulation um and and and
if those two things yeah those are the big deal we set a record we set a we did
more deregulation and more uh restrictions on all of the different
businesses than any other president i c remember I had the rule for everyone we put in you have to get rid of 10 or 12
and we we did radical cuts on all of that and a lot of that’s being put back by this Administration and we did
radical cuts on things that weren’t necessary but we were we were all set you know we had the best economy ever
maybe in the world and then what happened is covid came in and we had to focus on that and nobody knew what it
was and I always say I got good marks on economy good marks on Military we knocked out Isis we did so many
different things we rebuilt but you know I never got the credit that we really deserved on what we did with with Co we
never got the credit but uh we were if had that not happened the gift from China from Wuhan uh came in from Wuhan
the Wuhan La labs and I always said it and it turned out to be right but had that not had that not happened we were
set to start reducing uh debt we’re going to reduce taxes further I gave the largest tax cuts and we were going to
reduce taxes still further for Middle income people not only businesses but we did it for businesses because they’re
the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing debt and you know
we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than
Russia and we were going to drill and we were going to make so much money we were going to supply Europe with oil I had
sto the Russian Pipeline and we were going to supply them with oil and gas we were going to we were going to make a
fortune and then uh the covid came in and we had to we really had to divert
then what happened is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if I didn’t do what we did we
would have had a 1929 type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he
got trillions of dollars and just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over
that bad period where it was everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period interestingly
uh you know during his administration many more people died during his administration of covid than during my
Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t realize more people died during his
administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we
had the greatest for you know almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody
so many of your friends said to me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during the Trump years and and also
said that uh African-American uh Hispanic American were so incredible they were having the
best Asian-American women men young people without a diploma young people that graduated from the best colleges
from from MIT from the Wharton School from all of the great colleges Harvard
they were doing better and people without a diploma would doing better and everybody was was happy and then Co came
and we had a we had the problem is they spent trillions and trillions of dollars they wasted they shouldn’t have taken
any money and we wouldn’t be having inflation right now which is killing our country yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean
I should probably say something about like you know maybe maybe my views on you know climate change and oil and gas
um because uh I think it’s probably different from what most people would assume um because my My Views are
actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry
and the people that have worked very hard in those Industries to provide the necessary energy to to support the
economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas right now we would all be starving and the economy would collapse
uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right to sort of vilify the oil and gas industry um and and I and I you know and
the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better if the United States provides that than
than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with prosperity in the US um and at the same
time obviously my view is is like we do over time want to move to um a sustainable energy economy because
eventually you do run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there for it’s not infinite um and there is
there is some risk I think it’s not the risk is not as as high as uh you know a
lot of people say is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if you just keep increasing the post of
million in the atmosphere long enough eventually it actually simply gets uncomfortable to uh to breathe people
don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand Poss million of of CO2 uh you start getting
headaches in Oria um and so we’re we’re now in the sort of 400 range we’re
adding I think about roughly two parts per million per year so I mean still gives us so what it means like we still
have quite a bit of time um but but so there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and and we don’t need to like you
know stop Farmers from farming or you know uh prevent people from having
Stakes or right basic stuff like that like like leave the farmers alone I agree how crazy is that where you have
Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of their cattle and the whole the whole world is
a little crazy but it’s largely taken its lead from us I I do say though I’ve
heard in terms of the fossil fuel because even to uh create your electric
car and create the electricity needed for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the
generating plants and you know so you sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be able
to but I do hear we have anywhere from a 100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but
there are tremendous like anoir I got anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan
couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got it approved the first thing that Biden
did was unimproved it to get rid of it he uh ended it his uh his secretary went
in and she ended it and what a what a disgrace that’s ANW that’s bigger or
they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger than Saudi Arabia but they went in and
they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it for Alaska I mean you talk about economic
development that for the United States I mean that that is they say bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same size and pure
really good stuff and you know they end it so I think we have you know perhaps
hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that during that time something will come around that will be
very good yeah well I mean and my my estimate would be you know a little more
aggressive than that but it’s it’s not the sort of like Ro going to die in five years stuff that that’s obviously BS um
but I mean my view is like if you just look at sort of the POS Fillion uh that increments every year you know you get
sort of two or three POS million every year of of CO2 um I mean my I I think
some of that it’s problematic if it accelerates if you start going from 203 to say five and then there may be some
situations where uh you get uh just a step change increase in the CO2 um and
and I I think you we don’t we don’t want to get too close to a thousand PPM because like that’s that’s actually
makes it uncomfortable to to to to Brea like just existing in in a th000 PPM CO2
is is uncomfortable that’s that’s like a that’s considered like an industrial Hazard right just so so it’s you know
that’s that’s actually you start getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not comfortable to so you don’t want to get
too close to that but I mean I think we’ve got I think we just move over like and if if I don’t know 50 to 100 years
from now we’re um we’re we’re I don’t know mostly sustainable I think that’ll
probably be okay um so it’s it’s it’s not like the the house is on on fire immediately but it I think it it is
something we we need to to move towards and on you know on balance it’s probably
better to move their faster than slower but but like like I said without vilifying the oil and gas industry uh
and and and without causing hardship in the short term I think this can be done um with without you know people can
still have you know a stake and they can still drive gas ining cars and they you
know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s not I don’t think we should valify people for it but I think we should just just generally lean in the direction of
of sustainability um and uh I I actually think solar is is going to be a majority
of of Earth’s energy generation uh in the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and so you get the solar
power um comine that with with with batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night and uh and then
you use that to charge the electric cars and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you know that that’s what
Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we we we like we don’t
believe that environmentalism that caring about the environment should should mean that you have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are
beautiful if they drive well if they’re fast they’re you know sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I
mean the sexy joke Model S model 3 Model X and Y spells out sexy was probably most expensive joke out there um but I
you know I just I don’t know I like cheesy humor you know so um and but but I’m I’m I I’m a big fan of like let’s
have an inspiring future and let’s uh let’s work towards you know a better
future and and and we can do so without demonizing people right I’m I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh you use
the word global warming and today they use the word climate change because you know you have some places that go up and
so they were getting themselves in a little trouble with the word global warming because not every place is warming some places are going the
opposite direction but uh you know I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars
and on the trunks of the cars and it just seems like something that at some point you will come up with I’m sure
you’ll be the first but it would seem that a solar panel on on the roofs you know on flat surfaces on certain
surfaces might be good at least in certain areas of the country where you have the or the world where you have the
Sun but I would I would think and I have no idea because that’s not my world but I would think that this would be uh
something that would be interesting but you know the one thing that I don’t understand is that people talk about
global warming or they talk about climate change but they never talk about nuclear warming and to me that’s an
immediate problem because you have as I said five countries where you have major nuclear and and you know probably some
others are getting there and that’s very dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you just you
don’t want to have this proliferation but you have five countries and getting
more you know China is much less than us right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner than people think
they’re way lower Russia and us are number one and I we’re sort of tied and
China is far behind but they’re developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very fast
it’s going to they’ll end up catching up maybe even surpassing but to me the biggest problem is not uh climate change
it’s not and and and everything’s you know a problem but it’s degrees to me the big problem is the nuclear power the
power of nuclear is so great and when I talk about I’ll prevent World I’ll
prevent World War II uh I will but but the truth is that you have to because
this is no longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other this is yeah a level of destruction and
power that nobody’s ever seen before yeah and actually there’s there’s the bad side of nuclear which is nuclear war
very bad side but there’s there’s also I think um nuclear electricity generation
is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this fear of nuclear um
nuclear electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s
it’s just a huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and desk you know caused by say I mean I’m not
going try to pick on call mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a set number of injuries and
deaths per year um and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually uh way better um so it’s it’s underrated as a
as an electricity source and I think it’s it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done
um so that you know maybe they’ll have change the name is just it’s a rough name there are some areas like like when
you see what happened bading have to Rebrand it we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll name it after you or
something you know um no hey it has a branding problem you know when you see
what happened does have a branding problem when you see what happened in Japan where they say you won’t be able
to go on the land for about 3,000 years did you ever see that and in Russia where they had the problem where they
you know the there’s a lot of bad things happened and they have a problem and they say that in 2,000 years people will
start to occupy the land again you know you realize it’s pretty bad true but there’s you’re
right it’s actually not that bad so so like after Fukushima happened in Japan like people were asking me in California
you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no that’s crazy it’s it’s actually it’s not even dangerous in Fukushima I
actually flew there and and and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it um and and and I donated a a a solar
water treatment yeah a solar power system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but you haven’t been feeling so
lately and I’m worried about it no no but I mean I’m only it’s fine you know it’s it’s like uh you know Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were bombed but now they’re they’re like full cities again so it’s really not something that you
know it’s not it’s not a scary as people think basically but um let’s see I mean
I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like lafare I think you know we need to be
concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we just won the big case in Florida this
was a Biden Administration did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their political opponent me with his nonsense uh and just nonsense and the big case in
Florida we won but they’ve always they always pick a judge and a jury and they use local Das they use the local U
attorney generals like fonnie you know fonnie spelled f a ni I fonnie and it’s
it’s all a big hoax and it’s all run from there like in Manhattan uh the one of the top people from the justice
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they went after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him the guy
could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks good uh
you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s it’s ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing
that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs about three ounces it’s meant for children and
old people to lift and he can’t lift it the whole thing is CRA well he clearly I
mean he clearly like we just don’t have a president right you don’t have a president and she’s gonna be worse than because she is a San Francisco liberal
who destroyed San Francisco and then as attorney general she destroyed California you talk about location and
we’re talking about the sun and the water and all there’s nothing better than California she has destroyed that
she was the original da she was the original in San Francisco she was the original attorney general in
what she has done to California is well you know better than I do you just left California for a lot of those reasons
and what she’s done with with crime with with cashless bail where you kill
somebody I mean we have States now you kill somebody and they let you out right away I mean you you don’t have to even
put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San Francisco
liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be
more Trump than Trump if that’s possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I
want a wall I you know she wants to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are
really bad right that just came out today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls
work walls and wheels you know in your business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tunnel but
everything is obsolete even your rocket ships they like a month later they’re obsolete you find a better way to the
only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall and a wheel and the wall you know I built hundreds of miles of wall and
that’s why we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up
in three weeks and they sold it for five cents on the dollar that meant I said
wow that means that they actually do want to have open borders she wants to have open borders and now she’s going
like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah this is simply not true this is simply not true and
everybody knows it’s true it’s a disgrace that she can say it no I mean obviously what what’s happening sort of
overnight is they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh kamla sound
like a moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered more liberal
by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a radical left lunatic and if she’s GNA be
our president very quickly you’re not going to have a country anymore and she’ll go back to all of the things that
she believes in she believes in defunding the police she believes in no fracking zero you no now all of a sudden
she’s saying no I I will I really want to see fracking the day the if they got
in the day she got in she’ll end fracking and by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics that what that
really believe in that uh they won’t vote for it you know um like like the
pal Ians and Israel she is so anti-israel and she’s bad for both Biden
actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know both sides that was a hard thing to do
unification yeah no no I mean I mean the you know Netanyahu came to give a talk
to a joint Senate and House uh sitting and I was there and and and commed him
up you know what does that say I think it’s highly disrespectful and I say if
you’re a Jewish person or if you believe in Israel if you’re a a person that you know is a very pro- Israel if you vote
for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined and you
see tonight I mean as we’re doing this I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or tomorrow
from hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets you know they’re Iron Dome as they call it as we all call it but their
Shield that they build uh that can be uh swamped we’ll use the term that’s
appropriate swamped but they swamp it by shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough
missiles they can’t defend themselves you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
they’re looking to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these
people and I’m telling you you’ll be worse than him because he’s a believer in being radical left and he wasn’t I I
think you’re right I mean you really it’s it’s important for the for the public that may be listening to this to say to look at K’s track record you know
uh before the last like month and say uh is that a track Rec could you agree with
um and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree with it um because it is her
behavior has been far-left and we’re seeing just an overnight propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it
sign like K is moderate when she in fact is is not moderate well her uh her running mate uh approved signed into
legislation tampons in boys bathrooms okay now that’s all I have to hear
tampons and boys bathrooms and that means she believes in that too I mean she picked this guy because he was the
closest to a lot of people thought she’d pick sort of the opposite but she picked an
anti-israel radical left person but she is far worse they say than Bernie
Sanders if we have her as a president if we have a democ rat at this moment as the president I don’t think our country
can survive I I think it’s I think it’s a massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a
comma Administration and that’s my honest opinion um and uh and I I think
uh I think really it’s essential that that uh you win for the good of the country uh for this election and I mean
that’s I’m just stating my opinion um now you know you may have seen this but
I I got a letter from the the the EU commission like saying you know to not
have disinformation on the like during this discussion that we’re having like and you know there’s like there’s
there’s a lot of attempts to do censorship and to force censorship even on Americans uh from other countries and
um you know what do you think about that well I know the uh European Union very well they take great advantage of the
United States in trade as you know we uh through a different for NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of 250 billion dollars which people don’t know it
sounds so nice the European Union but let me tell you they’re they’re uh not as tough as China but they’re bad and I
let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat our country well we defend them you know
uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250 billion and they’re in for about 71
billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nations that you know in terms of an economy it’s
about the same size when you say as us and they’re and and and they’re in much
greater risk they they’re right there we have an ocean separating us from in this
case the enemy would be Russia used to be for the Soviet Union but let’s assume there close enough and what happens is
uh they’re in for 70 something million I I think I think even less than that billion and we’re in for about 250
billion and it could be a lot higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why aren’t they paying what
we’re paying and they’re in much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact that you know they’re right near there I
mean they’re all sort of in that location we’re not but they should they should and I did it with NATO
we were there were only seven countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the time and the United States was
subsid the United States was subsidizing NATO tremendously subsidizing NATO and I
said I went in and I said you got to pay up if you don’t pay up we’re not going to defend you any longer I took a lot of
heat but you know what happened billions and billions of dollars came flowing in and yeah I think I think a lot of the
public isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a dispropor Pate share of of the NATO expenses and
then we get taken advantage of on trade so think about it yeah well I mean the point of NATO is defending Europe and
it’s uh you know it’s like then okay well why why is the United States paying disproportionately more to defend Europe
than Europe that doesn’t make sense that’s unfair um and that that is an appropriate thing to address well you
know when you talk about cost cutting and savings and everything else I mean honestly look there’s nobody that feels
worse about the Ukraine situ ation than I do because I know it would have never happened I know zalinski he was very
honorable to me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said I had a phone call with him he said it was a perfect phone call it was a great phone
call he could have grandstand it and you know said oh he he was very threatening he said no it was a very nice phone call
I called him up to congratulate him on his win and you end up getting impeached because these people are lunatics you
know I was talking about the difference from the people within and the enemies on the outside in many cases the people
from within are more dangerous for our country than the Russians and the chin
if you have a smart president you’re not going to have a problem with them you’re gonna make you’re gonna do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us
incredibly but you’re gonna do things with the right person yeah well I I think I think it’s obvious that you’re
you’re you’re know a believer in an advocate of of free speech because during your first time as president you
were attacked relentlessly every day often very unfairly with f you know with false attacks and and you didn’t try to
shut down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I think that says a lot well the good
thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because
they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great conversation right now Camala wouldn’t
have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a smart person by the way she can’t have
this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he couldn’t have this conversation he he
would have given up in the first half of a question he would have walked out he would have said where am I where am I
going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people would have this conversation but you
know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have a conversation and I’m able to get it
out without because I get treated this is a really big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah nice
is it and you can’t have a conversation with Biden or Kamal it’s like not uh it’s
possible this is like talking to an NPC so it’s just impossible but think of it we need a man or person who’s
unbelievably sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along
with all the you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really liked me and
I got along with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said oh do you think you really let me tell you
I saw things that you don’t want to know about he is the boss but we had a good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh
Biden he considers him a stupid man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this
country you’re not sort of allowed to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say it it’s true but we need
really we need smart people and we need people that have an ability to lead and
she doesn’t have that ability can you imagine now you know chairman she very well can you imagine her and him
negotiating or even standing together it it is the whole concept is ridic she is
terrible she’s terrible but she’s getting a free ride I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today she looks
like the most beautiful actress ever to live I it was a drawing and uh actually
she looked very much like our great first lady Melania she looked she didn’t
look she didn’t look like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that right
yeah well maybe like I think it’s part of what you know people in America want to you know people in America want want
to feel excited and inspired about the future want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past and
that this that America is going to do things that are greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights that
make you proud to be an American and uh and excited about the future um they
want the American dream back you know they want the American dream back more important than anything else it’s it’s
like you don’t have that today because the people they’ve been just sucked they see incompetent people running our you
know the the Biden thing is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent and when I debated him I was
like is this for real it was yeah just it was just absurd um but you know I
think there there are like you know some some you know Grand projects that that that we we could do I mean I think like
you know we could we could build a base on the moon we could send American nations to Mars we we could bu build
High connections that are you know more advanced than anything else in the world between our cities so people have fast
transport um you know it’s possible to solve traffic with tunnels we you know
we already made pro great progress in Vegas doing that and um you know and and and just do things that are exciting and
inspiring to make the future feel like it’s better than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell you it was amazing I I got to see I took a
big Glimpse at it and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and you could do that all over you could do
that all over it’s uh it’s deep you don’t even need much structure you know assuming you’re in the right areas no
it’s it’s it’s straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some some things that like like
China’s got incredible High-Speed Rail between its cities but I think it’s actually possible um with with with
tunnels if if with deregulation with with an ability to actually where’s like
legal to to actually do the tunnels they you can have highs speeed tunnels that are actually better uh than than than
anything else in the world for high-speed transport between cities and that would be something that you know
Americans can say wow okay we’ve got something that’s cooler than anyone else in the world that’s that’s kind of thing
that makes you proud to be in America much safer than surface uh trains where there is a danger there you know with
people with crazy people it’s much safer much better uh and you know it’s sad because I’ve seen some of the greatest
trains I I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the systems and how they work and the bullet train they call them I guess
and they they go unbelievably fast unbelievably comfortable with no
problems and we don’t have anything like that in this country not even close and it doesn’t make sense that we don’t
doesn’t make sense yeah I think also like the there’s you know I just I’m
kind of hopping on the excess regulation but I think something that um that I think people can generally understand is
that what happens with laws and regulations is that they just there’s more and more of them every year and unless there’s a process to clean up
eventually everything becomes legal and and that actually SL it slows down the development of new technologies I mean
if you take the sort of like I think we this this there’s room for some reform at the at the FDA uh for improving the
speed with which we you know approve uh drugs that that could help save lives and improve people’s lives um and I work
very hard on that you know we got that down to to the lowest number ever and we got uh Therapeutics approved in the FDA
that people can’t even believe the speed but I I took them on I I don’t think they like me too much but I got things
approved in the FDA at at at numbers that they wouldn’t believe and you know
it’s a very bureaucratic group actually it’s a fine group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I
was pushing them really hard for regenerant for so many different things that that were really pretty amazing but
but the FDA takes too long they would it’s 12 years to get a product approved I got it down to four and I got some
things done very quickly but it’s uh it’s really something that is going to have to be worked on because it takes
too long just takes too long yeah it just takes too long and it’s you you end up in the same with with the approval
but just it’s just you know it takes years instead of something that that I think could potentially take months and
that impr improves people’s lives I think you know and and but but it I I just wanted to hop on this point that
like there has to be an active process uh for reducing rules and regulations
because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening of the arteries and eventually everything’s illegal or takes forever um
and and then and then we we we just um we just aify as a society we just uh we
can’t make any progress and and that’s it’s a really big deal you know just getting back to the FDA for one second I
got something done called right to try this is where you can go in and if you’re terminally ill you can use a
Space Age uh you know medicine or whatever it may be we have the best doctors the best labs in the world we
really do and but people would go to other countries because you couldn’t use this the product even if they thought it
worked because it’s going through the FDA I got it approved where you can yeah you you basically you look nobody want
the doctors didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it our country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally ill
the insurance companies didn’t want it and the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a room
and we came up with an agreement that you won’t get sued and also they didn’t want it on their record if somebody’s
terminally ill and they die after taking a drug they didn’t want that on their record so we set a second a separate
list if somebody was so it wouldn’t count as a negative okay and as you know we got it done we have saved right to
try they’ve been trying to get this done for 58 years and it sounds simple but it wasn’t because you know I mean you know
the insurance companies nobody wanted it but we got it done somebody signs you sign a document that you’re not going to
sue the insurance companies the country you’re not going to sue anybody and we got it done and we’re saving tens of
thousands of lives right to try hopefully you never need it but if you do you don’t have to travel to Asia
people if they had money they go to Asia they go to Europe if they don’t have money they go home and die that’s what happened they’d go home and die yeah
well well I mean and actually to to give you some some props here it’s like if a drug is improved approved in the in in
Europe which has has a crazy amount of regulations it should obviously be approved in the US I mean they got more
regulations than we do so what why would a drug be approved in Europe and not in the US that that’s crazy well we did it
we did something that really they’ve been trying to do it for 50 years and they just couldn’t get it done and I got
it done and it’s uh it’s really something but you’re right some people go to Europe because a drug isn’t
approved here but it’s approved in Europe and it’s a drug that generally speaking would work it’s pretty crazy
absolutely you’re right and I I think so as long as people are informed of the pros and cons and like these the risk
the you know those are the risk and like you make your own decision um that that makes sense well I think just you know
in sort of closing up and by the way I’m looking at the numbers you get a lot of people listening I hope you don’t get
nervous because you got a lot of people listening to you right now like 60 million or something what is that number
it’s crazy it’s amazing how you can see that right away how many what is the number wow what is it Well w I think in
that’s bigger than you said you you said 25 and you’re more than much more than double that number 25 million I think
you’re going to be 60 or 70 and I guess over a period of time hey that’s I congratulate you do I get paid for this
or not well I I think actually in terms of
the number of people that will will hear this conversation um over the next uh you know few days two weeks uh it’s
going to be hundreds that’s what they say yeah that’s good well look it’s an honor I but I just asked this are you
better off now or were you better off when I was President nobody’s better off now people you know we put out polls on
that and nobody’s better off now inflation has killed it and you know they also feel very unsafe you look at
what’s going on with a lot of different things you look at the riots we had at the colleges over I mean it’s ridiculous
but right all of the riots they just feel unsafe and now they really feel unsafe because you have a new form of
crime it’s called migrant crime I call it Biden migrant crime Cala my great Crim but you know I mean
with all these things I always try to like try to get to the ground Truth by just asking people and you know my my mom lives in New York and I I was like
you know Mom you know do you know have any of your friends you know been attacked or assaulted and she said yeah
three of her friends in three separate incidents were assaulted just just just in recent months just walking around the
streets in New York and I and I and and I said well did what what happened to the people that sold them oh nothing
they they got away like and and they they just know away and they don’t even
they don’t even bother reporting it because there’s not they know that there’s not they’re not gonna you know
people are not going to get prosecuted they just they just let you know violent criminals out in New York the only one
that prosecuted as Donald Trump they don’t get they prosecute Trump yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s just obviously
messed up it’s terrible if vient criminals are being are being getting off Scot fre um and and and meanwhile
the the the you know New York spending massive resources Prosecuting you and it’s like what this you know and and I
think the sort of sensible public said looks at this and says what the heck’s
going on here this is obviously abuse the legal system um you know the legal system is supposed to be protecting the
public from um violent criminals and it it should be obviously allowing the public to make their own decision about
who should be president as opposed to you know some uh you know legal case
once they start this presedent because this can go on with the next one I mean this is a very bad precedent what
they’re doing in terms of you know going after their political opponent and that’s all it is it’s going after their
political opponent and and then you get a judge who’s you know a strong Democrat
and I’m being nice when I say that in many cases crooked as hell but you get a judge and you go into an area where a
republican gets three or four perc of the vote and you know you’ll have a jury pool with uh people that hate
Republicans or hate it could also be the other way it could start the other way in areas where they hate Democrats and
you get into a Pandora box it’s a very dangerous thing for this country and a very dangerous thing even for the state
New York City is Los New York city and state lose a lot of business over what
they did to me because these people say we don’t want that to happen to us that’s no justice system you have an unfair system of justice and it’s
costing New York State a tremendous amount of money people are leaving and companies are leaving and they won won’t
come back so you know all of that stuff is important but the economy now is the big thing and be back again we’re going
to get rid of think I think there’s lot a lot of opportunity absolutely absolutely so and I just want I want to
congratulate you you’ve done an amazing job you are you have definitely got a fertile mind you know we can talk you
and I can talk about Rockets it’s kind of you to say thank you well tunnels we can talk about tunnels and Rockets and
and uh electric cars so many things and now you’re you’re into the AI and that’s
going to be another Beauty I’ll say so it’s uh yeah it’s an amazing it’s an amazing thing you’ve done Elon it’s an
amazing thing and I congratulate you I mean thank you and well I mean I just say here you know here’s to an exciting
inspiring future that people can look forward to and be optimistic and excited about what happens next and that’s the
kind of future that I think you will bring as president and that’s why I endorse you well I appreciate that that endorsement meant a lot to me not all
endorsements mean that much to be honest your endorsement meant a lot and you know we have a a phrase make America
great again it’s pretty simple but it really says that we want to make America great again and we can do it we can do it now but if we were going to suffer
another four years like we’ve suffered for the last four years I’m not sure the country can ever come back that’s how
bad it is it’s so bad we have to we have to do a lot I think that’s a very real risk it’s a big risk it’s a very real
risk and and you know I just like to to note to people listening like I I’ve not been very political before and and just
if you look at my track my record it’s I’ve actually been I’m I’m I’m not like some they try to paint me as like a
farri guy which is absurd because I’m like making electric vehicles and you know solar about was helping them with
the environment and uh and and I actually I I uh you know I I supported
Obama I stood in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when when he was running for president and you know so
it’s not like I’m like some sort of died in the wool long-term Republican I’m actually I call myself uh you know
historically a moderate Dem Democrat and but now I feel like we’re really at at a critical juncture for the country um and
uh you know I think a lot of people thought you know the Biden Administration would be a moderate Administration but it’s not and and
obviously that we’re were just going to see a um an even further left uh
Administration with with kamla that’s that’s my honest opinion I mean her dad is literally I mean she was brought up as a
as an actual your dad is is is a Marxist Economist that’s you can Google it I mean it’s not a we’re not making this up
you know um that’s how she was brought up so and and we we we just we want to
have a future that is prosperous and and I I think we’re just at this critical juncture and um and it I think this is a
case of the America uh is is gonna add a folk in the road and true um and I think
it will take it will take if the path to like you are the path to prosperity and I think Kamala is the opposite it then
that’s my I mean that’s my honest opinion I’m I’m going to get attacked like crazy and you know I’ve also experienced quite a bit of lowf far
myself um and uh but I’m just trying to tell people my honest opinion and and I
I haven’t been active in really active in politics before um and I’m just trying to point out that my track record
historically has been moderate if not moderate slightly left and and uh so this is to people out there who are in
the moderate Camp to say I think you should support um Donald Trump for president um and and I I think it’s
actually a very important Junction in the road and and we’re in deep trouble if they don’t if if if it goes the other way well I want to thank you and you
know I actually always did think of you as somewhat left I must say that so it’s uh it’s even more of an honor to have
your endorsement I know how strong you feel about it but you know when you think of her uh San Francisco 15 years
ago I had a great friend Bob Tish he said it’s the greatest city in America and now it’s you it’s not it’s almost
not livable there and California likewise and she was involved in the destruction of San Francisco and the
destruction of California and she will be involved in the destruction of our country if people are so unwise as to
elect her and I hope that doesn’t happen and I hope the elections are going to be run honestly and we’re going to turn
this country around we’re gonna we’re going to do things that and we can do it fairly quickly and we have to get rid of
the criminals that have been you know given to us by other countries as they laughed they laugh at us they think
we’re stupid to accept these people people these are radical Stone Cold Killers in many case cases and
terrorists and they’re in our country by the hundreds of thousands yeah and we have to take them out yeah I mean if I
could summarize it perhaps you know I think these are issues that I think most people in America uh would would agree
with which is that we want safe and Clean Cities we want secure borders uh
we want sensible government spending we want to restore both the perception and
reality of resp in the in in the judicial system you know stop the lawfare um and uh and I think that
that’s like and how are how are those even right-wing positions I think those are just that’s just common sense and
and that’s uh I mean would you agree with that 100% I I don’t understand you
know the whole they call it Progressive they don’t like the word liberal anymore but call it liberal or Progressive I
don’t understand how somebody could say that it’s okay for them to empty prisons into our country and again I told you
their crime rates all over the world are going way down which makes sense in fact the next time what we’ll do is if
something happens with this election which would be a horror show we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela because it’ll
be a far safer place to meet than our country okay so we’ll go you and I will go and we’ll have a meeting and dinner
in Venezuela because that’s what’s happening their crime rates coming down and our crime rates going through the
roof and it’s so simple and you haven’t seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and they’re
just getting acclimated and they don’t know about being politically correct law
enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police I I have to just end with this we have great police we have great
law enforcement but they’re not allowed to do their job they have to be able to do their job without being destroyed
well absolutely and it’s it’s obviously demoralizing if you’re a police officer risking your life uh to you know to you
know to arrest uh violent criminals who could kill you and do kill you sometimes um and then you you arrest violent
criminal and then the The Da you know doesn’t prosecute and and that’s let the
guy out well like why why should a police officer risk their life uh to
arrest a violent felon well even worse nothing’s gonna happen even worse they prosecute the police officer they they
go after a and they prosecute the police officer and they take away his pension they take away his job he loses his
family he loses his house well I I I thought I thought it was very telling like incredibly telling that you know
when that that was a case where uh you know sort of a gang of thugs beat up uh
police officers I think it was in Time Square in New York and and and then nothing happened to those guys they were
they were let out zero bail and I think a bunch of them were given free tickets to California well what is I mean that
that is that is a that is a gross indignity against the United States and and that’s how I mean this is insane
like have we lost all Pride what that how can such a be allowed to occur I’ve never seen anything you know we’ve see
where they get shot it’s very dangerous profession but something they’re very proud of and they want to be able to do
their job but I’ve seen them get shot I’ve seen a lot of but I’ve never seen where these guys are standing in the
middle of a big street everybody watching them and they’re literally boxing like punching standup fighting a
police officer there were two of them and you had about six of these guys and they’re punching the hell out of them and in their own country they would be
dead if they did that that they’d be shot they would be shot
instantly and you know they come from these countries and it’s taking them a while to realize that we don’t do that
in this country but in their own country if they stood on a street and had a fight with a police officer they would
be shot there’s no political correctness and it’s such a sad it’s such a sad
thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime by the way because we don’t do anything about yeah yeah we we just
cannot have a situation where our police officers beat beaten up on camera uh by you know gang of illegal immigrants and
then nothing happens to to to the guys that beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re let out this is unacceptable
we’re going to change it and we’re going to get them out of the country you know when I first got involved they said you couldn’t get them back to these
countries you couldn’t take them back in the case of uh Guatemala Honduras El Salvador some others you couldn’t get
them back and I said really oh you can’t get it back because under uh Obama he couldn’t get him back they’d put up
they’d fly him in and they’d put planes on the runways in these countries so you couldn’t land the plane they’d bring them back and the general told me the
generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back the countries won’t accept MS13 gang members they won’t accept them
and I said really how much do we pay these various countries in terms of economic aid which is also somewhat
ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said good tell them they’re in default they’re delinquent we’re not
going to do we’re not paying them anymore because they won’t accept and you know what happened they all called me every one of them they said we would
be honored to take them back sir we would be honored it was so easy but it’s one of those things and we got them back
we took in so many you know MS13 is probably the worst gangs in the world they’re the most vicious violent we took
them out of here by the thousands and got them out of here and their countries took them back and because I said you’re
not getting any more economic aid and once I said that they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama they
wouldn’t take them back for anybody and now we have a problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take
him back anymore with the Biden because they don’t respect him yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s just go to be
done we we just can’t can’t have uh whether they’re citizens or not citizens
we can’t have because they weren’t Pro prosecut citizens either not not just not just legals so uh if it’s you can’t
have violent you repeat violent offenders that are not that that that don’t get um incarcerated right because
they will they will obviously by definition continue to uh to to uh you
know hurt people and and and I I think we’re part of this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I do sort of
consider myself liberal in some ways I mean I it’s just that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to
have empathy for people I totally agree with that you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the
victims of the criminals and if you if you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s actually shallow empathy it’s
not real you’re not thinking you’re not you you have one layer deep uh empathy
you got to say like what if you don’t incarcerate this person who are they going to uh hurt where they might kill
someone they might rap rape someone if if you don’t incarcerate them you have to have empathy for the victims and
there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and and too much empathy for the criminals it doesn’t make sense I that’s why you want
to have deep empathy for society as a whole not shallow empathy for for
criminals and we have to give our police officers the dignity and the respect that they deserve and we have to let
them do their job they they can do a great job but we have to let them do their job and if we don’t do that we you
know it’s it’s G to all it’s going to all disappear there’s never been a society like this where you’re allowed
to do anything you want and nothing happens and I’m talking about violent crime and it’s going to get more violent
because these are really really violent people and we’re going to get them out of our country and we’re going to get
them back to where because they were sent here by the presidents and by the various people that run those countries
and I know every one of those guys and they’re smart people and they’re street-wise people and they really think
that the USA is stupid they think we’re run by stupid people and they happen to be right but when I was there we had no
problem we got them out we took out thousands of MS13 gang members we brought them back and now again they
it’s the same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big increase in a they they raised it up to
billions of dollars and they get nothing for it so you know it’s it’s uh I hope
everybody’s going to vote for Trump and we’re going to get this country and I didn’t need this I’m like I didn’t need
this I had a very nice life I didn’t need to to go through court systems and go through all the other stuff and run
at the same time I have to run I have to go through fake trials with in some
cases corrupt judges totally corrupt judges I didn’t need it I had a nice life I have great locations I have
beautiful oceans that I have plac you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do if I had to
do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over again I would have done it
over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re going to save this country this
country is going down and these people are bad people that were running against and they’re Liars they make statements
they they they do things that are so bad they they say they’re going to make us strong border they say they’ve been
great on the border and they’ve been the worst in history they say they’re going to stop CRI fact speak for themselves so
incredible speak like it’s got got to the point where where people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of
cities because they know nothing that’s gonna happen um you know that’s what I hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just uh you
know my values I’m just saying to to people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve got to have safe
cities we got to have secure borders we got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got to have de you know
deregulation and um so we can have a prosperous future and then we want to have some exciting you know sort of
moonshot projects that that people get get fired up about and um you know that’s that’s the future I’m looking for
and um you know I’m Pro environment um but but I’m I’m not against uh you know
I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because they’re they’re keeping civilization going right now and uh but I do think we
want to move you know you know at a reasonable speed towards uh a sustainable energy economy those those
are my values and and and I think um you know and and so I mean that’s uh why I’m
supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re going to make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs
and again it’s about the American dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the
American dream in the truest sense but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re GNA hear about it
people they need that incentive to go out and Yeah and do it and they they’re going to love their lives I mean they’re
going to love they’re going to look forward to getting up in the morning and going to you know going to a job that they love not a job that they can’t
stand or not any job at all where they have no money where they literally have no money and then they end up with
violence and lots of other problems no we’re going to do we’re going to do some great things and I learned a lot in the first we had a great economy and all of
that we rebuilt the military did so much but I also learned and I also learned the best people I learned the good
people the the smart people the dumb people the people that can do things the people you know you learn when I first
came in I I tell people I was in Washington DC only 17 times according to
the fake news media I was in 17 times I never stayed over and you don’t know
people you rely on other people to get your names and then you realize the people you relied on weren’t so good now
we had great people but we also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I known now I know everybody and I
think we’re g to uh we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no choice otherwise we’re not going to have a country and I really appreciate
this has been to me it’s been a lot of fun being with you you’re an amazing guy you’ve done an incredible job and a
great inspiration to people a great inspiration and I hope you keep going and just uh continue to do well and
we’re going to have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history
of our country I think that election will be the most important election and I think it’ll end up being maybe the
most important day in the history of our country because if we don’t win I just
feel so sorry for everybody no we’re I think we’re at at a folk in the road of Destiny of of civilization and um and I
think we need to take the the the right path and and I think uh you’re you’re the right path so I think that’s what it
comes down to thank you very much Elon it’s a great honor and we’ll we’ll do it again sometime and uh it’s been really
fun and I hope you got a lot of viewers I hear you got a lot but I hope you I know you got a lot of them so uh I
appreciate it I’ll see you soon all right sounds good thank you thank you Elan thank you very much bye well I
think we will I’m pretty sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book with the
so many millions of people and that’s an honor we view that as an honor and then uh you do want silencing of certain
voices usually those are voices that have something to say that are constructive oftentimes constructive and
so we have to consider it an honor but congratulations and breaking every record in the book tonight that’s great
well thank you um well I maybe uh we could start off with um I mean the
assassination attempt uh which uh was an incredible thing and I have to say that
uh you know your actions after that that assassination attempt were inspiring um
you know you instead of shying away from things instead of ducking down um you were pumping your fist in the air and
saying fight fight fight and I think that’s I mean you know the the president
of the United States represents America and I think that is that is America that
that is strength Under Fire and um so that’s uh you know a big you know part
of the reason why I was excited to endorse you as the president United
States for having a term here is uh that was that was just incredibly inspiring but but I mean what was it like for you
not pleasant I have to be I said it was blood I had more blood I didn’t know I
didn’t know I had that much blood the doctors later told me that the ear is a place that is uh a very bloody place if
you’re going to get hit but uh in this case it was probably the best alternative you could even think
about because it went at the right angle and uh you know was it was a hard hit it
was very I guess you would say surreal but it wasn’t surreal you know I was telling somebody you have instances like
this or like a lot less than this where you feel it’s a surreal situation and I
never felt that way I knew immediately that it was a bullet I knew immediately
that it was at the ear yeah and because it you know it hit very hard but hit the ear and I also heard people shout
bullets bullets you know get down get down because I you know I moved down pretty nicely pretty quickly and we had
bullets flying right over my head after I went down so I’m glad I went down the the bigger miracle was that I was
looking in the exact direction of the shooter and so it hit it hit me at an angle that was uh far less destructive
than any other angle so that was the miracle that was for those people believe in God I think we got to all
start thinking about that you have to uh you know I’m I’m a Believer now I’m more
of a Believer I think and a lot of people have said that to me a lot of great people have said that to me actually but it was uh it was amazing
that I happened to be turned just at that perfect angle and uh all because I
put down a chart on immigration that showed that the numbers were so great I I love that yart even more maybe it’s a
sign maybe that’s a sign you know it’s an immigration sign you you highlighted
a a serious issue at that moment the bullet Mr you know hit your
ear but but but you know Miss Miss M your your head I mean well the amazing thing is that uh the sign I said bring
down that sign on immigration and it was literally about an eighth of a second where it would be good and and after
that it was going to be a disaster no matter which which way you were facing but it just had that that perfect angle
which was exactly at this shooter very sad situation such a sad situation as
you know we lost somebody that was great Corey who a firefighter a great gentleman a great a great Trumper he was
a just a fantastic family and a fantastic man and a friend of mine came up Elon and said I’d like to give the
family some kind of uh help and I said that’s great he said do you mind I said
I don’t mind at all and he wrote out a check for a million dollars gave gave it to the wife and you know uh she said
this is really nice but I’d rather have my husband back which is a nice thing for somebody to say to be honest she’s
she’s great the family is great and we raised a lot of money for them and for uh two other gentlemen were are
unbelievable people also they were hit really badly they thought they were not going to make it and they did the
doctors in the Butler area I tell you they were incredible they saved the two
and uh they were really hit tough both of them equally uh and we thought we my
first question was cuz I heard bullets flying over me and I said how many people were killed because we had a massive crowd there a tremendous yeah
thousands and thousands of people and there was no land I mean it was just it was all people so I said how many people
have been killed because I knew there were other shots being fired sure and they said uh we don’t know yet but some
people have been badly hurt and uh I have to give the Secret Service sniper
they call him or Sharpshooter but sniper because he didn’t know there was a problem he’s been he’s an
extraordinary shot obviously and he didn’t know there was a problem and he was able to pick it all out within five
seconds and he used one bullet from very far away I guess probably about 400 yards the shooter was 130 but he was on
the he was on the opposite side of the field and the podium and he saw the the
smoke and the flame from the gun immediately recognized it and immediately took a shot and it was one
perfect shot from very far away and if he if he didn’t do that Elon he would have I mean if he would have a lot of
people a lot more people have been could have been badly hurt and killed so I I
have to take my hat off to him because that’s also a surreal you know he’s been with them for 23 years and there he’s
never had anything like this and all of a sudden he has to act and it’s a very tough thing to act and to be shooting
somebody but he saw the uh he saw the gun saw the smoke saw the flame from the gun very far away obviously has very
good eyes he’s got very good Vision which I assume you have to have in that particular work but he uh he took aim
very quickly and it was they say it was approximately five seconds from long range one bullet if that didn’t happen
because the shooter had a lot of bullets he had a lot of a lot of cartridges up there with him
so I mean I mean that that that that’s clearly you know um you know he was he
was very confident in taking that shot to stop the the assass the attempt at
assassination um but but I mean there does seem to be I mean some pretty significant failings um elsewhere in the
system like there’s just no way that like how on Earth does a shooter get on a roof 130 yards away um that seems
crazy um I think most people like people are wondering how that on Earth could such a thing happen well you know I view
it as two ways there should have been nobody in the roof there were people because there were so many tens of
thousands of people there there were people that were seeing him and there was one woman with a red shirt and uh
Trump all over and she’s screaming that guy’s got a gun you know you saw it
probably yeah’s a guy with a gun it’s like I’m just I’m just I guess I mean
for my part and I think probably many members of the public are wondering how the heck are you know basically people
wondering by pointing out there’s a guy on the roof with a gun yeah they’re seeing it but somehow that’s
it’s not being addressed um that that does seem crazy well they’re going to learned from this the communication
between the local police who sort of had an idea and then ultimately a man lifted
himself up to the roof could barely do it because you know he was pulling himself up and yeah he saw the man with
the gun the man with the gun pointed the gun at him he thought he was probably going to get shot but you know he was
like pulling himself up and and because of that he couldn’t get to his gun and he fell down actually very badly hurt
his uh leg his ankle I hear very badly but but he fell down and he did you know
from what I understand he did say there’s a guy up there with a gun and the the shooting started very quickly
after that I think it I think it forced the shooter to go maybe quicker you know he was supposed to be a very good shot
yeah my sons uh Don and Eric they they can’t believe what happened but they
said from 130 yards a bad shot would hit that Target almost every time they said
it’s like in golf sinking a two foot putt yeah it’s not a hard it’s not a tough shot it’s not a it’s not a long
shot the uh Secret Service person had the long shot he had a you know triple the distance actually so uh you know it
was a a terrible thing look uh it it’s hard I have to say this about the Secret
Service when I went down and you know I went down based on I think they’re screaming uh but other people also
because people saw this happen you know you had so many people one of the Miracles was that nobody ran I mean if
if a gun goes off the crowd control people showed showed us this when guns go off and it does happen in stadiums at
a soccer match or some kind of a match everybody flees they call it a stampede like cattle but everybody and a lot of
people get killed with a stampedes we had more people than you’d have at you know some of these matches or or these
games and uh nobody left you know you had a small group behind us in the grand
stand and that was full and you look at it as it was taking place and normally
they’d be running they didn’t leave they saw that I was hurt they saw a lot of blood and they saw that I went down and
it’s almost like they wanted to be with me well out front you had thousands tens of thousands of people you as far as the
eye could see you had people in Butler as far as the eye could see and and uh yeah and a lot of press too There Was
You Know many cameras on watching this it’s what made makes it so different because normally things happen that
aren’t good but you never have a picture of it here we have all these cameras shooting it so uh you know sort of
amazing but one of the interesting things was that you didn’t have anybody flee you didn’t have anybody Stampede
nobody and there was some people behind me they stood up and they’re looking like you know I mean I tell you want to
have you want to have them in a fox hall with you I want to meet some of those people so different from what you heard
but so so I was down but the Secret Service guys there were bullets flying right over my head you could hear them
go whizzing and yeah and these guys came jumping on top of me you know and a
young lady Kate uh were jump they they moved so fast and let me tell you that
took tremendous courage now there was a lack of coordination uh there was you know obviously everybody understands
that somebody that that building should have been covered and yeah I mean think like I mean I mean looking at the the
AAL views that building would be like the number one spot for a sniper I it’s like it’s like the if you would have
picked like what is the favorite if you so the goal is to assassinate what’s your favorite spot that building other
that building would be number one that would have been the SP it’s like you could you can ask for a better location it’s like that would have been this you
know what people think is when the uh local policemen who by the way would you know he really uh he did what he was
supposed to do he couldn’t hold on any longer and then when he got his head just peeking above this guy standing
there with a gun at his head and when he fell down again hurt his ankle very badly but he was making the calls but
what happened is the firing took place very soon so what they think is that this guy ran to his site which he had
all planned out with the gun uh he ran to the site and he started shooting fast
and maybe that’s why he uh well he sort of missed I mean you know he got could
have been um could have been a much bigger problem but he totally would have hit if if you hadn’t turned your head so
like you know there was a it it was a very near thing it was a miracle if I hadn’t turned my head yeah I would not
be talking to you right now as much as I like you exactly I would not I would not be talking talking to me from another
realm perh yeah that’s right we’d be talking from a different place but uh it
was a it was a you know it was a very terrible experience the the butler HP hospital they did such a great job uh
the doctors were so good everybody was so good there was there was a mistake if if if somebody knew because people were
hearing that you know there was just a bad feeling that there was somebody was around you know that story now it’s been
and if somebody could have said because they’ve oftentimes said you know like there’d be a lightning storm or something because I’ve done I think over
300 I think I did a lot more than that but we did a lot and often times they’ll say Sir could you wait 10 minutes please
sir could you wait 20 minutes as the stor overhead or lightning or something right and that happens often and this
would have been a perfect time for that to have happened but it it didn’t it didn’t get coordinated that was the
problem well uh it was uh your I think uh your your um actions in the in the
heat of a fire in you know like what I I found admirable there was that you you
can’t fake bravery under such circumstances the courage is instinctual or it is not it’s not a rehearsed action
and so I just want to say that uh I think a lot of people admire your your your courage Under Fire there and um
yeah so thank you very much I I appreciate it I didn’t I don’t think I didn’t think of it I just wanted to get
up and I wanted to stand up I wanted to let people know you know I felt I was good when when they were uh on top of me
covering me actually very much covering me and and very bravely but uh I wanted to get up I said I want to get up and uh
they wanted you know they had they have everything there they have they wanted stretcher I didn’t like the stretcher
and I knew I was hit in the ear but I knew I wasn’t hit anywhere else they felt I was hit someplace else because it was such a lot of blood and they were
sure that I was hit someplace else and they were saying sir you you you were hit in more than the year I said nope I
was hit in the ear I want to get up let me get up and so we I got up and the crowd didn’t know what to think I mean
this was so so many people and they did you could see they were confused they didn’t know what to think and I wanted
to let them know I was okay it was very important for me to let them know that they went wild you you’ve seen the after
they didn’t go wild when I got up because they didn’t know was I alive you really couldn’t tell when I stood up
before the hand before the you know the fist in the air uh they didn’t know if I was alive nobody did and uh when I put
the fist up they were they were just relieved and happy and thrilled and the
place went crazy it was pretty amazing it was a it was a terrible thing but it was
moving yeah um well and and I mean speaking of the the the sort of slide
that got you to turn that Sav your life really uh was the illegal immigration
slide maybe this maybe this it’s worth talking about about that it was it was
that slide that slide the illegal immigration saved my life you’re right but it had be at the
exact angle I mean that’s that’s a great one sa saved by illegal IM you know the
the incredible thing though when you talk about the odds you had to be exactly at that angle but but the
incredible thing is that the chart I use it less than 20% of the time it was just
a moment yeah it’s always on my left never my right and it’s always at the end of the speech so here we have it
it’s on the right not the left it’s at the beginning not the end and even the people that put it up they were
unprepared and they did a great job they got it up immediately fortunately but I look to the right and and Bull and the
bullet came whizzing by hitting my ear uh so it was amazing but when you think
of the odds of that and you know that that normally you wouldn’t use it
normally I wouldn’t have the thing and then you know it would have been a very different story it’s it’s very much I I
say an act of God it’s a miracle that it happened and I’m honored by it I’m
honored by it well what what what were what were you
about to say about illegal immigration before you were rudely interrupted well I was going to say how good the numbers were by the way we’re going back to
Butler and we’re going to go back in October we’re all set up and we’re the people are fantastic in Butler it’s a
big it’s a great area great these are incredible people uh like the three that
in the case of Corey kill and the other two the the families are I get to know them a little bit and the families are
great but we’re going back to Butler and uh I think I’ll probably start by saying
uh as I was saying being so horribly interrupted but yeah
so rudely interrupted by anation attemp no but the chart some people have have
no man Elon the chart was just a chart that in my last week we had the best uh
illegal uh immigration numbers meaning stopping uh it was at the lowest you’ve seen the chart it’s become quite a
famous chart but that was the lowest point ever recorded it was a really um I
mean I was very proud of those numbers and then you see what happened with these people uh kamla and Joe you see
what happened they just let it go I had remain in Mexico policies I had all
these different policies that was so good uh guys like Tom homman and Brandon
Jud from border patrol all these are all people that they’ve been on television they say it’s the best numbers we’ve
ever had we had so many different Jacks catch and release in Mexico not the united we had catch and release in the
United States we had it in Mexico we had so many things we had things where if people many people come in there they
have contagious diseases we had everything passed if you have a contagious disease I’m sorry but we can
we cannot allow you into the country so we were setting literally records and uh
I all I was doing is showing that and I I use it sometimes and in this case I’m glad I used it I can tell you that but
but they were fantastic numbers but I’m going to sleep with that chart always I’m gonna I’ll be sleeping with that
chart that chart was uh was very important very important for a lot of reasons well I mean I mean would if be
accurate to would it be accurate to say that you’re supportive of legal immigration um but that but we also need
to shut down illegal immigration uh and especially unvetted illegal immigration because you you know and and and that’s
that’s not the same as saying that everyone who is inlegal immigrant is bad in fact um I think most people who are
illegal immigrants are actually good but but you can’t tell difference unless there’s a solid betting of who comes
across the border is does that does that represent your position I say it very
simply they have to come in legally they have to be checked yeah because look Kamala was the bord zone now she’s
denying it everything that I do she she’s saying she was strong On the Border we’re gonna be strong well she
doesn’t have to say it she could close it up right now they could they could do things right now it’s horrible uh no tax
on tips and all of a sudden she’s making a speeches and there will be no tax on tips I said that months ago and by the
way they had just the opposite you know they had not only tax on tips but they hired 88,000 IRS agents and many of them
were assigned to go get waitresses and caddies and all of this on tips they have a policy they had a policy that
they were really going to go after you and were really harassing people horribly and then all of a sudden for
politics she says you know she comes out with with what I said which I think is terrible and I think it’s also hitting
them very hard these people are fake now they’re also saying they did a good job in the Border we had the worst numbers
in the history of the world not of our country there’s never been a country in history that has had a catastrophe like
this we’ve had I believe and I think you believe this too you know you hear 12 million 1 I believe it’s over 20 million
people came into our country many coming from jails from prisons from from mental
institutions or a bigger version of that is insane asylums and many are
terrorists and I’ll tell you what they’re they’re coming not just from South America they’re coming from Africa they’re coming from all over the world
they’re coming from Asia they’re coming from the Middle East they’re coming from countries that are uh stupidly and
horribly bombing Israel October 7th they’re coming from all over the world they and and you know you look at it’s
so sad October 7th because it should have never happened it’s so sad when you look at Ukraine it should have never
happened we have a defective government these are defective people and they’re not people that should be running it but
what you see it the best is the Border because you had you have millions of people coming in a month and then she
gets up and she tries to pretend like she’s going to do something she had three and a half years and by the way
they have another five months that they can do something but they won’t do anything it’s all talk she’s incompetent
and he’s incompetent and frankly I think that she’s more incompetent than he is and that’s saying something because he’s
not too good yeah no I I think it’s it is essential to have a secure border I
mean you’re you’re really not a country unless you’re the secure border um and and secure elections absolutely secure
elections and uh so so it’s it’s just essential to have a real border or or or
we can function as a country and our service you know our Central Services are are being overwhelmed in a lot of
cities um and uh and I but I as as we were talking about earlier I think uh
having um a legal immigration Pro process that is uh smooth and efficient and done well
and I you know I’m speaking as someone who is illegal immigrant um and I think
that that I mean like one way to think of it is who do you want on your team um you know who like who do you want on
Team America and and I think we want to just say okay we we want to uh let in
people who are going to you know be great contributors to um our society and
to our economy and uh you know and who do you want on the team and it’s and and
it’s not to say that like in my opinion actually I’d say like probably most of the illegal immigrants actually are are
are actually good hardworking people that’s my opinion um but some are not
and uh and and you just have this sort of adverse selection process where um
you know if if if somebody’s uh you know if somebody’s like a you know um has a
career in in theft robbery um I I don’t understand what’s taking them so long to get here um because we’re in such a
target-rich environment um I mean you know why AR they why aren’t more people
who have a career in you know bad things coming here sooner because it’s I mean it’s a piece of cake to go rob uh you
know houses in uh LA or New York uh compared to other parts of the world and
um and and in a lot of places in America if if you try to stop the who’s robbing
you you’ll be arrested that’s right I mean what what’s
happening with crime and our police are so good but they’re not allowed to do their job but I have to tell you Elon I
hate to say it because it’s such a downer to say it I hate to say it I hate it but you have a lot of people that
just shouldn’t be I think it’s a much bigger number than you think they’re allowing again they’re allowing people from their jails and if you were running
one of these countries where they’re coming from you would have had all of them as an example Venezuela their crime
is down 72% they’re taking their drug dealers they’re taking frankly their prisoners they’re emptying out their
prisons they’re taking uh their criminals their murderers their rapists and they’re they’re delivering them into
that’s what that’s what C Cast yeah well they did on a much smaller scale you know it was a much smaller scale but
this is a massive scale because this is being done worldwide but here’s what’s happening crime all over the world is
down and way do you see the numbers that we have you know these this is migraine crime this is crime that’s that’s going
to be and I saw it today in New York where somebody was knifed with a uh raped the girlfriend of a man that stood
there watching in New York in one of the shelters and uh started pulling out the knives and bad things happen today but
this is happening every day these are rough people these are people that are in jail for murder and all sorts of
things and they’re releasing them into our country and they’re telling them if you come back we’re going to kill you
we’re going to give you the death penalty or kill you so they don’t want to come back but these are rough people these are these are criminals that make
our criminals look like nice people and it’s horrible what they’re doing and and she’s in charge of it because you know
now she’s trying to say she had nothing to do with it and she’s such a liar because she was called the borders are
the first day and it was on the headlines of every newspaper she’s the borders are and she never even went there she went to one location which had
nothing to do with where the problem is you know she went in and out I guess cuz she was getting a lot of pressure but
had nothing to do with the problem but she was the bordar and you people can’t allow them to get away with their
disinformation campaign now she’s trying to say that uh she wasn’t uh she wasn’t
really involved and the whole thing is horrible she was totally in charge she
could have shut the border down without him he didn’t know what he was doing anyway so he wouldn’t have even known what happened you could shut the border
down he wouldn’t even know the difference but uh the fact is that she was bordar but if you don’t have to call
her that the fact is you could just call her she was in charge of the border and the Border was the worst ever it’s it’s
simply not working horrible whether whether it’s by whether it’s by whether
it’s a question of of intention or competence either way we we we we don’t
have a secure border and we have people streaming over like it looks like a world World War Z zombie apocalypse at
times and you know sometimes you you you you got to sort of Wonder like is it real or not so I you know because see
things you’re like is it real I so I went to the border at Eagle Pass and I saw for myself in Texas and I was like
okay it’s real I’m like seeing this in real time I actually posted the video like just live I just I just flew there
one day and just to see hey is this is this is this made up or real and I’m I’m just seeing people stream across the
border and um and I have to say you know at least the people that I saw did not look friendly um you know so these
people people can look at my video and say Hey you know does these people look friendly they don’t look super friendly so these are people Elon would not be
the same man if he had to walk across the street and look these people in the eye these are rough people these are
really rough people coming across and I know rough people and these are people that we don’t want in our country and
you know the Caravans are coming in and they’re putting and and who’s doing this are the heads of the countries and you
would be doing it and so would I and everyone say oh what a terrible thing to say the fact is it’s brilliant for them
because they’re taking all of their uh bad people really bad people and I hate to say this the reason the numbers are
much bigger than you would think is they’re also taking the nonproductive people now these aren’t people that will kill you we have enough of them but
these are people that are nonproductive they they are just nonproductive I mean for whatever reason they’re not workers
or they don’t want to work or whatever and these countries are getting rid of nonproductive people in the Caravans in
many cases and they’re also getting rid of their murderers and their drug dealers and the people that are really
brutal people and they’re coming into our country at levels that have never been seen before and I saw an ad just
before I got on the adir I’m walking over here and I saw an ad by Kamala
saying how she is going to provide border security where’s she been for three and a half years for three and a
half years yeah have 20 million people it’s a terrible yeah I think this
frankly I think this is a fundamental existential issue for the United States
um and if we have another for more years of of open borders and it’s going to be even worse with another four more years
it’s going to be even worse than it’s been for the past uh you know three and a half years uh I’m not sure we got a
country you don’t have a country left Elon if they get in you will have 50 to
60 million people from all over the world not South America only you know we
think of South America we think of Honduras and El Salvador Guatemala and
Mexico you know the four but it’s not that it’s everywhere they’re coming in from everywhere and I had to stay in
mexo this is a this is a super important Point like people it’s like basically
when I went down there I was like well where are people from it’s like it’s like almost no one was from
Mexico it’s just the Border it’s just the border with Mexico but the people coming in it’s it’s it’s Earth the rest
of Earth and and America is is only you know about four four or five% of the
population of Earth it it would only take a few percent of the rest of Earth overwhelm everything in we’re already
overwhelmed Elon it’s we’re overwhelmed you had to see the news tonight about New York New York and I love that place
and what they’re doing to it is horrible what they’re doing to it and all the courts do is they try and focus on Trump
okay let’s focus on Trump who did nothing wrong I complain about a rigged election Elon what’s happened is
unbelievable you have from Africa uh from the Congo they’re coming from the Congo and 22 people came in from the
Congo recently and the murderers and they dropped they they drop them they take them out of jails which is very
expensive you know to maintain the jails although they don’t do too much maintaining I can tell you but they take
them out of jails prisons they take them out and they bring them to the United States they deposit them in the United
States and say don’t ever come back or you’re going to be executed and they don’t want to come back but they won’t
come back sure but but they’re coming from Africa they’re coming from Asia
they’re coming from the Middle East they’re coming from south they coming from everywhere and there are a lot of really bad ones it’s just a
it’s just it’s just an everywhere on Earth thing and it’s just it’s just not possible for the United States to absorb
you know everyone from Earth or or you know even a few percent of the rest of Earth it’s just not possible so we’re
gonna have just just to finish this up we’re gonna have the largest deportation
in history of this country and we have no choice otherwise we’re going to have a country what they what they’ve done to
our country think of it with with you know in Venezuela and in some of these other countries crime is
down 50 60 70 80% and you would be the same you would have you would I’ll tell
you what Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of them they’ve gotten rid of about 70% of their really bad people their
jails are about 50% uh put into the United States the same with other
countries some are 30% some are at 50% they’re all different but the bottom line is they’re all going to be at 100%
why wouldn’t you put 100% of it yeah and they’re doing it right now while this third rate phony candidate don’t forget
I beat I beat Biden uh he failed in the debate miserably and you know some
people said oh gee it’s too bad it’s too bad he did so badly or I did well in the debate you know the first night they
said wow one of the people at CNN said that was the greatest debate performance
I’ve ever witnessed and then two days later they didn’t talk about that they just said he was bad but that’s okay
that’s the way I get treated and I don’t mind that at all what I can tell you is this we cannot have a Democrat we cannot
have her she’s incompetent she’s as bad as Biden in a different look she hasn’t done an interview since this whole uh
scam started and and say what you want this was a coup this was a coup of a
president of the United States he didn’t want to leave and they said we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard
way yeah Ian they just took him out back behind the shed and basically shot him oh what they did with this guy and I’m
no fan of his and he was a horrible president the worst president in history and one of the reasons he was so bad
first of all the Israeli attack would have never happened Russia would never have attacked Ukraine and we’d have no
inflation and we wouldn’t have had the Afghanistan mess if you think of it well and we wouldn’t have had Afghanistan but
we think of it we you take a few of those events away and we have a different world we would also have no no
inflation was caused by oil yeah no no I think you make an excellent point here which is that
um when other countries can you know that that are you know are thinking about invading or doing bad things uh
when they’re thinking about that they’re thinking about okay what’s the American president going to do and are do they
fear the American president or is it someone they they do not respect or and do not fear and I think they they do
they do they would rightfully be I mean that you know look at that the footage
with the assassination they’re like okay you know the president Trump is it’s like
don’t mess with me I mean that’s like whereas I think people are are not going to be and they obviously have not been
at all intimidated by by Biden and they certainly will not be intimidated by by Kam and you have to really think of that
in the context of Global Security um that’s that’s that if the if the
American president is someone someone that like you know evil dictators are scared of that makes a huge difference
to the security of the world so I had a good relationship with Putin despite the Russia Russia Russia hoax that lasted
for over two years just a hoax created by Hillary Clinton and uh Adam Shifty
shift some just bad people you know just sick people frankly I mean shiff Schiff is a sick person he’s going to end up
probably being a senator it’s hard to believe the whole thing is hard to believe but uh that you know they put
our country in danger with that stuff too they actually when they make up stories and you have to fight your way
out of it for a long time but I know Putin very well I got along with him very well he resp Ed me and it’s just
one of those things and he would we would talk a lot about Ukraine it was the apple of his eye but I said don’t
ever do it don’t ever do it you know I shut down nordstream to that was the Big Oil pipeline the biggest I think the
biggest pipeline in the world going all over Europe I shut it down Biden came and then they say I I you know I was I
loved Russia I was a friend of Putin and I loved Russia no he actually said to me one time he said if you’re my friend I’d
hate to see you as an enemy I shut down his pipeline the biggest pipeline they were looking at that fund and this this
pathetic president gets in there and the first thing he did one of the early things he did is he shut down he he shut
down Keystone XL pipeline which is our pipeline that would have employed 48,000
people pipeline workers shuts it down that was you know a massive job that
Obama refused to allow I allowed it in my first week because it was jobs and it
moved oil and by the way in a much more environmentally friendly way it’s underground it’s not a truck that
catches on fire or a train that catches on fire but think of it he shut down the
uh XL Pipeline the Keystone XL pipeline he shuts that down and he approves the
Russian Pipeline yeah it doesn’t make any sense it’s like it’s inconsistent um
certainly the but I mean I think it’s just worth emphasizing you know to listeners the that the the immense
importance of of whether the United States president is intimidating or not intimidating um and how much that
matters to Global Security um because there’s some real tough characters out there and if they don’t think the
American president is tough they will do what they want to do I know every one of and that puts that that put that it puts
the whole world in danger Elon I know every one of them and I know them well I know Putin I know president she I know
Kim Jong-un of North Korea I know every one of them and let me tell you people will say oh this is terrible he said I’m
not saying anything good or bad they’re at the top of their game they’re tough they’re smart they’re vicious and
they’re going to protect their country whether they love their country they probably do it’s just a different form of love but they’re going to protect
their country but these are tough people at the top of their game and when they see a Camala or when they see uh Biden
sleepy Joe they can’t even believe it they can’t believe this happened the all
the stuff that you’re seeing now all the horror that you look at Israel they’re all waiting for an attack from Iran Iran
would not be attacking believe me you know when I was there and I say it with
respect because I think we would have been good with Iran I don’t want to do anything bad to Iran but they knew not
to mess around Iran was broke because I told China if you buy from Iran oil it’s
all about the oil that’s where the money is but if you buy oil from Iran you’re not going to do any business with the
United States and I meant it and they said we’ll pass they didn’t buy oil other countries likewise you want to buy
you’re not doing business with the United States and they they were at a point where they were they had no money for Hamas they had no money for
Hezbollah they had no money for any of these instruments of Terror and it was
amazing in fact there were articles when I was leaving which is hard to believe actually especially when you look at
what’s happened to our country our country is so bad right now it’s such a different place we were respected think
of it four years ago we were so respected to a point where when I said don’t buy oil they didn’t buy oil but
they had no money and Israel would have never been attacked it zero chance and
again I said to Vladimir Putin I said don’t do it you can’t do it Vladimir you do it it’s G to be a bad day you cannot
do it and I told him things that what I do and he said no way and I said way and
you know it’s the last time we ever had the conversation he would he would never have done I got along well with them I
hope to get along well with them again you know getting along well with them is good thing not a bad thing I got along
well with Jong-un when I met with President Obama just before entering you
know it’s a sort of a ritual and I sat down with him and we talked it was supposed to be for a very short period
of time it turned out to be a long period of time I said what’s the biggest problem he said North Korea I had that
problem worked out very quickly it was nasty at the beginning with rocket man and you know all the different things
but all of a sudden I got those some those were some epic tweets by the way no they were epic everything he said he
said that he has a red button on his desk I said I have a red button on my desk too but my red button is much
bigger and my red button works and then I called him Little Rocket Man if Little Rocket Man anyway here’s the bottom line
all of a sudden I got a call from him and they said they want to meet they want to meet me and we met yeah as you
remember we met in Singapore we met also in Vietnam and uh I got along with them
great we were in no danger but President Obama President Obama thought we were going to end up in a war
a nuclear war with him and let me tell you he’s got a lot of nuclear stuff too he’s got plenty of nuclear he can do
plenty of damage so yes I mean it’s because you know I mean people like like
Kim Kim you know Kim D on they respond to strength not weakness uh he and I got he and I had a
good relationship remember I remember I met him and and we walked onto his land nobody ever walked onto his land before
I walked on I wouldn’t say let’s bring up secret service again I wouldn’t say they were when I did that I walked onto
his land and uh it was it was an amazing period but we were not in danger with
him because of me you know I always say that we have enemies on the outside and we have enemies on the inside we have
some really bad people in our government and people that are and controlling of
the people I mean I mention names but I I don’t I really don’t want to give them the credit but we have some really bad
and I say they’re more dangerous than Russia and China if if you have a a
smart president a president that gets it we are not in danger from those countries because they need us and they
need our help I mean we forced Obama if you think about it Obama and Biden and
Bush to a certain extent in all fairness forced Russia and China together and if
you’re a history student the first thing you learn is you cannot let Russia and China align but then they also got if
you take a look Iran and they have North Korea that’s you know they call the Access of Evil in the old days you had
the Access of Evil here we have a modern day Access of Evil these are powerful countries very heavy nuclear which is
the biggest threat you know the biggest threat is not global warming where the ocean’s going to rise one one e of an
inch over the next 400 years the big and you’ll have more you’ll have more ocean front property right the biggest threat
is not that the biggest threat is nuclear warming because we have five countries now that have significant
nuclear power and we have to not allow anything to happen with stupid people
like Biden you know Biden uh did something with Russia uh there was no
chance of him ever going in and when I left and then then after I left they started forming big armies on their on
the border with Ukraine right and I looked at that and I thought he was doing that because Putin’s a good
negotiator I thought he was doing that to negotiate but then Biden started saying such stupid things for instance
he said that uh it can be a native Country Now put Russia for for as long
as there’s been NATO has said we’re never going to agree to that and we go right up front and say that and we did
things and said things through this president with a low IQ very low IQ he had a low IQ 30 Years Ago by the way but
now he might not even have a IQ at all that there is no there’s nothing on the board that goes this long he said things
that were so stupid that that that war would have been that war had zero chance
of happening if I were there zero chance he was saying everything the opposite
everything the opposite and it’s so sad because many more people have been killed in Ukraine than you read about
you don’t read about how Bloody it is and how DES hey look just in the two armies you lost a half a million people
and and you know Ukraine’s having a hard time Ukraine I don’t know if you saw the article recently and it’s true you don’t
hear the true story but if you think about it uh Russia’s gone you know
Russia defeated Germany with us and they defeated Napoleon you know they’ve been around a long time they’re a big
fighting force and it’s very unfair and Ukraine now doesn’t have enough men
they’re now using young men and very old men to fight and it’s it we’re in a very
bad position and I’m not going to blame exclusively but I can tell you I could
have stopped that and a smart president could have stopped that it wouldn’t have happened but we had a we had a man that
actually made it it made it more prevalent it it it was so bad the words
that he was using the stupid threats coming from a stupid face that that he
was using I said this guy’s going to cause us a war he’s going to cause us and let me tell you it can lead to World
War I that can lead to World War I the Middle East can lead to we have numerous places that could end up in a World War
I right now for no reason whatsoever I think you’re right I think I think people under underrate the risk of World
War II and it’s just the you know when when looking at the risk of global
thermonuclear Warfare It’s game over for Humanity and you know that’s it’s something that people have I think after
the end of the Cold War people have become complacent about but they actually have forgotten that there are
currently a lot of nuclear missiles that that are that that have targeting parameters for the United States other
countries and one of the things we’re going to do is we’re going to build an iron Dome over us we’re you know Israel
has it we’re going to have the best Iron Dome in the world we need it and we’re going to make it all in the United States but we’re GNA have we’re gonna
have protection because it just takes one maniac to you know start something we’re gonna have protection and we’re
gonna have why shouldn’t we have an Iron Dome Israel has one some other places have one that nobody even knows about
frankly but uh Israel has it we’re gonna have an iron dome but you know with all of that being said to me that’s so
important the most important but with all of that being said the elections coming up and the people want to hear
about the economy and the fact that they can’t buy groceries because they don’t have enough m money to buy groceries the
inflation has killed them food prices are up 50 60 even 100% in some cases and
this this stupid Administration allowed this to happen and it’s a shame and
that’s the thing that people most care about in my opinion they care about the Border a lot and we discussed the border
at Great length it’s nice to have a forum like this where I can discuss something at length and by the way you
think Biden could do this interview do you think that K could do this interview they would take a pass you they could
not so the they don’t need Elon they don’t need Elon screaming out questions
it’s it’s pretty sad when you think that somebody that does this for a living can’t answer a question or is afraid to
do an interview and in her case with a very friendly interview she’s got all friendly interviewers it’s pretty cool
abut but the big thing now is the economy Elon and as much as yeah I mean I view nuclear as the single most
important thing but a lot of people don’t a lot of people don’t understand that but it doesn’t have to if I
understand that that’s all you need because if I was President you’re not going to have that kind of a problem but the the thing that they really is making
them angry is what commala and Biden have allowed to happen to the economy it’s a disaster with inflation the
inflation it doesn’t matter what you make the inflation is eating you alive if you’re a worker or if you’re a a uh
just a a middle-income person you can’t afford you know four years ago five years ago people were saving a lot of
money today they us all their money and borrowing money just to live it’s it’s a
horrible thing that’s happening and we’ll end that yeah a a lot of people just don’t
don’t understand where inflation comes from um inflation comes from government overspending because the checks never
bounce when it’s written by the government so if the if if the government uh spends far more than it
brings in that increases the money supply and if the money supply increases fast in the rate of goods and services
that’s inflation um so so really we need to have uh we need to reduce our
government spending um and we need to reexamine I think I think we need like a government efficiency commission to say
like hey where are we spending money that’s sensible where is it not sensible um and and we need to live within our
our means we we we’re currently adding I think a trillion dollars to the deficit
uh every roughly every hundred days that’s right um and you know the the interest payments on the national debt
have now exceed the defense budget it’s on the order of a trillion it’s interest and it’s and it keeps it keeps growing I
rebuilt our military largely rebuilt our military did a great job on it which was so important you know we had Jets we had
Fighters that were uh and bombers that were 70 years old and we we did a great job in that then we by the way then we
gave 85 billion of it back to Afghanistan if you can believe it we gave them 85 billion you know they’re
one of the largest sellers of military equipment in the world they’re selling what we gave them that was one of the
most embarrassing days in the history of our country but uh if you think about go
let’s go back to the uh the economy we have to bring Energy prices down energy
started it the price of gasoline now your cars don’t require too much gasoline so you know you’re you have a
good and you do make a great product I have to say I have to be honest with you that doesn’t mean everybody should have an electric car but these are Minor
Details but your your product is incredible but but the gasoline Elon is
the the the cost of energy not only gasoline it’s theost cost of heating your house and cooling your house that
has to come down it it’s gone up 100% 150 and 200% and that has to come down
when that comes down and we’re going to drill baby drill you know they stopped Drilling and then they went back to
drilling because they went went back to the Trump policy but if they won the day after they get into office we’re gonna
this country will go out of business because they’re going to go to an energy policy that’s not sustainable wind and
different things you’re not going to have anything and and I know you’re a big fan of the AI and I have to say that
Ai and this is shocking to me but AI requires twice the energy that the
country already produces for everything so you’re gonna have to build we’re gonna have to build a lot of energy if
our country will be competitive with China because that’s our primary competitor for this on the AI you’re GNA
need a lot of electricity you’re going to need tremendous El it like almost
double what we produce now for the whole country if you can believe it sure um well just going you know back to this
like the this this basic thing which that people try to make it sound complicated but it’s not but inflation
is caused by government overspending um would would you would you agree that that we need to take a look at
government spending and and and and have perhaps a government efficiency commission uh that that just look tries
to make the spending sensible and so the country L within it means just like just like a person the waste is incredible
and it’s nobody negotiates prices uh you used to have a lot of people making Jets
and you end up with two companies and they’ll probably try and merge at some point you you I mean I I W through it
like air for just a a thing like Air Force One one of the first documents they asked me to sign a general walk
said sir will you please sign this document what is it Air Force One that’s with Boeing which is basically two
planes 2747s and the price was 5.7 billion for two ples now now they’re highly
sophisticated they’re even nicer than your plan okay but much more sophisticated they’re very I won’t say
what’s on it but they got a lot of stuff on it anyway but it’s 5.7 that’s a crazy number a crazy number
but I said I’m not gonna pay 5.7 I’m not going to do it I said who made the deal Obama and his people I said well then I
know the deal is no good I’m not going to do it and over a course of about four weeks by my saying I’m not going to do
it I got the price reduced by 1.6 billion dollar for the exact same plane
other than we had a nicer paint job if you want to know the to but for the exact same plane I got I saved one and I
said to Boeing man you guys must make a lot of money if you can reduce the price by that but now what I do hear is that
they’re going back to the uh Biden Administration and wanting big cost
overruns you know because they see these Dopey suckers in there and they’ll end up getting uh some of the money back but
I shaved it by $1.6 billion dollar for the exact same plan and and you can now take that and multiply that out times
thousands of other items mtip the numbers are astronomical I agree with
you well I mean if so so I mean I mean I think it would be great to just have a
government efficiency commission that takes a look at at these things and and just ensures that the taxpayer money the
the taxpayers hard-earned money is spent in a good way um and and and i‘ I’d be
happy to help out on such a commission love pH well you you’re the greatest cutter I mean I look at what you do you
walk in you just say you want to quit they go on strike I won’t mention the name of the company but they go on
strike and you say that’s okay you’re all gone you’re all gone so every one of you is gone and you are the greatest you
would be very good oh you would love it but you know if you look at arent be happy by the way congratulations I just
looked at the number of people that are listening to you and I chat we call a chat but uh congratulations this is very
good I mean it’s it’s and and you’re an interesting character you know the uh
new head of a place called Argentina and he was he’s a big you know he’s great
and he’s a big Maga fan you know that he ran on Maga and he took it to an extreme too he ran on magga and I hear he’s
doing really a terrific job it’s called make Argentina great again it worked out perfectly he came in he bought a lot of
hats he brought over but he’s he’s doing a big job he really cut and I’m hearing
they’re starting to do pretty well inflation’s getting down you know they had like 2000% they had inflation like like not
normal inflation they had the the real deal but we’re gonna have that pretty soon we we have I think we have the
worst inflation we’ve had in a hundred years they say it’s 48 years I don’t believe it I think we have the worst
they don’t include a lot of the items that should be included you know yeah well it’s it’s it’s it’s just from from
government overspending and not just not spending taxpayer money yeah effectively and and having you know just depart like
so many departments you can’t even name them all um and what Malay is doing um
is you know he’s he’s cutting govern spending he’s simplifying things he’s uh
having putting in regulations that make sense and I and and and we’re Argentina
o overnight is experiencing a giant Improvement in prosperity but but it’s
also a lesson for the United States which is that um Argentina used to be one of the most prosperous countries in
the world um you know in the think in in the 30s 40s and and because of bad
government policy it ruined the country and and if you take Venezuela for example Venezuela should be incredibly
prosperous they they have you know phenomenal uh reserves of of everything
oil everything and uh should be prosperous but if the government’s wrong it it impoverishes the people and so I
think we should not be complacent in the United States in thinking that and Tak taking out prosperity for granted
because if if with bad government policy we can run the country into the ground and that that’s that’s just something
people should bear in mind don’t take prosperity for granted well well think of education so we’re ranked at the
bottom of every list of the top 40 we’re ranked number 40 number 38 uh Norway uh
Switzerland Sweden different countries are ranked good actually China’s pretty close to the top they’re a top six or
seven but we’re ranked at the bottom almost at the bottom 38 3940 in other
words horrible and yet we spend more per pupil than any other country in the world so we spend more and what I’m
going to do one of the first acts and this is where I I need an Elon Musk I need somebody that has a lot of strength
and courage and smarts I want to close up Department of Education move education back to the states where where
where States like Iowa where States like Idaho you know not every state will do
great because states that basically aren’t doing good now you look at Gavin nsam the governor of California he uh
he’s terrible he’s does a terrible job so he’s not going to do great with education but of the of the 50 I would
bet that 35 would do great and 15 of them or you know 20 of them will be as
good as Norway you know Norway is considered great uh you can name them I mean just they’re so good some of these
countries are so good but if if you go into some of these really well-run States you know we have states that
don’t know what debt is we have states that are have low taxes no debt everybody work you know they’re really
well-run and maybe they have certain advantages in terms of location in terms of you know the land or the the sun the
sun and the water and the whole thing you know there are a lot of advantages that some people but if you moved
education back to the 50 you’ll have some that won’t do well but you’ll have but they’ll actually be forced to do
better because it’ll be a pretty bad situation but if you think about it you’ll have some of these states I’ll bet you’d have
30 35 States it’ll be much better and you know what it’ll cost less than half what it is in in Washington and these
people don’t care about students in these you know far away States and it would be it‘ be unbelievable yeah I
think you’re making a good point in that um if the states have to have to if if each individual if each state has to
compete against other states then then people will naturally move to to state
where it’s better well like California you know as we said it’s it’s a badly Run State I could go through I got so
many friends that are in those States even if they’re Democrats I hate to mention certain States but Illinois
badly run with pritzker he’s a he’s a real loser but but you know some of these places are just badly run but you
know it’s almost going to force them to run better and they won’t do a good initially but but can you’re not going
to do worse than you’re doing right now and I would say that the cost you would cut your cost by 50 or 60% and you’d
have a little monitor you know you want to make sure they’re teaching English as an example you know give us a little English right sure yeah no I mean I mean
I mean some of these Governors are like are are doing so badly I mean they they got so many people moving out of their
state they should they should get U-Haul salesman of the Year award because they’re driving so much uul it’s
actually amazing people people move it out is it amazing to you as a businessman that they can even survive
like Illinois so many people are leaving and you wonder how do they survive I mean how do they survive uh I saw where
you left California and you moved to Texas Texas does a great job uh but you
know I mean I just wonder how do these states survive when big businesses a big
oil company just left California as you know and they moved to Texas how do these big States survive when they lose
so many businesses and their taxes are already really high you know the taxes are among the highest taxes you you
almost wonder how do they how do they continue on and in many cases the governors don’t do a good job and their
crime ridden places you wonder how do they continue to just go on it’s it’s not it’s not a good situation I mean I
think the thing that’s the only thing that’s going to force some of these states to change is if they risk bankruptcy and they’re not getting bailed out by the federal government
right well the only that’s gonna get them change you remember the area in California where they had that where I
guess uh somebody had Sticky Fingers and they still a lot of money and uh they
went into a form of chapter and it was very nasty for a period of time but now it’s probably the most popular place in
all of California so so you know at some point something like that may have to happen but the problem is uh you can’t
penalize people that loan money to the state when you have incompetent people like a pritsker look the family didn’t
want him in the family business and uh then he ends up being governor of Illinois so you know what is he going to
be is he going to be a great governor and uh you know you have people I could name every one of them I got to know
every one of these and some are very good and some are just horrible well I think that I mean that logic Point here
too you know as you’re saying like the you know a lot of people are concerned about the economy a lot of people concerned about inflation and inflation
is effectively a tax on people that that that save money and and and for people
that are working dayto day it’s it’s it’s just it’s just a form of Taxation um and uh and if if we can solve the
government spending problem we’ll solve the inflation problem which means people have a better standard of living and that’s that’s a really big deal the
people that got hurt worst are the people that did it the way they were taught to do it all through you know
their younger life and their their young life and their whole life the people that saved money and then they got no
interest on their money and inflation destroyed them and frankly they were almost better off if they didn’t do
anything like that I mean those people have been absolutely decimated and we’re going to bring those people back and help those people we’ve got to get the
prices down you know you know when I look at bacon costing five four or five times more than it did a few years ago
when when you look at some of the food products and and groceries so as people go they can’t believe it they used to be
able to buy a whole cart and today you know a lot of people just don’t have the money they go in and they can’t buy
anything they they look at yeah it’s sticker shock they call it sticker shock right I think it really just come like
said think just comes down to to to Really I guess to really two things which is is that if if you sol
government over spending you solve inflation which improves living standage of the of the average person and then
and then if if you uh deregulate like have sensible regulations so because a lot of the regulations are nonsensical
and and cause the cost to be extreme for no reason um and but unless you’ve got
effective deregulation like Reagan did did a great job on deregulation in the 80s but it’s been 40 years since we had
an anyone really I mean during your Administration we made some progress but I think uh this to make I think radical
progress with sensible regulation um and and and if those two things yeah those are the
big deal we set a record we set a we did more deregulation and more uh
restrictions on all of the different businesses than any other president i c remember I had the rule for every one we
put in you have to get rid of 10 or 12 and we we did radical cuts on all of
that and a lot of that’s being put back by this Administration and we did radical cuts on things that weren’t
necessary but we were we were all set you know we had the best economy ever
maybe in the world and then what happened is covid came in and we had to focus on that and nobody knew what it
was and I always say I got good marks on economy good marks on Military we knocked out Isis we did so many
different things we rebuilt but you know I never got the credit that we really deserved on what we did with with Co we
never got the credit but uh we were if had that not happened the gift from China from Wuhan uh came in from Wuhan
the Wuhan La labs and I always said it and it turned out to be right but had that not had that not happened we were
set to start reducing uh debt we’re going to reduce taxes further I gave the largest tax cuts and we were going to
reduce taxes still further for Middle inome people not only businesses but we did it for businesses because they’re
the ones that that’s why we had the great job numbers but we were set to really start reducing debt and you know
we we’re sitting on the the biggest pile of liquid gold anywhere in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than
Russia and we were going to drill and we were going to make so much money we were going to supply Europe with oil I had
stopped the Russian Pipeline and we were going to supply them with oil and gas we were gonna we were gonna make a fortune
and then uh the covid came in and we had a we really had to divert then what
happened is when they came in you know we we kept a lot of businesses alive if I didn’t do what we did we would have
had a 1929 type depression but the problem is when Biden came in he got
trillions of dollars and just started spending it stupidly you didn’t need it anymore you know we got over that bad
period where it was everybody was dying and feeling you know it was it was just not a good period interestingly uh you
know during his administration many more people died during his administration of
covid than during my Administration and we really got the brunt of it but people don’t realize more people died during
his administration than ours but it diverted us from doing what I wanted to do but we had the greatest for you know
almost three years we had the great and you know that probably better than anybody so many of your friends said to
me the best years we’ve ever had in business were during the Trump years and
and also said that uh African-American uh Hispanic American
were so incredible they were having the best Asian-American women young people without a diploma young
people that graduated from the best colleges from from MIT from the Wharton School from all of the great colleges
Harvard they were doing better and people without a diploma were doing better and everybody was was happy and
then covid came and we had a we had the problem is they spent trillions and trillions of dollars they wasted they
shouldn’t have taken any money and we wouldn’t be having inflation right now which is killing our country yeah yeah
yeah absolutely I mean I should probably say something about like you know may maybe my views on you know climate
change and oil and gas um because uh I think it’s probably different from what
most people would assume um because I My Views are actually pretty I think moderate in this regard which is that I
I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry and the people that have worked very hard in those
Industries to provide the necessary energy to to support the economy and and if we were to stop using oil and gas
right now now we would all be starving and the economy would collapse uh so it’s you know I don’t think it’s right
to sort of vilify the oil and gas industry um and and I and I you know and
the world the world has a certain demand for oil and gas and it’s probably better if the United States provides that than
than than some other countries um and and it would it would help with prosperity in the US um and at the same
time obviously my view is is like we do over time want to move to um a sustainable energy economy because EV do
run out of I mean you run out of oil and gas it’s not there it’s not infinite um
and there is there is some risk I think it’s not the risk is not as as high as
uh you know a lot of people say it is with respect to global warming but I think if if you if you just keep
increasing the PO per million in the atmosphere uh long enough eventually it actually simply gets uncomfortable to uh
to breathe people don’t realize this if if the if you go to if you go past a thousand poper million of of CO2 uh you
start getting headaches in Ora um and so we’re we’re now in the sort of 400 range
we’re adding I think about roughly two parts per million per year so I mean still gives us so what it means like we
still have quite a bit of time um but but so there’s not like we don’t need to to rush and and we don’t need to like
you know stop Farmers from farming or you know uh prevent people from having
Stakes or right basic stuff like that like like leave the farmers alone I agree how crazy is that where you have
Farmers that are not allowed to farm anymore and have to get rid of their cattle and the whole the whole world is
a little crazy but it’s largely taken its lead from us I I do say though I’ve
heard in terms of the fossil fuel because even to uh create your electric
car and create the electricity needed for the electric car you know fossil fuel is what really creates that at the
generating plants and you know so you sort of can’t get away from it at this moment I mean someday you might be able
to but I do hear we have anywhere from 100 to 500 years left you know much of it hasn’t even been found yet yeah but
there are tremendous like anoir I got anoir in Alaska approved Ronald Reagan
couldn’t do it nobody could do it everybody tried nobody could do it I got it approved the first thing that Biden
did was unimproved it to get rid of it he uh ended it his uh his secretary went
in and she ended it and what a what a disgrace that’s andw that’s bigger or
they they think it could be bigger than Saudi Arabia in Alaska could be bigger than Saudi Arabia but they went in and
they terminated it and I’ll get it going very quickly because not only is it big for Alaska I mean you talk about
economic development that for the United States I mean that that is they say bigger than Saudi Arabia or the same
size and pure really good stuff and you know they end it so I think we have you
know perhaps hundreds of years left nobody really knows but during that during that time will come around that
will be very good yeah well I mean and my my estimate would be you know a little more aggressive than that but
it’s it’s not the sort of like we’re all gonna die in five years stuff that that’s obviously BS um but I me my view
is like if you just look at sort of the POS Fillion uh that increments every year you know you get sort of two or
three POS per million every year of of CO2 u i mean my I I think of that it’s
problematic if it accelerates if you start going from 203 to say five and then there may be some situations where
uh you get uh just a step change increase in the CO2 um and and I think
we don’t we don’t only get to close to a thousand PPM because like that’s that’s actually makes it uncomfortable to to to
to bre like just existing in in th000 PPM CO2 is is uncomfortable that’s that’s like a that’s considered like an
industrial hazard right just so so it’s you know that’s that’s actually you
start getting headaches and stuff so it’s even without global warming it’s not it’s not comfortable to so you you don’t want to get too close to that but
I mean I think we’ve got I think we want to just move over like and and if if I don’t know 50 to 100 years from now
we’re um we’re we’re I don’t know mostly sustainable I think that’ll probably be
okay um so it’s it’s it’s not like the the house is on on fire immediately but it I think it it is something we we need
to to move towards and on you know on balance it’s probably better to move
there faster than slower but but like like I said without vilifying the oil and gas industry uh and and and without
causing hardship in the short term I think this can be done um with without you know people can still have you know
a stake and they can still drive gasoline cars and you know it’s it’s it’s okay it’s like it’s not I don’t
think we should valify people for it but I think we should just just generally lean in the direction of of sustainability um and uh I I actually
think solar is is going to be a majority of of Earth’s energy generation uh in
the future and it’s certainly trending that way and and so you get the solar power um find that with with with
batteries so because obviously the sun doesn’t shine at night and uh and then you use that to charge the electric cars
and you have a long-term sustainable solution and you know that that’s what Tesla is trying to move things towards and I think we’ve made a lot of progress
progress in that regard but when you look at our cars we we we we like we don’t believe that environmentalism that
caring about the environment should should mean that you have to suffer so we make sure that our cars are are beautiful if they drive well if they’re
fast they’re you know sexy I mean they’re they’re cool in fact literally I mean the sexy joke Model S model 3 Model
X and Y spells out sexy was probably the most expensive joke out there um but I you know I just I don’t know like cheesy
humor you know so um and but but I’m I’m I I’m I B kind of like let’s have an
inspiring future and let’s uh let’s work towards you know a better future and and
and we can do so without demonizing right I’m I’m okay you know it’s very interesting uh you use the word global
warming and today they use the word climate change because you know you have some places that go up and so they were
getting themselves in a little trouble with the word global warming because not every place is warming some places are going the opposite direction but uh you
know I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roof of your cars and on the trunks of the cars and
it just seems like something that at some point you will come up with I’m sure you’ll be the first but it would
seem that a solar panel on on the roofs you know on flat surfaces on certain surfaces might be good yeah at least in
certain areas of the country where you have the or the world where you have the Sun but I would I would think and I have
no idea because that’s not my world but I would think that this would be uh something that would be interesting but
you know the one thing that I don’t understand is that people people talk about global warming or they talk about
climate change but they never talk about nuclear warming and to me that’s an
immediate problem because you have as I said five countries where you have major nuclear and and you know probably some
others are getting there and that’s very dangerous that’s where you need a strong American president because you just you
don’t want to have this proliferation but you have five countries and getting
more you know China is much less than us right now but they’re they’re going to catch us sooner than people think
they’re way lower Russia and us are number one and I we’re sort of tied and
China is far behind but they’re developing at a level that you know you’re not surprised to hear very fast
it’s gonna they’ll end up catching up maybe even surpassing but to me the biggest problem is not uh climate change
it’s not and and and everything’s you know a problem but it’s the grees to me the big problem is the nuclear power the
power of nuclear is so great and when I talk about I’ll prevent World I’ll
prevent World War I uh I will but but the truth is that you have to because
this is no longer army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other this is yeah a level of Destruction and
power that nobody’s ever seen before yeah and actually there’s there’s the bad side of nuclear which is nuclear war
very bad side but there’s there’s also I think um nuclear electricity generation
is underrated um and it’s actually you know people have this of of nuclear um
nuclear electricity Generation Um but but it’s actually one of the safest forms of electricity generation it’s
it’s just a huge misunderstanding um and uh if you look at the injuries and deaths you know caused by say I mean I’m
not going to try to pick on coal mining but just any kind of mining operation um and uh there’s a certain number of
injuries and deaths per year and you compare that to nuclear nuclear is actually way better um so it’s it’s
underrated as a as an electricity source and I think it’s something that’s worth reconsidering but there’s so much regulation that people can’t get it done
um so that you know maybe they’ll have to change the name is just it’s a rough name there are some areas like like when
you see what happened bad branding have to Rebrand it we’ll have to give it a good name we’ll name it after you or
something you know um no it hey it has a branding problem you know when you see
what happen it does have a branding problem when you see what happened in Japan where they say you won’t be able
to go on the land for about 3,000 years did you ever say that and in Russia where they had the problem where they
you know the there’s a lot of bad things happened and they have a problem and they say that in 2,000 years people will
start to occupy the land again you know you realize it’s pretty bad true but there’s you’re right about
it it’s actually not that bad so so like after Fukushima happened in Japan like
people were asking me in California you know are we worried about like a nuclear Cloud coming from Japan I’m like no that’s crazy it’s it’s actually it’s not
even dangerous in Fukushima I actually flew there and and and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it um and I
donated a a solar water treatment yeah solar power system for a water treatment plant and um yeah but you haven’t been
feeling so well lately and I’m worried about it no no but I mean I’m only it’s fine you know it’s it’s like uh you know
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed but now they’re they’re like full cities again so it’s really not something that
you know so it’s it’s not as scary people think basically but um let’s see
I mean I mean are there some other topics we should touch on um oh you know like lawfare I think you know we need to
be concerned about what they’ve done to this country obviously yeah yeah well we just won the big case in Florida this
was a Biden Administration did something that’s never been done in this country
and that’s go after their political opponent me with this nonsense uh and just nonsense and the big case in
Florida we won but they’ve always they always pick judge and a jury and they used local Das
they Ed the local attorney generals like fonnie you know fonnie spelled f a n i fonny and
it’s it’s all a big hoax and it’s all run from there like in Manhattan uh the
one of the top people from the justice department went in Ran Manhattan ran the state the Leticia James deal was run by
a person from the Department of Justice Biden they’ve never done this before and they set up a very bad precedent it it’s
it’s called lawfare Warfare it’s uh it’s a terrible thing and never happened in
our country it does happen in banana republics and third world countries but it’s never happened and the incredible
thing is it actually drove my numbers up because people see you know fortunately I have a platform like you or you know
in all fairness like a conversation like this where I can talk about it and people understand I mean you you fight
for election integrity and you end up getting indicted because you’re fighting for election integrity and when the day
comes that you can’t fight for election Integrity you don’t have a country anymore so what happens what happens is
they went after their political opponent me now Biden’s a you know close to
vegetable stage in my opinion okay I I looked at him today on the beach and I said why would anybody allow him the guy
could barely walk why would anybody allow him does he have a political advisor that think this looks good uh
you know he thinks this looks good because it looks so bad and it’s it’s ridiculous I mean and he’s been doing
that for a long time you know he can’t lift the chair the chair weighs about three ounces it’s meant for children and
old people to lift and he can’t lift it the whole thing is crazy it’s clearly I
mean it’s clearly like we just don’t have a president right you don’t have a president and she’s gonna be worse than him because she is a San Francisco
liberal who destroyed San Francisco and then as attorney general she destroyed
California you talk about location and we’re talking about the sun and the water and all there’s nothing better
than California she has destroyed that she was the original da she was the original in San Francisco she was the
original attorney general in California what she has done to California is well you know better than I do you just left
California for a lot of those reasons and what she’s done with with crime with
with cashless baale where you kill somebody I mean we have states there you kill somebody and they let you out right
away I mean you you don’t have to even put up and then they never find the people unless they kill again and then they let them out again our our country
is becoming a very dangerous place and she is a radical left San Francisco
liberal and now she’s trying to protect now she’s looking like she’s she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s
possible I don’t think it’s possible but she wants to be more Trump than Trump yeah I want a war I you know she wants
to release all the prisoners that are in detention and some of these guys are really bad right that just came out
today she wants she doesn’t want to build the wall even though the walls work walls and wheels you know in your
business everything you do is obsolete almost well not the tuttles but everything is obsolete even your rocket
ships they like a month later they’re obsolete you find a better way to the only thing that’s not obsolete is a wall
and a wheel and the wall you know I built hundreds of miles of wall and
that’s why we had such good numbers I was going to add 200 miles we bought it we could have flipped it flipped it up
in three weeks and they sold it for 5 cents on the dollar that meant I said
wow that means that they actually do want to have open borders she wants to have open borders and now she’s going
like she’s tough on the on the border it’s such a lie yeah this is simply not true this is simply not true everybody
knows it’s true it’s a disgrace that you can say it no I mean obviously what what’s happening sort of overnight is
they’re they’re rewriting history and um and making uh kamla sound like a
moderate when in fact she is far left like far far left worse than Bernie Sanders she is considered more liberal
by far than Bernie Sanders she’s a radical left lunatic and if she’s going
to be our president very quickly you’re not going to have a country anymore and she’ll go back to all of the things that
she believes in she believes in defunding the police she believes in no fracking zero you no now all of a sudden
she’s saying no I I will I really want to see fracket the day the if they got
in the day she got in she’ll end fracking and by the way if people didn’t think that the lunatics that what that
really believe in that uh they won’t vote for her you know um like like the
Palestinians and Israel she is so anti-israel and she’s bad for both Biden
actually did something that was impossible both sides hate him you know both sides that was a hard thing to do
unification yeah no no I mean I mean the you know Netanyahu came to give a a talk
to a joint Senate and House uh sitting and I was there and and and kist do them
up you know what does that say I think it’s highly disrespectful and I say if
you’re a Jewish person or if you believe in Israel if you’re a a person that you know is a very pro Israel if you vote
for her it’s worse than Biden and Biden was bad but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined and you
see tonight I mean as we’re doing this I’m seeing reports coming that they expect an attack tonight or tomorrow
from hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets you know they’re Iron Dome as they call it as we all call it but their
Shield that they build uh that can be uh swamped we’ll use the term that’s
appropriate swamp but they swamp it by shooting enough missiles you know this better than anybody by shooting enough
missiles they can’t defend themselves you know they just obliterate the whole place and that’s what some people think
they’re to do and we have no leadership there’s no respect for the United States of America with these people and I’m
telling you he’ll be worse than him because she’s a believer in being radical left and he wasn’t I I think
you’re right I mean you really it’s it’s important for the for the public that may be listening to this to say to look
at Comm track record you know uh before the last like month and say uh is that a
track Rec would you agree with um and I think if you’re an independent uh moderate you definitely would not agree
with it um because it is her behavior has been farle and we’re seeing just an overnight
propaganda attempt to rewrite history and make it sound like H is moderate when she in fact is is not moderate well
her uh her running mate uh approved signed into legislation tampons in boys
bathrooms okay now that’s all I have to hear tampons in boys bathrooms and that
means she believes in that too I mean she picked this guy because he was the
closest to a lot of people thought she’d pick sort of the opposite but she picked an
anti-israel radical left person but she is far worse they say than Bernie
Sanders if we have her as a president if we have a Democrat at this moment as a president I don’t think our country can
survive I I think it’s I think it’s a massive I think I think we’re in massive trouble uh frankly with with a K
Administration and that’s my honest opinion um and uh and I I think uh I
think really it’s essential that that uh you win for the good of the country uh
this election and I mean that’s I’m just stating my opinion um now you know you
may have seen this but I I got a letter from the the the EU commission like saying you know to not have
disinformation on the like during this discussion that we’re having like and you know there’s like there’s there’s a
lot of attempts to do censorship and to force censorship even on Americans uh
from other countries and um you know what do you think about that well I know the uh European Union very well they
take great advantage of the United States in trade as you know we uh through a different form NATO uh we
protect them and yet uh if you build a car in the United States you can’t sell
it in Europe you just can’t sell it it’s it’s impossible uh the same thing with our Farmers our Farmers find it very
difficult to do business you know we have a deficit with them of $250 billion
which people don’t know it sounds so nice the European Union but let me tell you they’re they’re uh not as tough as
China but they’re bad and I let them know it and that’s probably why they notified you no they don’t treat our
country well we defend them you know uh with Ukraine so we’re in for 250 billion
and they’re in for about 71 billion and they have the same size it’s if you add up the European nations that you know in
terms of an economy it’s about the same size wouldn’t you say as us and they’re and and and they’re in much greater risk
they they’re right there we have an ocean separating us from in this case the enemy would be Russia used to be for
the Soviet Union but let’s assume they’re close enough and what happens is
uh they’re in for 70 something million I think I think even less than that billion and we’re in for about 250
billion and it could be a lot higher than that and I say why aren’t you going to equalize why are aren’t they paying
what we’re paying and they’re in much more you know they’re it’s much more important for them because of the fact
that you know they’re right near there I mean they’re all sort of in that location we’re not but they should they
should and I did it with NATO we were there were only seven countries that were paid up in NATO out of 28 at the
time and the United States was subid the United States was subsidizing NATO
tremendously subsidizing NATO and I said I went in and I said you got to pay if you don’t pay up we’re not going to
defend you any longer I took a lot of heat but you know what happened billions and billions of dollars came flowing in
and yeah I think I think a lot of the public isn’t isn’t aware of the fact that the United States pays a
disproportionate share of of the NATO expenses and then we get taken advantage of on trade so think of yeah well I mean
the point of NATO is defending Europe and it’s uh you know it it’s like then
okay well why why is the United States paying disproportionately more to defend Europe than Europe
that doesn’t make sense that’s unfair um and that that is an appropriate thing to address well you know when you talk
about cost cutting and savings and everything else I mean honestly look there’s nobody that feels worse about
the Ukraine situation than I do because I know it would have never happened I know zalinski he was very honorable to
me because when they went with the Russia hoax and they said I had a phone call with him he said it was a perfect phone call it was a great phone call he
could have grandstand it and you know said oh he he was very threatening he said no was a very nice phone call he I
called him up to congratulate him on his win and you end up getting impeached because these people are lunatics you
know I was talking about the difference from the people within and the enemies on the outside in many cases the people
from within are more dangerous for our country than the Russians and the chin
if you have a smart president you’re not going to have a problem with them you’re gonna make you’re gonna do things yeah now they’ve taken advantage of us
incredibly but you’re going to do things with the right person yeah well I I I think it’s obvious that you’re you’re
you’re a Believer and an advocate of of free speech because during your first time as president you were attacked
relentlessly every day often very unfairly with f you know with false attacks and and you didn’t try to shut
down the media you didn’t try to uh inhibit their freedom of speech and I think that says a lot well the good
thing is that you and I have and some people very few uh we can get the word out although sometimes it’s hard because
they don’t want to print it you know like like we’re having a great conversation right now Kamala wouldn’t
have this conversation she can’t because she’s not smart you know she’s not a smart person by the way she can’t have
this conversation and Biden we don’t even have to talk about it I mean he couldn’t have this conversation he he
would have given up in the first half of a question he would have walked out he would have said where am I where am I
going so anyway but no he wouldn’t have this that’s true not a lot of people would have this conversation but you
know we cover a lot of territory but the beauty is that you you know we can have a conversation and I’m a to get it out
without because I get treated this is a really big point you can actually have a conversation with you yeah it’s nice
isn’t it and you can’t have a conversation with Biden or Kamala it’s like not it’s not possible that’s
true this is like talking to an NPC so it’s just impossible well but think of it we need a man or person who’s
unbelievably sharp in order to stop all the nuclear danger and all the dangers that I’m talking about and I got along
with you know I got along with Kim Jong-un we had dinner we had everything and he he really liked me and I got
along with him really well by the way he’s he’s the absolute boss over there you know a lot of people said oh do you think you really let me tell you I saw
things that you don’t want to know about he is the boss but we had a good relationship and and he doesn’t like uh
Biden he considers him a stupid man he said he’s a stupid man well at least he speaks his mind but you know in this
country you’re not sort of allowed to say it but I guess you are you should be allowed to say that it’s true but we need really we need smart people and we
need people that have an ability to lead and she doesn’t have that ability can you imagine now you know chairman she
very well can you imagine her and him negotiating or even standing together it
it is the whole concept is ridic she is terrible she’s terrible but she’s getting a free ride I thre a picture of
her on Time Magazine today she looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live I it was drawing and uh actually
she looked very much like our great first lady Melania she looked she didn’t
look she didn’t look like Camila that’s right but of course she’s a beautiful woman so we’ll leave it at that right
yeah well you know maybe like I think it’s part of what you know people in America want to you know people in
America want want to feel excited and inspired about the future want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past and that this that
America’s going to do things that are greater than uh we’ve done in the past reach New Heights that make you proud to
be an American and uh and excited about the future um they want the American
dream you know they want the American dream back more important than anything else it’s it’s like you don’t have that
today because the people they’ve been just sucked they see incompetent people running our you know the the Biden thing
is very interesting people just found him to be incompetent and when I debated him I was like is this for real it was
yeah it’s just it was just absurd um but you know I think there there are like you know some some you know Grand
projects that that that we we could do I mean I think like you know we could we could build a base on the moon we could
send American Naes to Mars we we could uh bu build highspeed connections that
are you know more advanced than anything else in the world between our cities so people have fast transport um you know
it’s possible to solve traffic with tunnels we we you know we already made pro great progress in Vegas doing that
and um you know and and and just do things that are exciting and inspiring and make the future feel like it’s
better than the past well I saw what you did in Vegas and I’ll tell you it was amazing I I got to see I took a big
Glimpse at it and it’s incredible what you you know it’s incredible and you could do that all over you could do that
all over it’s uh it’s deep yeah you don’t even need much structure you know assuming you’re in the right area no
it’s it’s straightforward it’s amazing so and and like I think we could do some
some things that like like China’s got incredible highspeed Rail between its cities but I think it’s actually
possible um with with with tunnels if if with deregulation with with an ability
to actually where like legal to to actually do the tunnels think you can have highspeed tunnels that are actually
better uh than than than anything else in the world for highspeed transport between cities and that would be
something that you know Americans can say wow okay we’ve got something that’s cooler than anyone else in the world
that’s that’s kind of thing that makes you proud to be in America much safer than surface uh
where there is a danger there you know with people with crazy people it’s much safer much better and you know it’s sad
because I’ve seen some of the greatest trains I I find it fascinating and I’ve seen the systems and how they work and
the bullet trains they call them I guess and they they go unbelievably fast
unbelievably comfortable with no problems and we don’t have anything like that in this country not even close and
it doesn’t make sense that we don’t doesn’t make sense yeah I think also like there there’s you know I just kind
of hopping on the excess regulation but I think something that um that I think people can generally understand is that
what happens with laws and regulations is that they just there’s more and more of them every year and unless there’s a process to clean them up eventually
everything becomes illegal and and that actually SL slow it slows down the development of new technologies I mean
if you take the sort of like I think we this there there’s room for some reform at the at the FDA for improving the
speed with which we you know approve drugs that that could help save lives and improve people’s lives um and I work
very hard on that you know we got that down to to the lowest number ever and we got uh Therapeutics approved in the FDA
that people can’t even believe the speed but I I took them on I I don’t think they like me too much but I got things
approved in the FDA at at at numbers that they wouldn’t believe and you know
it’s a very bureaucratic group actually it’s a fine group of people in many cases I got to know a lot of them but I
was pushing them really hard for regenerant for so many different things that that were really pretty amazing but
but the FDA takes too long they would it’s 12 years to get a product approved I got it down to four and I got some
things done very quickly but it’s uh it’s really something that is gonna have
to be worked on because it takes too long just takes too long yeah it it just takes too long and it’s you you end up
in the same with with the approval but just it’s just you know it takes years instead of something that that I think
could potentially take months and that impr improves people’s lives I think you know and and but but it I I just wanted
to to hop on this point that like there has to be an active process uh for
reducing rules and regulations because otherwise they they just keep building up every year and you get like hardening
of the arteries and eventually everything’s illegal or takes forever um and and then and then we we we just um
we just aify as a society we just uh we can’t make any progress and and that’s
it’s a really big deal you know El just getting back to the FDA for one second I got something done called right to try
this is where you can go in and if you’re terminally ill you can use a Space Age uh you know medicine or
whatever it may be we have the best doctors the best labs in the world we really do and but people would go to
other countries because you couldn’t use this the product even if they thought it worked because it’s going through the
FDA I got it approved where you can you you basic you look nobody want the
doctors didn’t want it because of the liability the country didn’t want it our country because they didn’t want to get sued these are people terminally ill the
insurance companies didn’t want it and the pharmaceutical companies nobody wanted it I got everybody into a room
and we came up with an agreement that you won’t get sued and also they didn’t want it on their record if somebody’s
terminally ill and they die after taking a drug they didn’t want that on their record so we set a second a separate
list if somebody was so it wouldn’t count as a negative okay and as you know we got
we have saved right to try they’ve been trying to get this done for 58 years and
it sounds simple was it because you know I mean you know the insurance companies nobody wanted it but we got it done
somebody signs you sign a document that you’re not going to sue the insurance companies the country you’re not going
to sue anybody and we got it done and we’re saving tens of thousands of lives right to try hopefully you never need it
but if you do you don’t have to travel to Asia you know people if they had money they go to
go to Europe if they don’t have money they go home and die that’s what happened they’d go home and die yeah
well well I mean actually to to give you some some props here it’s like if a drug is approved approved in the in in Europe
which has a crazy amount of regulations it should obviously be approved in the US I mean they got more regulations than
we do so what why would a drug be approved in Europe and not in the US that that’s crazy well we did it we did
something that really they’ve been trying to do it for 50 years and they just couldn’t get it done and I got it done and it’s uh it’s really something
but you’re right some people go to Europe because a drug isn’t approved here but it’s approved in Europe and
it’s a drug that generally speaking would work it’s pretty crazy absolutely you’re right and I I think so so long as
people are properly informed of the pros and cons and like these the risk the you know those are the risk and like you
make your own decision um that that makes sense well I think just you know in sort of closing up and by the way I’m
looking at the numbers you got a lot of people listening I hope you don’t get nervous because you got a lot of people
listening to you right now like 60 million or something what is that number it’s crazy it’s amazing how you can see
that right away how many what is the number wow what is it well I think in
terms that’s bigger than you said you you said 25 and you’re more than much more than double that number 25 million
I think you’re going to be 60 or 70 and I guess over a period of time hey that’s I congratulate you do I get paid for
this or not well I I think actually in terms of the
number of people that will will hear this conversation um over the next uh you know few days to weeks uh it’s going
to be hundreds that’s what they say yeah that’s good well look it’s an honor I but I I just asked this are you better
off now or were you better off when I was President nobody’s better off now people you know we put out polls on that
and nobody’s better off now inflation has killed it and you know they also feel very unsafe you look at what’s
going on with a lot of different things you look at the riots we had at the colleges over I mean it’s ridiculous but
right all of the riots they just feel unsafe and now they really feel unsafe because you have a new form of crime
it’s called migrant crime I call it Biden migrant crime maybe I’ll call it Camala migrant crime but you know I mean
with all these things I always try to like try to get to the ground Truth by just asking people and you know my my mom lives in New York and I I was like
you know Mom you know do you know have any of your friends you know been attacked or assulted and she said yeah
three of her friends in three separate incidents were assaulted just just just in recent months just walking around the
streets in New York and I and I and and I said well did what what happened to the people that sold them oh nothing
they they got away like and and they they just know get away nothing and they
don’t even they don’t even bother reporting it because there’s not they know that there’s not they’re not gonna
you know people are not going to get prosecuted they just they just let you know violent criminals out in New York
the only one that get prut is Donald Trump they don’t they prosecute Trump yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s just
obviously messed up terrible if violent criminals are being of being getting off Scot fre um and and and meanwhile that
the the you know New York spending massive resources Prosecuting you and it’s like what this you know and and I
think the sort of sensible public said looks at this and says what the heck’s
going on here this is obviously abuse the legal system um you know the legal system is supposed to be protecting the
public from um violent criminals and it it should be obviously allowing the public to make their own decision about
who should be president as oppos to you know some uh you know legal case once
they start this predent because this can go on with the next one I mean this is a very bad precedent what they’re doing in
terms of you know going after their political opponent and that’s all it is it’s going after their political opponent and and then you get a judge
who’s you know a strong Democrat and I’m being nice when I say that in many cases is crooked as hell but you get a judge
and you go into an area where a republican gets three or 4% of the vote and you know you’ll have a jury pool
with uh people that hate Republicans or hate it could also be the other way
though because it could start the other way in areas where they hate Democrats and you get into a Pandora box it’s a
very dangerous thing for this country and a very dangerous thing even for the state New York City is Los New York city
and state lose a lot of business over what they did to me because these people say we don’t want that to happen to us
that’s no justice system you have an unfair system of justice and it’s costing New York State a tremendous
amount of money people are leaving and companies are leaving and they won’t come back so you know all of that stuff
is important but the economy now is the big thing and we can turn that economy up so fast and people are going to be
back again we’re gonna get rid of inflation I think there lot a lot of opportunity absolutely absolutely so and
I just want I want to congratulate you you’ve done an amazing job you are you have definitely got a fertile mind you
know we can talk you and I can talk about rocket it’s kind of you to say thank you well tunnels we can talk about tuddles and Rockets and and uh electric
cars so many things and now you you’re into the AI and that’s going to be another Beauty I’ll say so it’s h yeah
it’s an amazing it’s an amazing thing you’ve done Elon it’s an amazing thing and I congratulate you I mean thank you
and well I mean I just to say here you know here’s to an exciting inspiring future that people can look forward to
and be optimistic and excited about what happens next and that’s the kind of future that I think you will bring as
president and that’s why I endorse you well I appreciate that that endorsement meant a lot to me not all endorsements
mean that much to be honest your endorsement meant a lot and you know we have a a phrase make America great again
it’s pretty simple but it really says that we want to make America great again and we can do it we can do it now but if
we were going to suffer another four years like we’ve suffered for the last four years I’m not sure the country can
ever come back that’s how bad it is it’s so bad we have to we have to do a lot I think that’s a very real risk it’s a big risk it’s a
very real risk and and you know I just like to to note to people listening like I I’ve not been very political before
and and just if you look at my track my record it’s I’ve actually been I’m I’m I’m not like some they try to paint me
as like a farri guy which is absurd because I’m like making electric vehicles and you know solar and batteries helping them with the
environment and uh and and I actually I I uh you know I I support Ed Obama I
stood in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when when he was running for president and you know so it’s not
like I’m like some sort of died in the wool long-term Republican I’m actually I call myself uh you know historically a
moderate Dem Democrat and but now I feel like we’re really at at a critical juncture for the country um and uh you
know I think a lot of people thought you know that Biden Administration would be a moderate Administration but it’s not
and and obviously that we’re just going to see it and and and um an even further
left uh Administration with with kamla that’s that’s my honest opinion I mean
her dad is literally I mean she was brought up as a as an actual her dad is is is a Marxist
Economist that’s you can Google it I mean it’s not a we’re not making this up you know um that’s how she was brought
up so and and we we we just we want to have a future that is prosperous and and
I I think we’re just at this critical juncture and um and it I think this is a
case of the America uh is is GNA add a folk in the road and true um and I think
it will take it will take if the path to like you are the path to prosperity and I think Kamala is the opposite then
that’s my I mean that’s my honest opinion I’m I’m gonna get attacked like crazy and you know I’ve also experienced quite a bit of lowf far myself um and uh
but I’m just trying to tell people my honest opinion and and I I haven’t been active in really active in politics
before um and I’m just trying to point out that my track record historically has been moderate if not moderate
slightly left and and uh so this is to people out there who are in the moderate Camp to say I think you should support
um Donald Trump for president um and and I I think it’s actually a very important Junction the road and and we’re deep
trouble if they don’t if if if it goes the other way well I want to thank you and you know I actually always did think
of you as somewhat left I must say that so it’s it’s even more of an honor to
have your endorsement I know how strong you feel about it but you know when you think of her uh San Francisco 15 years
ago I had a great friend Bob Tish he said it’s the greatest city in America and now it’s you it’s not it’s almost
not livable there and California likewise and she was involved in the destruction of San Francisco and the
destruction of California and she will be involved in the destruction of our country if people are so unwise as to
elect her and I hope that doesn’t happen and I hope the elections are going to be run honestly and we’re going to turn
this country around we’re going to we’re going to do things that and we can do it fairly quickly and we have to get rid of
the criminals that have been you know given to us by other countries as they laugh they laugh at us they think we’re
stupid to accept these people these are radical Stone Cold Killers in many case
cases and terrorists and they’re in our country by the hundreds of thousands yeah and we have to take them out yeah I
mean if if I could summarize it perhaps you know I think these are ISU that I think most people in America uh would
would agree with which is that we want safe and Clean Cities we want secure borders uh we want sensible government
spending we want to restore both the perception and reality of respect in the
in the in the judicial system you know stop the lawfare um and uh and I think
that that’s like and how are the how are those even right-wing positions I think those are just that’s just common sense
and and that’s uh I mean would you agree with that 100% I I don’t understand you
know the whole they call it Progressive they don’t like the word liberal anymore but call it liberal or Progressive I
don’t understand how somebody could say that it’s okay for them to empty prisons into our country and again I told you
their crime rates all over the world are going way down which makes sense in fact the next time what we’ll do is if
something happens with this election which would be a horror show we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela because it’ll
be a far safer place to meet than country okay so we’ll go you and I will go and we’ll have a meeting and dinner
in Venezuela because that’s what’s happening their crime ratees coming down and our crime rates going through the
roof and it’s so simple and it’s you haven’t seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and
they’re just getting acclimated and they don’t know about being politically correct law enforcement or lack of law
enforcement and our police I I have to just end with this we have great police we have great law enforcement but
they’re not allowed to do their job they have to be able to do their job without being destroyed well absolutely and it’s
it’s obviously demoralizing if you’re a police officer risking your life uh to you know to you know to arrest violent
criminals who could kill you and do kill you sometimes um and then you you arrest the violent criminal and then the The Da
you know doesn’t prosecute and and that’s let the guy out well then like why why should a police officer risk
their life uh to arrest a violent Fon well even worse nothing’s going to
happen even worse they prosecute the police officer they they go after a and they prosecute the police officer and
they take away his pension they take away his job he loses his family he loses his house well I I I thought I
thought it was very telling like incredibly telling that you know when that that was a case where uh you know
sort of a gang of thugs beat up uh police officers I think it was in Times Square in New York and and and then
nothing happened to those guys they were they were let out zero bail and I think a bunch of them were given free tickets
to California well what is I mean that that is that is a that is a gross indignity against the United States and
and that’s how I mean this is insane like have we lost all Pride what that
how can such a thing be allowed to occur I’ve never seen anything you know we’ve SE where they get shot it’s very
dangerous profession but something they’re very proud of and they want to be able to do their job but I’ve seen
them get shot I’ve seen a lot of but I’ve never seen where these guys are standing in the middle of a biget
everybody watching them and they’re literally boxing like punching stand up fighting a police officer there were two
of them and yet had about six of these guys and they’re punching the hell out of them and in their own country they
would be dead if they did that they’d be shot they would be shot instantly and
you know they come from these countries and it’s taking them a while to realize that we don’t do that in this country
but in their own country if they stood on a street and had a fight with a police officer they would be shot
there’s no political correctness and it’s such a sad it’s such a sad thing to see and that’s the reason you have crime
by the way because we don’t do anything about it yeah we we just cannot have a situation where our police officers beat
beaten up on camera uh by you know a gang of illegal immigrants and then nothing happens to to to the guys that
beat beat up the cops I mean and they’re let out this is unacceptable we’re g to change it and we’re going to get them
out of the country you know when I first got involved they said you couldn’t get them back to these countries you couldn’t take them back and the case of
uh Guatemala Honduras El Salvador some others you couldn’t get it back and I said really oh you can’t get it back
because under uh Obama he couldn’t get him back they’d put up they’d fly him in and they’d put planes on the runways in
these countries so you couldn’t land a plane they’d bring them back and the general told me the generals told me you sir we can’t bring them back the
countries won’t accept MS13 gang members they won’t accept them and I said really how much do we pay these various
countries in terms of economic aid which is also somewhat ridiculous and the answer was $750 million I said
good tell them they’re in default they’re delinquent we’re not going to do we’re not paying them anymore because
they won’t accept and you know what happened they all called me every one of them they said we would be honored to
take them back sir we would be honored it was so easy but it’s one of those things and we got him back we took in so
many you know MS13 is probably the worst gangs in the world they’re the most vicious violent we took them out of here
by the thousands and got them out of here and they countries took them back and because I said you’re not getting
any more economic aid and once I said that they were nice they wouldn’t take them back for Obama they wouldn’t take
them back for anybody and now we have a problem because we have this guy and they again they don’t take them back
anymore with the Biden because they don’t respect him yeah yeah so it’s just it’s just gota it’s just gota be done we
we just can’t can’t have uh whether they’re citizens or not citizens we can’t have because they
weren’t prosecuted citizens either not not just just legals so uh if it’s you
can’t have violent you repeat violent offenders that are not that that that
don’t get um incarcerated that’s right because they will they will obviously by
definition continue to uh to to uh you know hurt people and and and I I think
where part of this comes from is that there’s um and I you know I do sort of consider myself liberal in some ways I
mean I it’s just that you want to have empathy for people obviously you want to have empathy for people I totally agree
with that you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the victims of the criminals and if you if
you just have empathy for the criminals it’s it’s actually shallow empathy it’s not real you’re not thinking you’re not
you’re have one layer deep uh empathy you got to say like what if you don’t incarcerate this person who are they
going to uh hurt who are they they might kill someone they rap rape someone if if
you don’t incarcerate them you have to have empathy for the victims and there’s a lack of empathy for the victims of the
criminals and and too much empathy for the criminals it doesn’t make sense I that’s why you want to have deep empathy
for society as a whole not shallow empathy for for criminals and we have to give our police officers the dignity and
the respect that they deserve and we have to let them do their job they they can do a great job but we have to let
them do their job and if we don’t do that we you know it’s it’s going to all it’s going to all disappear there’s
never been a society like this where where you’re allowed to do anything you want and nothing happens and I’m talking
about violent crime and it’s going to get more violent because these are really really violent people and we’re
going to get them out of our country and we’re going to get them back to where because they were sent here by the
presidents and by the various people that run those countries and I know every one of those guys and they’re smart people and they’re StreetWise
people and they really think that the USA is stupid they think we’re run by stupid people and they happen to be
right but what I was there we had no problem we got them out we took out thousands of MS13 gang members we
brought them back and now again they it’s the same old story we don’t do it and they actually gave them a big
increase in a they they raised it up to billions of dollars and they get nothing
for it so you know it’s it’s uh I hope everybody’s gonna vote for Trump and we’re gonna get this country straight
and I didn’t need this I’m like I didn’t need this I had a very nice life I didn’t need to to go through court
systems and go through all the other stuff and run at the same time I have to run I have to go through fake trials
with in some cases corrupt judges totally corrupt judges I didn’t need it I had a nice life I have great locations
I have beautiful oceans that I have places you know I this was but I felt it was important and if I had to do if I
had to do it over again you probably think I’m crazy for doing it actually but if I had to do it over again I would
have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life this is we’re going to save this
country this country is going down and these people are bad people that were running against and they’re Liars they
make statements they they they do things that are so bad they they say they’re
going to make a strong border they say they’ve been great on the border and they’ve been the worst in history they
say they’re G to stop CRI the facts speak for themselves so incredible speak
like it’s got got to the point where where people just don’t even bother reporting crime in a lot of CI because they know nothing that’s going to happen
um you that’s what I hear anecdotally from from people all the time um so you know it’s just you know my values I’m
just saying to to people out there like my you know the things I I think are important for the future is like we’ve
got to have safe cities we got to have secure borders we got to have senseful spending and and we have and we’ve got
to have de you know deregulation and um so we can have a prosperous future and then we want to have some exciting you
know sort of moonshot projects that that people get get fired up about and um you
know that’s that’s the future I’m looking looking for and um you know I’m Pro environment um but but I’m I’m not
against uh you know I’m not like I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because they’re they’re keeping
civilization going right now and uh but I do think we want to move you know you know a reasonable speed towards uh a
sustainable energy economy those those are my values and and and I think um you know and and and so I mean that’s uh why
I’m supporting you for president you know well I appreciate we’re going to make we’re going to give incentive to
companies to come into our country not to leave our country we’re going to be giving tremendous incentives we want
companies to build here not to build in other locations and we want to create jobs and again it’s about the American
dream you don’t hear about the American dream anymore Elon you don’t hear you’re the American dream in the truest sense
but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore and you’re going to hear about it people they need that incentive
to go out and Yeah and do it and they they’re going to love their lives I mean they’re going to love they’re going to look forward to getting up in the
morning and going to you know going to a job that they love not a job that they can’t stand or not any job at all where
they have no money where they literally have no money and then they end up with violence and lots of other problems no
we’re gonna do we’re gonna do some great things and I learned a lot in the first we had a great economy and all of that
we rebuilt the military did so much but I also learned and I also learned the best people I learned the good people
the the smart people the dumb people the people that can do things the people you know you learn learn when I first came
in I I tell people I was in Washington DC only 17 times according to the fake
news media I was in 17 times I never stayed over and you don’t know people
you rely on other people to give your names and then you realize the people you relied on weren’t so good now we had
great people but we also had some where I wouldn’t have you know used them had I known now I know everybody and I think
we’re going to uh we’re going to really turn things around fast we have no choice otherwise we’re not going to have a country and I really appreciate this
has been to me it’s been a lot of fun being with you you’re an amazing guy you’ve done an incredible job and a
great inspiration to people a great inspiration and I hope you keep going and just uh continue to do well and
we’re going to have a big election coming up and I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history
of our country I think that election will be the most important election and I think it’ll end up being maybe the
most important day in the history of our country because if yeah we don’t win I just feel so sorry for everybody no
we’re I think we’re at at a folk in the road of Destiny of of civilization and um and I think we need to take the the
the right path and and I think uh you’re the right path so I think that’s what it comes down to thank you very much Elon
it’s a great honor and we’ll we’ll do it again sometime and uh it’s been really
fun and I hope you got a lot of viewers I hear you got a lot but I hope you got I know you got a lot of them so uh I
appreciate it I’ll see you soon all right sounds good thank you thank you Elan thank you very much bye well I
think we will I’m pretty sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book with uh
so many millions of people and it’s an honor we view that as an honor and then uh you do want silencing of certain
voices usually those are voices that have something to say that are constructive oftentimes constructive and
so we have to consider it an honor but congratulations breaking every record in the book tonight that’s great well thank
you um well I maybe uh we could start off with um I mean the assassination
attempt uh which uh was an incredible thing and I have to say that uh you know
your actions after that that assassination attempt were inspiring um you know you instead of shying away from
things instead of ducking down um you were pumping your fist in the air and saying fight fight fight and I think
that’s I mean you know the the the president of the United States represents America and I
think that is that is America that that is strength Under Fire and um so that’s
uh you know a big you know part of the reason why I was uh incited to endorse
you as the President of United States for having another term here is uh that
was that was just incredibly inspiring but but I mean what was it like for you not pleasant I have to be hon Pleasant I
said it was blood I had more blood I didn’t know I I didn’t know I had that much blood the doctors later told me
that the ear is a place that is uh a very bloody place if you’re going to get
hit but uh in this case it was probably the best alternative you could even think about because it went at the right
angle and uh you know it was a it was a hard hit it was very I guess you would
say surreal but it wasn’t surreal you know I was telling somebody you have in is like this or like a lot less than
this where you feel it’s a surreal situation and I never felt that way I knew immediately that it was a bullet I
knew immediately that it was at the ear yeah and because it you know it hit very
hard but hit the ear and I also heard people shout bullets bullets you know
get down get down because I you know I moved down pretty nicely pretty quickly and we had bullets flying right over my
head after I went down so I’m glad I went down the the bigger miracle was that I was looking in the exact direction of the
shooter and so it hit it hit me at an angle that was uh far less destructive than any other angle so that was the
miracle that was for those people that don’t believe in God I think we got to all start thinking about that you have
to uh you know I’m I’m a Believer now I’m more of a Believer I think and a lot of people have said that to me a lot of
great people have said that to me actually but it was uh it was amazing that I happened to be turned just at
that perfect angle and uh all because I put down a chart on immigration that showed that the numbers
were so great I I love that chart even maybe it’s a sign maybe that’s a sign
you know it’s an immigration sign you highlighted a serious issue at that
moment the bullet Mr you know hit your ear but but but you know M Mr your your
head I mean the amazing thing is that uh the sign I said bring down that sign on
immigration and it was literally about an eighth of a second where it would be good and and after that it was going to
be a disaster no matter which which way you were facing but it just had that that perfect angle which was exactly at
this shooter very sad situation such a sad situation as you know we lost
somebody that was great Corey who a firefighter a a great gentleman a great
a great Trumper he was a a just a fantastic family and a fantastic man and
a friend of mine came up Elon and said I’d like to give the family some kind of uh help and I said that’s great he said
do you mind I said I don’t mind it all and he wrote out a check for a million dollars gave gave it to the wife and you
know she said this is really nice but I’d rather have my husband back which is a nice thing for somebody to say to be
honest she’s she’s great the family is great and we raised a lot of money for them and for uh two other gentlemen were
are unbelievable people also they were hit really badly they thought they were not going to make it and they did the
doctors in the Butler area I tell you they were incredible they saved the two
and they were really hit tough both of them equally uh and we thought we my
first question was because I heard bullets flying over me and I said how many people were killed because we had a massive crowd there a tremendous yeah
thousands and thousands of people and there was no land I mean there was just it was all people so I said how many
people have been killed because I knew there were other shots being fired sure and they said uh we don’t know yet but
some people have been badly hurt and uh I have to give the Secret Service sniper
they call him or Sharpshooter but sniper because he didn’t know there was a problem he’s been he’s an extraordinary
shot obviously and he didn’t know there was a problem and he was able to pick it all out within five seconds and he used
one bullet from very far away I guess probably about 400 yards the shooter was
130 but he was on the yeah he was on the opposite side of the field and the
podium and he saw the the smoke and the flame from the gun immediately
recognized it and immediately took a shot and it was one perfect shot from
very far away and if he if he didn’t do that Elon he would have I mean if he would have a lot of people a lot more
people have been could have been badly hurt and killed so I I have to take my hat off to him because that’s also a
surreal you know he been with them for 23 years and there’s he’s never had anything like this and all of a sudden
he has to act and it’s a very tough thing to act and to be shooting somebody but he saw the uh he saw the gun saw the
smoke saw the flame from the gun very far away I obviously has very good eyes he’s got very good Vision which I assume
you have to have in that particular work but he uh he took gim very quickly and
it was they say it was approximately 5 seconds from long range one bullet if that didn’t happen the shooter had a lot
of bullets he had a lot of a lot of cartridges up there with him so I mean I
mean that that that’s clearly you know um you know he was he was very confident
in taking that shot uh to stop the the Assassin the attempt at assassination um
but but I mean there does seem to be I mean some pretty significant failings um elsewhere in the system like there’s
just no way that like how on Earth does a shooter get on a roof 130 yards away
um that seems crazy um I think most people like people are wondering how that how on Earth could such a thing
happen well you know I view it as two ways there should have been nobody in the roof there were people because there
were so many tens of thousands of people there there were people that were seeing him and there was one woman with a red
shirt and uh Trump all over it and she’s screaming that guy’s got a gun you know
you saw it probably yeah a guy with a gun me it’s like I’m just I’m just I
guess I mean for my part and I think probably many members of the public are wondering how the heck are you know
basically people wondering by pointing out there’s a guy on the roof with a gun yeah um and they’re seeing it but
somehow that’s it’s not being addressed um that that does seem crazy well they
they’re going to learn from this the communication between the local police who sort of had an idea and then
ultimately a man lifted himself up to the roof could barely do it because you know he was pulling himself up and yeah
he saw the man with the gun the man with the gun pointed the gun at him he thought he was probably going to get
shot but you know he was like pulling himself up and because of that he couldn’t get to his gun and he fell down
actually very badly hurt his uh leg his ankle I hear very badly but but he fell
down and he did you know from what I understand he did say there’s a guy up there with a gun and the
the shooting started very quickly after that I think it I think it forced the shooter to go maybe quicker you know he
was supposed to be a very good shot yeah my sons uh Don and Eric they they can’t
believe what happened but they said from 130 yards a bad shot would hit that
Target almost every time they said it’s like in golf sinking a two foot putt yeah it’s not a hard it’s not a tough
shot it’s not a it’s not a long shot the uh Secret Service person had the long shot he had a you you know triple the
distance actually so uh you know it was a a terrible thing look uh it it’s hard
I have to say this about the Secret Service when I went down and you know I went down based on I think they’re
screaming uh but other people also because people saw this happen you know you had so many people one of the
Miracles was that nobody ran I mean if if a gun goes off the crowd control
people showed showed us this when guns go off and it does happen in stadiums soccer match or some kind of a match
everybody flees they call it a stampede like cattle but everybody and a lot of people get killed with those stampedes
we had more people than you’d have at you know some of these matches or or these games and uh nobody left you know
you had a small group behind us in the grand stand and that was full and you
look at it as it was taking place and normally they’d be running they didn’t leave they saw that I was hurt they saw
a lot of blood and they saw that went down and it’s almost like they wanted to be with me well out front you had
thousands tens of thousands of people you as far as the I could see you had people in Butler as far as the I could
see and and uh and a lot of press too There Was You Know many cameras on
watching this it’s what made makes it so different because normally things happen that aren’t good but you never have a
picture of it here we have all these cameras shooting it so uh you know sort of amazing but one of the interesting
things was that you didn’t have anybody flee you didn’t have anybody Stampede nobody and there was some people behind
me they stood up and they’re looking like you know I mean I tell you you want to have you want to have them in a fox hall with you I want to meet some of
those people because it’s so different from what you heard but so so I was down but the Secret Service guys there were
bullets flying right over my head you could hear them go whizzing and yeah and these guys came jumping on top of me you
know and a young lady Kate uh would jump they they move mov so fast and let me
tell you that took tremendous courage now there was a lack of coordination uh there was you know obviously everybody
understands that somebody that that building should have been covered and yeah I mean I mean I mean looking at the
the aial views that building would be like the number one spot for a sniper I it’s like it’s like the if you were to
pick like what is the favorite if you so the goal is to assassinate what’s your favorite spot that building that
building would be number one that would have been the it’s like you could ask for a better location it’s like that would have been this you know what
people think is when the uh local policemen who by the way you know he really uh he did what he was supposed to
do he couldn’t hold on any longer and then when he got his head just peeking above this guy standing there with a gun
at his head and when he fell down again hurt his ankle very badly but he was making the calls but what happened is
the firing took place very soon so what they think is that this guy ran to his
site which he had planned out with the gun uh he ran to the site and he started
shooting fast and maybe that’s why he uh well he sort of missed I mean you know
he he got but could have been it could have been um could have been a much
bigger problem but he totally would have hit if if you hadn’t turned your head so like you know there was a it it was very
near thing he was a miracle if I hadn’t turned my head yeah I would not be talking to you right now as much as I
like you exactly would not I would not be talking talking to me from another
round per yeah that’s right we’d be talking from a different place but uh it
was a it was a you know it was a very terrible experience the the Butler Hospital they did such a great job uh
the doctors were so good everybody was so good there was there was a mistake if if if somebody knew because people were
hearing that you know there was just a bad feeling that there was somebody was around you know that story now it’s been
and if could have said because they’ve oftentimes said you know like it’d be a lightning storm or something because
I’ve done I think over 300 I think I did a lot more than that but we did a lot and often times they’ll say Sir could
you wait 10 minutes please sir could you wait 20 minutes as a storm overhead or lightning or something right and that
happens often and this would have been a perfect time for that to have happened but it didn’t it didn’t get coordinated
that was the problem well uh it was uh your I think uh your your um actions in
the in the heat of fire and you know like what I I find admirable there was that you you can’t
fake bravery under such circumstances the courage is instinctual or it is not it’s not a rehearsed action and so I
just want to say that uh I think a lot of people admire your your your courage Under Fire there and um yeah so thank
you very much I I appreciate it I didn’t I don’t think I didn’t think of it I just want to get up and I want to stand
up I want to let people know you know I felt I was good when when they were uh on top of me covering me actually very
much covering me and and very bravely but uh I wanted to get up I said I want to get up and uh they wanted you know
they had they have everything there they have they wanted stretcher I didn’t like the stretcher and I knew I was hit in
the ear but I knew I wasn’t hit anywhere else they felt I was hit someplace else because it was such a lot of blood and
they were sure that I was hit someplace else and they were saying sir you you you were hitting more than the air I
said nope I was hit in the air I want to get up let me get up and so we I got up
and the crowd didn’t know what to think I mean this was so so many people and they did you could see they were
confused they didn’t know what to think and I wanted to let them know I was okay it was very important for me to let them
know that and they went wild you you’ve seen the after they didn’t go wild when
I got up because they didn’t know was I alive you really couldn’t tell when I stood up before the hand before the you
know the fist in the air uh they didn’t know if I was alive nobody did and uh
when I put the fist up they were they were just relieved and happy and thrilled and the place went crazy it was
pretty amazing it was a it was a terrible thing but it was incredibly moving yeah um well and and I mean
speaking of the the the the sort of slide that got you to turn that uh saved
your life really uh was the illegal immigration slide maybe this maybe this
it’s worth talking about about that it was that slide that slide say the